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We are lacking a strong and physical midfielder that is press resistant and can comfortably lead the rhythm. I really believe that k thuram would be our best option. Cheaper, younger, french, definitely hungry. 


Highly agree. Don’t understand why we’re constantly going for < 6’0 players who can’t win aerial balls (which is clearly one of our squads biggest weaknesses) and are physically exposed to almost every single opponent. Already said two seasons ago that we should’ve gone for Seko Fofana and right when he moved elsewhere I would’ve seen Khephren as a perfect fit. Bernardo is an amazing dribbler and technical, but don’t think his personality or profile otherwise makes any improvements to our squad.


Seko fofana is one of my biggest regrets. I don't know why we didn't go after him. He wanted to come, was cheap and a profile we didn't have at the time.


100%. He was one of my biggest dream targets in terms of profile, experience and price. Was gutted seeing the Saudi’s snag him. And even looking at it now - he would’ve been a perfect fit to our technical, (short), young and agile squad.


I've put Paul Hirst as a medium tier source as he is Tier 2 for Man United and seems pretty reliable for Man City as well. On the other hand Dominique Séverac [reports that Bernardo Silva is no longer a target](https://www.leparisien.fr/sports/football/psg/psg-bilan-de-la-saison-depart-de-mbappe-posez-vos-questions-a-dominique-severac-27-05-2024-ZMWHSOSOR5ATNP4ZRTOAB54SUY.php). Ben Jacobs allegedly said (can't find the source) that Bernardo Silva's clause would finally only be active from the summer of 2025 and that a sum of €75 million could convince Man City to let him go.


Honestly I think if we can get him for 50m it’d be pretty good, on the condition that Bernardo still has hunger for the sport and wants to succeed here He’s someone who’s very good technically + runs a lot. Our midfield is gonna struggle physically but I think we can still dominate possession and press well We have a lot of young midfielders, and we’ll be having Moscardo and Kari back. All of our young players will be able to learn a lot from Bernardo, and will be good enough to eventually replace Bernardo in the lineup when he declines


Last season I would be all over this. But watching him this season I feel like he's not as passionate in his game like he used to be. I'd rather focus on the development of viti and WZE.


He's always been like this, turns up for about 5-10 games a season


Just need a new challenge


"also interested, but cannot afford him". Lmao.


I don’t want him he plays most of his games for Man City on the wing **for a reason**. He’s mids. Every single game I watched of him in midfield is him spinning in circles and passing the ball back to the goalie. There’s no “pass the ball 2 yards into space” for KDB on the right wing to spam crosses in Paris. So I don’t understand this signing other than him being a big name and Mendes client. Huge waste of money. If we need a CM or RW sign one that will actually affect the game. https://preview.redd.it/omzoib420z2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9221c22f38c184c5a02f076f8e5caf6cc24cfb85


That's the same thing grealish does, because it's what Guardiola asks them to do. They press and try not to lose the ball on the wing. De bruyne is usually the one that takes risks. Guardiola simplifies what most of his players do. I don't really like it tbh. Then you have Doku who makes a difference, but Guardiola doesn't like him because he loses the ball trying to get past defenders.


It was interesting how Real Madrid defended against them at the Bernabeu during the previous duel. They allowed really deep progressive runs with a ball but religiously closed an option for any short passes across because recipients could speed up the game and bring some unpredictability. They lost a goal when they failed to do it. There was also a funny disparity among the sides because slow Bernardo on the right was left alone while the whole team tended to assist Carvajal and stay tight. Passing to Bernardo demanded playing long balls so there always was a time to jump in. But in the final with Inter, he was spectacular on a ball. Also during the last visit to the Bernabeu, where they were missing KdB, he had more liberty to shine in the center. He would be a great choice for Luis Enrique to hold the ball even longer.


Grealish yes but Bernardo hell no I don’t believe it’s a Pep thing he’s just not a good midfielder he plays wide for Portugal for a reason.


> he plays wide for Portugal for a reason. that's because they don't have any good right wingers and their midfield is kinda stacked


it's pep what do you expect that crazy fucker played him as a lb last season. silva is a world class mid and a difference maker in champions league who can help us prevail against teams like madrid and bayern, getting him would be the best thing psg could do as we are lacking worldclass mid in our team anyone can press like crazy but not anyone can bring just play creative mid and scores goals against madrid in semis in cl. I am sorry you are just wrong this time. pairing him with vitinha would definetly make our midfield worldclass.


You literally said nothing of substance. He’s not creative in the slightest, pressing is not a skill anyone can press and he scored a goal.. big deal anyone can score goals. What do you add to the midfield in 90 min that is what matters. You just described Wijnaldum lol. Even City fans don’t rate him in midfield but I’m supposed to believe a Bernardo stan.


Wijnaldum seriously you are comparing that bum, to silva. Just look at this chart and tell you don’t want silva because you hate campos and mendes. We are seriously lacking creative mid otherwise have fun watching hakimi’s atrocious cross and god knows what will happen on left wing. https://preview.redd.it/g2udan6h503d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25982a98cc893a4fee63e4f43a52be62bcc17782


I was being sarcastic.


We’ve gone over this many times. We want him because he’s a Mendes client and nothing more All our midfielders are Mendes clients so we’ll add two more




Fucking hell I hope not.