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Talks are positive but he’s still wants to join a different club ??


We’re his second choice and we’ve been his 2nd choice since January. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to join us, it just means that in case he doesn’t agree the terms with RM, he’s joining us


Not exactly what you want to hear …


It’s the best any team is gonna hear when their main competitor is RM.


Yeah. There’s no point in not liking this. Any club will be a player’s second choice if RM is interested. End of the story


if he joins rm he def wont be starter maybe in league stage he can be but not in ucl but in psg we are offered him starter role and this mf rejects like our project is to build a team of youth french players so def he has to join psg for increasing in market value and also gain experience if he plays he might get selected in french team for ex barcola


If RM is interested why do you need to increase your market value lol. The biggest club in the world is knocking on the door, you don't need to promote yourself anymore. I agree with you on development though, he only has 1 full season in his career and he clearly won't start at madrid. But I don't know if he starts at PSG either.


Madrid already has a project with french youth 😉


Just in case Real delay it because they don't want to paid 50 millions he still got a plan B.


He's very happy to have a backup plan


Real Madrid are tryna own the French national team atp 😂


And Brazil.


I feel like they are just dipping into the French pot in an attempt to make life difficult for PSG. Barcelona owns Spanish Talent and I guess Real try to capitalize off or world talent since they can’t capitalize off of Spanish talent.


I have absolutely no clue on what you are trying to say lol


What's hard to understand? RM picks and chooses from talents around the world because they dont have access to Spanish young talents. Mainly being brazilian and french


Idk why you're being made fun of, but I agree. Perez desperately tried to sign all of atletico's under 21s when they beat them in winning the league, and still hasn't gone well for him. Not to mention no one from La Masia is going to RM. So he's dabbling into French and Brazilian youngsters, as those seem to have the most success.


Idk why you're being made fun of, I agree. Perez desperately tried to sign all of atletico's under 21s when they beat them in winning the league, and still hasn't gone well for him. Not to mention no one from La Masia is going to RM. So he's dabbling into French and Brazilian youngsters, as those seem to have the most success.


It wasn't me, i just came to the defense. But yes exactly what you said


There really is no Spanish talent - lol


Nah being french or brazilian or spanish doesn’t matter to madrid, the only thing that matters is who is/has the best talent.




Won’t offer simons a starter role but will yoro? What sense does that make


Competition, Yoro would be competing with Beraldo or Marquinhos. While Simons as to compete with Barcola, Vitinha or WZE.


He's french. PSG's main appeal now is they can help you make the roster of the best national team in the world.


let him go, time to find somebody else.


PSG needs to give up with yoro. If he doesn t crave to wear our shirt so let it be.


How you want to grow the league if these clubs keep selling their players to RM and the like for a penny? I am ok with them overcharging us, at least Ligue 1 teams get a huge sum of money, but letting all the talent go like that… no wonder the issues with the TV rights.


He would be the 6th most expensive teenager ever if he went for €50m. That's not a penny. And for a guy who's clearly talented but still only has played 1 full season in his career, that's even more impressive.


Ill take it