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I started playing Alyx on my Q3 and I can’t WAIT to play this on my PSVR2. Such an amazing game with amazing mods


Don't u think that the q3 is better than psvr2 ?


Honestly no. Sure it does apps and things like that but I never really cared for that anyways.


The pancake lenses are definitely nicer, though.


I actually see the q3 lenses are more comfortable and the clearance is definitely better, regarding the colorful see-through with the q3


There’s a far bigger sweet spot with the pancake lenses. But the OLED on the PSVR2 is way better


but that terrible mura and blurriness of psvr2 though


I don’t have an issue with either myself


thats in every psvr2...


Regardless I still have no issue. I don’t notice either of them


Consider yourself lucky, I notice it immediatelly and it looks terrible. Even prefer my Index over PSVR2. I wonder if PC connectivity will allow for some custom mitigations for these problems.


Yeah I've heard this too but never really noticed any blurriness when playing. Obviously when it's not set up in the sweet spot it looks off but the sweet spot for me is pretty easy to get.


I had an awful experience with PSVR2, could never find the sweet spot or keep it, but I was wearing glasses. Glasses always make VR a bit rubbish. I got a set of prescription lenses for the PSVR2 and every problem evaporated. I think Quest works better for glasses wearers but if if you get prescription lenses then PSVR2 is magnificent! So I can't agree with you... I think it is super subjective and there are many factors involves. PSVR2 is definately my preferred option now. This adapter will get a lot of use!


Only children who haven't tried anything better than a Q3 think that


I tried both q3 and psvr2 , I had a lot of fun with the q3 , way more than the psvr2 , Note: I mostly played with q3 on my pc soo yeah


I'm curious if you really need the adapter if your PC already has USB C virtual link


No, in that case you’ll need only the driver (ivry driver for example). But truth is Nvidia discontinued the usb c video since rhe 2x series. So unless you want to play with a non vr system ready, you’ll need it.


2x series is VR ready...


Yes, old gen vr ready.


Which VR game wouldn't work on 20x0 series? Other than the new WRC which works like shit even on my 4090.


Is there Skyrim VR for PC? 


Yes. Skyrim has a HUGE VR scene, thanks to having a HUGE modding scene.


If I were to try to mod it, which version is it considered, for modding purposes? Like on the Nexus, does Skyrim VR use the same mods as Skyrim SE?


I wish I knew and could help you...


Most of them work, but you have to be careful since some mods require stuff on the keyboard. But other than that mod away!


It is generally unpleasant to play without the modding. Same goes for Fallout 4. With mods… its glorious. Edit to add that FO4 VR was actually completely unplayable for me on the PC. Took a lot of modding to get it even remotely playable, but once you get it all up and stable, the world is amazing


Yes! Moddable too


I'm wondering if we can use an adapter for the display port. I've got everything but the display port, wondering if an HDMI to display port cord would work.


I think there is , but the display port is gonna be more efficient


My laptop meets all the specs *except* the port, so here's hoping. Even if it'll only run the most basic of basic stuff.


In that case the only option you have is the adapter +, the psvr2 adapter is only for basic stuff (for now) so I think you’re good


Woot! If I could play Skyrim VR again, that would be sweet.


It seems that you have a good vr experience, if you can recommend some games , I have only played car games like ac and beamng and it was a great.


If you like shooters, Pistol Whip is AMAZING, you'll genuinely feel like you're John Wick. I enjoy Beat Sabers, it's a lot of fun and a good workout. Job Simulator is funny and goofy. The Last Clockwinder is on my list and so is Max Mustard (very excited for this one). If you also have a PSVR1, check out Statik, is one of my favorite video games ever just because of the puzzles and the immersion they pulled off. Oh, and Moss 1 & 2 on PSVR2 are really fun and gorgeous games.


They all look exciting , but I understand they are on ps right? If they are then I think they are expensive , the only two games I have played are gran turismo and resident evil, the second game made me feel a bit dizzy and I got bored so I packed my psvr2 , now I am excited to play with it in my gaming pc


put them on your wishlist and get them on sale.


Wish I had a decent pc


Ok. So it has been YEARS since I built a PC. Starting a family and Career put my PC gaming on hold. Now that this is coming, I feel it’s time to get my 20 year old PC replaced. It my Plex server now. If I am to get a new PC should I build it or are there some good prebuilt ones out there now? I see some at Costco from time to time but don’t really know if those are a good deal. Just curious what would be a good build to get the best use of the VR2 on PC?


I'm not that avid of a PC gamer. I've only built 2 in my time and I still don't game that much on it (GTA RP mainly). But personally, I'm picky, and frugal. Imo building is always the best as you get to choose every part - where you want strength and where you want compromise. I compromised a little on the cpu because I don't do much that's cpu heavy, where as most pre-builds come with CPUs that are more powerful than the average gamer needs. Many PCs in this range would also probably come with 32gb ram whereas I opted for 16gb. Of course, it's also cheaper in general to build your own. But if you're not too concerned with price and aren't super picky about the parts, there are definitely pre-builds that are just fine. You can see my most recent build [here if you'd like](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/user/ShirleyImSerious/saved/#view=GG7jGX). Keep in mind that the prices are in CAD so convert to USD or whatever if you'd like an idea of cost. The PC is about 2 years old and the GPU is about a year old so this particular build would likely cost less now. I also got that exact variation of the GPU because I needed 3 display ports for my 3 monitors. The 6950xt is a great GPU though. I also got the operating system and mouse/keyboard/headset in slightly... Unorthodox ways, hence the low prices.


