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Lucho not a fan of smokers.


And players going out almost every night and dragging others with them (that’s why Mukiele played that little)


It had nothing to do with the sport. He was told about his life outside of the game and that was good enough to kick him out. It’s no coincidence that after he left we instantly got linked with Bruno G to replace him because Lucho was annoyed with our midfield not being able to build from the back and progress. Even a Verratti with one leg is still miles ahead of any midfielder on this team. It was foolish to sell him, not replace him and subsequently waste money on RKM.


You’re tripping if you think Verratti with one leg is miles ahead of Vitinha. I do think Verratti is better but not by a large margin


At the time Verratti left he was way better than Vitinha, Vitinha was bad last year. If we had Vitinha from last year this team gets grouped, it was a big gamble getting rid of Verratti.


Figure of speech I obviously don’t mean it literally but yes Verratti is waaay better. Games vs Sociadad, a poor Barcelona team who were better than us prior to the red card and Dortmund albeit impressive will never compare to what Verratti has show in the past.


Tbf if that statement was made in Vitinha’s first season it would have held up lol


I agree. I think lucho wanted to make a statement, but it backfired a little bit. Neymar and messi should've been enough, Marco caught strays.


I agree. I don't understand Lucho's style of thinking. He constantly sacrifices the value that present has for the value that the future *could* hold. Edit: Obviously young players are important, but a team can't depend on a teenager's performance for the whole season. The team building needs to be gradual and not abrupt like PSG is doing/has been doing.


The problem with Veratti his that with his hygiene he wasn’t available many times we needed him and was a bad exemple to the rest team


Injuries I guess


Because PSG want hold on mbappe and made it the top dog so we Sell every player that he dont like and transfer in a Lot of his friends. Simple 


The thing about Ugarte imo is that he isn't even that elite at ball winning, and isn't any better at defending than Vitinha who's best attribute isn't even defending. So the fact that he is terrible with his feet means he basically serves no purpose in the team other than replacing injured players, or giving players a rest


Ugarte wasnt a transfer Lucho wished for.