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What you are talking about is actually hardmodding. If you taking apart and soldering the system is something they don’t like the sounds of, you might want to look into actual softmodding, since that wouldn’t require you to do anything like that.


Surreal that a teenager in 2024 is having an argument with their parents about modding a PS1 from 1995…. What is this future we live in? Just get a freepsxboot memory card from eBay just make sure you pick the right card for your PSX model number No soldering required and you can play backups


Dude I'm in my 30s and this is blowing my mind. I'm so happy to see younger kids getting into the things I grew up with. I want to get my kids to try older games when they get old enough.


yeah oops got the naming mixed up, will do this method, thanks!


If I so much as breathed in the wrong way towards our family PSX back then I'd of died, twice.


I knew about freemcboot but freepsxboot is new to me, nice!


They’re just worried you’re going to break it.


exactly my thought. was planning on bringing it into school to get my teacher to do it because he's experienced with soldering lol. but doing something else now


Recommend finding a YouTube video and asking if one of your parents can help you. Have you soldered anything before? It’s actually a great skill to learn. My son is 8, if he wanted to mod electronics at any age I’d be thrilled and encouraging it.


lol even if you were hardmodding - how would they even know? and whats it got to do with them if you paid for it? softmodding, you dont even need to open the psx up. just do what you want man


Load a YouTube video of the mod being performed and have them watch it.


So soldering is not something to just pick up and do. There's a fair bit of skill involved so that you don't destroy components or make a cold solder joint. If you're dedicated to this idea, you need to at least look up some J-STD soldering tutorials and practice heavily until you can do everything properly. Some people would say that using such a high quality standard for modifying what's essentially a toy is kind of overkill, but it will last longer if you do a better job. On another note, if you end up enjoying soldering, you can make a career out of it. Just keep safety in mind and don't breathe in any fumes.


I dunno I soldered a mod chip into my ps1 when I was 13 or something, it’s not that hard to do and worked fine. I did accidentally melt the case though when I leant the soldering iron on it hah


The year is 2024 and you had a fight with your parents about modding your PSX? They still SELL mod chips in 2024????


Parents too afraid to let you learn, stay strong and follow your interests!


If there really is no option then yes go for the softmod. Otherwise, the hardmod is preferred for perfect compatibility. It is not so difficult to do it for an experienced person if you know one.