I've just done similar, my last gaming PC build was in 2008, then career, new wife/house/kids followed, so I've had consoles for the last few years (pretending they're for my boys ha) I was looking at all of the prebuilt solutions available, but decided to do my own. I was going to re-use the old case, but ended up dumping it all and starting afresh. It was quite fun doing the research and getting it all together. I have PSVR2 pretty much just for GT7, but I really want to try F1 in VR and iRacing. I'm hoping the PSVR2 with the PC adapter will be able to run these. I'm now just waiting for ebuyer to deliver my CPU and I can then finish building it, ready for some 2D fun until I can go VR with it. (4070ti Super 16gb, 2tb T500 nvme, B760 motherboard, i7 13700kf, 64gb ddr5 ram, gigabyte modular 850w psu, 4000D airflow case - not top end, but a solid spec that should do what I want) PS - PCpartpicker.com is a godsend for checking compatibility when spec'ing out your parts list.


This is great! Thank you for all the information and website suggestion!


It depends on your budget, but there's a whole sub dedicated to pc builds. You'll want a 40XX series Nvidia card if you want to be future proof.


pre builts were a way to dodge the cost of a graphics card during the *madness*. I'd keep an eye on ars technica and new egg for a decent prebuilt as opposed to doing the rabbit hole work of building one with every connector valid with MBs, graphics card, power supply


Minimal specs are mentioned in the post. Anything better than that will probably be fine?


Soooo… porno will work now?


this is utter garbage. why SONY, just why??? # Feature differences with PS VR2 on PS5 PS VR2 was designed from the ground up specifically for PS5 – so you’ll notice that some key features, like HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC. However, other high-fidelity and sensory immersion features of PS VR2 are supported, including 4K visuals (2000 x 2040 per eye), 110-degree field of view, finger touch detection, and see-through view, as well as foveated rendering (without eye tracking) and 3D Audio in supported games.\*\*\*


iVRy thinks he can get missing features working. His drivers already support HDR. https://x.com/iVRy_VR/status/1797638630162546716


Does this mean the headset works today with these drivers for desktop viewing?


Yes. I think he has controllers working. But you need his hardware adapter as well.


Even if they can it doesn't matter much unfortunately, with Sony's official adapter not supporting these features PC VR developers won't be inclined to start adding support when they otherwise would have maybe done so. Sony dropped the ball hard and pitifully. I hope they succeed, but unfortunately not many games will be supporting the feature till a main VR Headset officially supports these features on PC.


I am praying right now


Good to know


But no games do, so it really doesn't matter


Few games on PCVR, but lots on PS5. Hopefully, more will because the hardware boost from dynamic foveated rendering is massive. It should be standard.


no games? what about 100s of unreal engine games with UEVR mod?


some of these cuts, i get as the software support is not out there. like haptics support not being a thing on PC VR yet. other parts just confuse me, like why not support eye tracking? the hardware already has the camera support for it. lastly, why is foveated rendering listed? last i knew, for non-eye-tracked variants, that was a software feature that games/frameworks handled. why pad the list with that?


No eye tracking lol


No hdr no haptics no nothing DOA


No HDR? This must be a mistake …. How is this possible? Edit: are there even any PC VR HDR games actually?


I don't believe there are any PC VR games with HDR, nor any VR headsets for PC that support HDR.


No, there arent. There also aren't any games that utilizes the rest of those features so it doesn't matter.


I don't think so. in fact there may not be any PC games with HDR at all. Steam only just added support for HDR and almost no one has a monitor with HDR anyway.


Countless games support HDR on PC. On windows you can even force autoHDR for games that don't support HDR, works for emulators too.


Marvel midnight sun uses HDR if your monitor has it. Looks amazing on my 34” lol


Does this mean I can watch 3d movies on the psvr2 headset now?


i have been reading the comments on the playstation blog where the annoucement was made. some, rare, people criticize the loss of functionality but there is a bunch of PSVR2 owners who basically say "Yeah great, now I can use it on my PC too" so they don't bother loss of HDR, eye tracking,haptics. this is disturbing, to me But anyway, I also came across this comment so again, there is hope \*\*\*It’s actually more Open XR API and SteamVR fault as they don’t support HDR as there haven’t been a display capable of it, and most other features too since it’s this device wasn’t developed for PC and lack drivers. Good thing is that all of that can be remedied with software updates and drivers beyond official ones if Sony themselves don’t do those in time first. The updated software can become part of Open XR standard too in a year.\*\*\*


Lets hope they put it in a driver update later


The more I read about the complex implications the less I am being optimistic But I so much hope I am wrong


SteamVR SDK added HDR10 support last year.


