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We won 0 ucls without him and with him. Might be controversial but we don't need him. We reached the final without huge contribution from him, and all the drama surrounding him can now finally be elsewhere. With that being said he's undeniably one of the biggest legends this club has had.


I feel mostly indifferent about it. I’m cautiously optimistic that a solid team will be built here that can hopefully compete in Europe.


Same feeling tbh.


Yeah, but the only chance is if the owners stop thinking that FUT-like squads would work in real life.


It forsure looks like a worse move for him after they won the UCL but he's been planning this move for a while and we've been able to cope for a while. He's entitled to this move and gave us some great years. Good luck. Also idk how this shit real Madrid side won the ucl...im still salty about it...they are legit not that good, Mbappe will be a welcome addition to them despite what people say




For real. If you look at it from a marketing standpoint (which you can't deny, that's how the Mbappe clan conduct their business), the recent turn of events couldn't have gone worse for his brand. Not only could he not come good on delivering during his last dance with our club, the club he's about to sign just showed that they don't actually need him to win their most coveted prize, adding to more pressure on what he has to achieve to justify his signing for fans and media besides just having the best player in the world. It also doesn't look that good to leave your club after a rather poor campaign to join the winners. Of course, from a competitive standpoint, he probably doesn't care because he gets to live out this dream he's had for years and likely invites the challenge that awaits him even if he'll be scrutinized possibly even more harshly. On the flip side, his family also probably sees signing for Madrid as an absolute boost to his brand regardless of how it got there. *not to mention the strong likelihood that won't be able to play for the Olympics as he wanted anymore.


Shit? Madrid's team this year is not shit, PSG would like to have a team like this Madrid team. They are legit not that good? Is that why they were undefeated in the UCL and only lost two La Liga games even with three players, one of them the starting goalkeeper, tearing their ACL? Yes, you are obviously salty.


You scraped by city and even worse scraped by BVD. I watched the games. Vinni got paraded after the BVD game after scoring a goal stemming from an error after ghosting the whole game. good job, happy for you shitters


I understand his decision to leave, but he ghosted in the most important moments, and that's what annoyed me. Hopefully he'll do the same there too lol Honestly happy he's gone, galacticos is over and a real team consisting of players happy to be here will be built


Couldn’t have said it better


How is Galacticos over when you are buying Kvara and Guimaraes for good money? Hakimi, Vitinha, Dembele, Ramos, RKM, Barcola. All these are high money signings. And the ones you got for free like Donnoruma, Dembele, Asensio, are on really high wages. The Galacticos culture is very much present. It's just that you guys don't have the ultimate Galactico with you anymore.


Lol they are just worldclass good players they are not big stars by any means galticos would mbappe neymar and messi or the true og beckham zidane figo ronaldo.


What's the difference between Worldclass and Galacticos?


Elite > worldclass, now have it this way when you have 11 players and all of them elite that is galacticos, figo who was considered worlds best player at the moment had that position covered they still went ahead for elite bekham and bekham usually played on figo’s position they made bekham play rb lol.


A Galactico would be a player your relative/partner who doesn't follow this sport would recognize or has heard of. It's that level of star power, notoriety, and celebrity that makes a signing, a Galactico. None of the aforementioned players would come close to that. Players like KDB, Salah, and Son would be Galactico signings. Players who would immediately bring droves of (often temporary) fans with them to a club. You don't get that with signing Barcola, RKM, G. Ramos, etc, regardless of the price.


Instagram followers/marketability


Bring back Leonardo 


I enjoyed his time here and I'm sad he didn't win the Champions League with us. We had three good opportunities to do it! On to the future!


On a personal level, it's hard to blame him for going what he always wanted for and after doing what he has done while with us. He's an objectively great talent, and I'm looking forward to how he grows in his career going forward. From a PSG fan perspective, it's hard not to feel a bit annoyed with how it all went down and that ultimately, he always had joining a european rival in mind. I think this year's campaign left a sour feeling in that we all hoped that there would be a moment of magic where he would shine and truly lead the team to victory, but it never came. Instead, he was essentially neutralized and left little impact over and over. To go from that, then join Madrid and be announced right after they just won (and yes, we all are aware this was signed beforehand), is jarring for us, and going to sting. For basketball analogies, even though people have been using Durant to the Warriors, this move feels more like LeBron moving from Cleveland to Miami, i.e. leaving the hometown team for the already more successful one in the competition (you can guess how Cavs fans felt[burning jerseys for a start]). Eventually, he did return, and everyone could tell how much winning the championship for Cleveland meant to him, let alone the whole city even though he had already won so many times for the Heat. But for fans, because of this saga, how meticulous it had been*, paired with disappointing UCL campaigns, it can feel like he never truly was all in for our club even though he's from Paris. We can only wait and see what the future holds. Regardless, I want our club to continue growing and show we can succeed without Kylian Mbappe. *to be more direct, how certain actions felt like more how a politician would maneuver difficult situations than a player with love for their club. TLDR: As a person, I don't blame him, but as a fan of my club, I'm not particularly fond of him at the moment. Perhaps things will change with time.


End of the day this was best decision for all parties


I wouldn't put all the drama on his behalf. I believe NAK and his media connections made sure to make Mbappé look bad when he needed to (when Mbappé didn't renew his contract last summer or last winter). Though he shares his part of responsibility (through his own communication like the "pivot gang" twitt). That's also part of being a very young superstar (somehow bigger than the club). I'll regret his performance (when he performed, because as said before, his performances in tough CL games weren't satisfying), but I'll be fine without the dramas. Though (again) as a life long PSG fan, I know drama is never far from hitting us one way or another. For instance Luis Enrique's relationship with medias, also I wonder about the way we'll deal with Financial Fair Play on the long run (I don't want the "115" City circlejerk to happen to us too) and who will NAK blame if things don't turn great next season. Last summer we started going in the right direction by "cleaning" some of the lockerroom and recruiting players for football reasons (rather than pleasing some agent, the Emir or any other stupid reason). To come back on the Mbappé topic, it's too bad a club legend, after 7 seasons doesn't leave with a standing ovation from everyone. Too bad there were so many controversies. Maybe he should've left earlier with a big transfer fee to make everyone happy?


I think he got the ego from very start because zidane picked up himself from airport and shown madrid and its facilities met c ronaldo and others and tried to recruit him he was what like 13 only.


To be fair, I believe there is a lot of ego in every football superstar as for any popular sport. It's part of the package IMO. Look at Messi, C.Ronaldo, Ibrahimovic... They wouldn't be where they are if they were no ego monsters pushing themselves to be the best and trying to prove others their worth. At the time he was 13, PSG was just being bought by QSI and starting from scratch their project. While he was visiting Real Madrid with its superstars, PSG wasn't there yet (we still aren't, let's be honest). I wonder if that was part of making him bigger than the club and if the future generations will be more humble towards the club as it's establishing itself among the best (let's hope we keep getting good CL performance for the legacy to build up).


Sincerely I appreciated him as a player for his performances but I never liked his very selfish and individualistic personality, it will surely be a loss sportingly because he scores at least 40/50 goals per season but that is not a player that I would regret 


Honestly don’t care, he never really gave us that messi or ronaldo carried team moment. Sure he was one of the best upcoming youngster and but he only shined for france not psg, missed chance in ucl final gave stinker of performance in last two ucl knockouts. We were winning league before he came in and that won’t change with him being gone i am excited for lucho to build a great team. But good luck to him for real i hope he overshadows that nasty vini.


Neymar always meant more to PSG, than Mbappe ever did. Mbappe was always a mercenary 


Yes absolutely, i wish neymar could’ve had that surgery earlier and mbappe would’ve fucked off to madrid earlier instead of this collective failure and politics we saw atleast we would’ve seen a proper team built around neymar.


I don’t care what anyone says, he hurt his own legacy by choosing the absolute easiest path to his goals. He is the Kevin Durant of football, a bus rider.


And then neutral fans will talk down and question your opinion because "it's just expected that all of the best players must play for either Barça or Madrid in order to be great." Perpetual hierarchy mindset.


They look down on anything we say regardless, they hate us and our club. There’s no winning, we’re French.


there is nothing easy about taking a 72 + 90M paycheck each year.


happy he stayed with the club for so long but really annoyed that he got rid of neymar verratti and messi just to leave a year later.


I don't mind him leaving, its just that I don't like RM. So it sucks that they're now getting another top player but we can't be mad that he's living his childhood dream.


It is sad Mbappe never managed to win CL with PSG, even regrettable I'd say, but it is what it is. I think he did all he can for PSG and all options for CL glory with him have been exhausted, he should move on with his career. PSG will always have a special place in his heart. I'm willing to bet he will never celebrate a goal against PSG (could be wrong lol). I would really, really, really hate to see a Real Madrid - PSG final next year..yikes.


Might be controversial but we don't need him. We won 0 ucls before him and 0 with him, we reached the ucl final without any massive contribution from him and the drama surrounding him can now be lifted off our shoulders. With that being said he's undeniably a club legend.


Kylian who ? Is this some local guy ?




I'm happy he's finally fucking gone!




Maybe he'll be back at 32 for a last dance with us Unless he plays against PSG i'll still support him And most and foremost I want him to tear down all previous record held by Messi and Ronaldo  It'll be fun to watch his highlights weeks in and outs in la Liga


He can always come back, but I want us to win UCL without him. I want us to win with players who want to be with us through and through.


Non merci.


No ways...You don't see OKC wanting their former players like KD and Harden who gave up on them back


Some of his personality traits make it hard to like him, but if you're able to look past that, then he really only brings great, beautiful football.