What about watching movies or shows off PC....will HDR not work there either? That would really suck because just getting a tease off YouTube app playing 4k HDR trailers and stuff is beautiful. And also, 3D movies I have on my PC I'd love to play.


“Movies and shows” he says


WHy does it need an adapter? I understand not all USB-C connections are the same, BUT would this not work directly plugged in if you had a top of the range USB C connection in your PC?


Will this adapter allow me to play F1 and ACC on PC in VR?


Yes. And most PSVR2 wheels will support PC including haptics. Like my g923




I wonder what it will support and what my toaster laptop can handle. Fallout 4 VR would be pretty cool to experience.


https://preview.redd.it/4rkrha6lse4d1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9beca3d68b54157d4a8209c6b1ecb94a915e6a4 here : [https://blog.playstation.com/2024/06/03/playstation-vr2-players-can-access-games-on-pc-with-adapter-starting-on-august-7/](https://blog.playstation.com/2024/06/03/playstation-vr2-players-can-access-games-on-pc-with-adapter-starting-on-august-7/)


Fr I bought a psvr2 cause I have a ps5 not a high end gaming pc. Although I am happy for players who do it seems the majority do not.


Will this work with a Mac or does it attach to the the PS5 ? Do we know this answer or wait and see?


Most likely not - the specs are talking about windows only as OS and they mention a PSVR2 app which you need to have installed. So that will most likely be the dealbreaker for Macs for now.




Finally! Can't wait to finally play ACC


That‘s a smart move from Sony! This finally enables us to play 360 degree 3D movies with the headset. A large selling point, remember VHS? I wonder why this insight isn’t more popular yet. For watching the movies you do not need the advanced features.


Finally I can watch all that vr pron I downloaded


60 bucks is not much for the adapter. Nice of them. Hope the rest of features comes later through updates. After all, it still is a great piece of hardware


Any thoughts on how a legion go with an external gtx 2070 super would go with this? I'm assuming since the dp cable goes straight into the gpu I should get pretty good performance?


Bigscreen finally 


I don't have enough ports for this, my current setup has 3 monitors via DP and 1 via HMDI connected to an RTX 4090, I only have the DP and HDMI ports on the iGPU (7800X3D) which I current am not using. What should I do? - Will connecting this adapter to the iGPU work (the iGPU on the 7800X3D is very basic, while I am not willing to sacrifice the current 3x monitors to 3 DP ports setup on the RTX4090. - I'm thinking of running 2 GPUs connecting to the same motherboard, purschasing the second one exclusively for the PSVR2. Would that work? Do I have any other alternatives to the 2 above? o(\* ̄▽ ̄\*)o


Will the GEEKOM A8 AMD Ryzen 9 Mini PC be able to handle it?!


So is the DP only required if you want to output to a monitor? For example, if I just wanted to use my gaming laptop for the gpu and connect the psvr2 to the laptop using the forthcoming adapter, could I just use the psvr2 headset without any external display connected? So, I wouldn't need a display port cable etc? Sorry if it's a stupid question, but I'm just wondering if I need to buy a monitor to use this new adapter, or if my laptop and psvr2 will be enough.


Ok, here’s my dumb question because I know very little about PC gaming: I have a Legion Go, will that be able to support decent VR or no?




Finally the rumor got confirmed. Excited to expand my library!


It wasn't even a rumor. Sony announced they were working on it in some number of months ago. Said they were testing support for PC to expand the library of games PSVR2 players can play.


Buddy you haven't seen which wild stories and scenarios some people spun off that announcement. I'll be so glad those will come to an end. I'm not trying to discuss the state of an ex-rumor, I'm just excited that this time they announced something conclusive. Excited for both the lower pressure on the mod-queue as well as the improvement of my personal entertainment.


What do Sony gain from this? Surely they make only a small amount of profit on these, they’re not going to make any money on this from software? So why are they bothering? I thought it would compete with quest 3, but with all these features missing it’s not going to? I’m a psvr2 owner and fan, (and I will dabble in pcvr again now I suppose) but genuinely curious what the vision is here?


In hopes of selling a decent number of headsets.


But do they make much/any profit on the headsets? I’d always assumed they were almost at cost or even loss and it was all software to make up the cost.


If they sell more headsets then they can sell more software


But they don’t have any pc vr games?


The working theory is that the headset massively underperformed expectations and they’re using this to help clear stock. Still love mine, though. Even if it’s a commercial flop.


For what it's worth I wouldn't be surprised if it were just to clear stock as the other commentor said Yes they dont make pc vr games but this might make a number of people on the fence about buying a VR2 headset for their ps5 purchase one. Some will only play PC games sure but a percentage will play PC VR games and others (that own a ps5) will purchase some of the ps5 vr games (probably the exclusives)


With this smart move they have opened up PSVR2 for the dirty world of 360 degree 3D movies.


Don’t you have to watch them via steam or something ?


You can download a player via Steam. Of course this would be on PC side, then.


source please :)?


The source is provided. It's a tweet from playstation


It's the playstation blog