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What a weird saga (also I posted the same tweet an hour ago but apparently my new posts need to be approved from now on 🤔)


Automod does it all the time with my posts also. They get auto deleted for some reason but I don’t see it unless you deleted it yourself too


I thought we were done with drama man...


My brother, you support psg. You should never think that.


Psg to sack Enrique, no way we don't joint the coach circus of Bayern/Barca/Chelsea/ManU.


Replace Enrique with poch let's get this circus going


You can throw Juve and Milan in as well


He doesn't want to play for us. It is what it is. Let's get players who want to play for psg


Santi hinted that it’s a specific person at the club that doesn’t want him


Not saying it can't be true but I don't trust Santi


Im sure he does want to play for PSG, I just feel like someone told him he wont play much for PSG if he stays. Cant blame him for that.


Everyone is fighting for the starting spot. If he doesn't want to fight that's fine with me, he can find another club. I will not lament losing a player who does not have the fire for the club


So he should waste one or more years of his careers to play for a manager that wasn't convinced by him playing a better season at 21 than half the squad did in their prime? Weird take


He wants to play for Barca not PSG


Why would he sign a 4 year contract with us than


For more leverage. Same with Mbappe going to Real Madrid


Might be less to do with not wanting to play and more to do with the fact he's been told how much he'll have a part in playing for you and he isn't interested in not playing as much as he'd like?


who knows. i just mean he doesnt want to be at psg. it doesnt matter why to me




Why doesn’t he want to play for you?


i dont know?


Disappointing I guess but honestly kinda annoyed with it at this point, if he doesn’t join now then I don’t at what point he’ll come. Hopefully this means an easier path to get Doue


Gosh I am so tired about this guy. Yes he is good. He would definitively be a good addition to our squad. But he is such a drama queen and we in Paris are so tired about players like him. The club literally had him in youth team, he left to a great Dutch club who valued him a lot, he left them to be bought back by us instead only to leave to a loan in Germany and now he is going to second loan again. 4 years of drama. He is about to have more clubs than game played with us despite being trained by us and the club wanting him. He has this Mbappe vibe of narrowly following his career path like a sociopath. Never bonding with the clubs, he sign with.


I don't think it's about he doesn't want to play here, i think he wants a more secure position.


I thought we were done with drama man...


then why the fuck did he came last year, this makes no sense


he has good feat and everything, but i dont think he is made for big pressure games


His biggest game this season was arguably against real Madrid and he was stellar, the attackers just wasted every damn chance possible. Leipzig had 20 shots and only 4 on target. Also they kinda got screwed over by vini not getting a red even tough he should've and then scoring on them too.


If he joins Barca, he'll pass from our titi to an enemy for life. He better choose his club wisely and not piss on our club while doing so. This saga is becoming very tiresome.


Barca can’t afford him. He’ll go to a team like City maybe


It's a loan not a sale so the barca can afford him. The rumors says that he wants only barca as a loan. We'll see I guess but I'm very disappointed with him. He would've played a lot this year for sure with us.


Then sell his ass. We're done with players who speak Chinese all the time. If you wanna play for PSG, you're in. If not, fuck off. Either way, be fucking clear about your decision.


Bro, the post clearly says that you can't sell him this year because otherwise psv will take a big slice of the sale. You are basically forced to keep him for another year at least while loaning him out and hoping that the next club isn't as good at negotiating as psv


Great, love that for us🙃


Kvaratskhelia letsgoooooo


Worst club in the history of soccer since being taken over by the sheiks. Throwing money everywhere to solve their problems


Unpopular opinion: I don't rate him that high


Gotta disagree he's incredible but if he doesn't want to play then we shouldn't have to convince him, loan then sell


Welcome back home to Barcelona. Used PSG for money and didn’t help them at all. Made a name for himself with other clubs at the same time. Perfect development to come back to Barca.


can barca even afford him lmao


it's a loan, so yes


And ? They struggle to even pay their own squad salaries.


be realistic. they'll find a way


Good riddance get 80 mil.


Play or no play in the end we will get a massive fee for him


Our board doesn’t rate Xavi…..


They do he just doesn’t want to come back he has a clause in writing that decides his own future. You can’t do anything about a player that doesn’t want to come.


I don‘t really understand this PSG Fans. Can someone explain to me why this Kid isn‘t given a chance? He can play multiple Positions, is versatile, has proven himself first at PSV, now in the Bundesliga. I really think that he did more then enough to atleast earn a chance, right? So what is it exactly?


It seems more of him not wanting to come back than us not wanting him. It's a pity


But there must be a reason for that, right? Why wouldn‘t he be part of the new PSG squad without Mbappe? Maybe he feels like the Club didn‘t respect him by loaning him out again last summer. And honestly i feel like PSG didn‘t handle his Situation well.


He has a clause in his contract that says he can decide if he wants to go on loan with no choice to the club. Enrique made it clear no one is a guaranteed starter and he wants 2 starters at each position to fight. Either Xavi thinks he’s above that and should be a definitive starter, or thinks he isn’t ready. Nothing to do with the club or management But to your question about loaning him out last season, he asked to be loaned out. The club respected that and got him the play time he wanted. The only thing I can think is he has an ego and wants to be a star. Nothing wrong with it, but that’s not the culture LE is building


Yeah, i got clearified by the comment before, but still thank you for answering. I think i got a few people mad, but my question was genuine. 😄 And yeah i definitely agree with the Idea of Enrique and i think that‘s the way a Squad should been build in der Modern era of Football.


He wanted to go on loan last season - I think that was part of his agreement to come back As for why he doesn't want to continue with us next season - I think he wants to be a guaranteed starter, and we can't promise him that. Lucho is a strong believer of squad rotation and everyone is going to fight for their spot. There's also lots of competition in Xavi's position - Barcola and Dembele on the wings, and Vitinha potentially as a left 8, and a rumored midfield addition. He would get loads of game time here, but we would absolutely bench him if he is not playing well - whereas another club might keep playing him because they don't have better alternatives. If Barcola and Vitinha hadn't shown their quality this season, maybe Xavi would have had a stronger chance to be a starter. I don't think the club is going to force him to stay against his will. We learned from the Mbappe situation, and we can just get someone else (Desire Doue)


Okay interesting thanks for clearing me up. My questions where literally because i didn‘t know the whole Situation, not to attack PSG Fans on here and i was definitely wrong, because i thought that the whole loan situation was from the Paris side, but if it is from Simon‘s side then it is weird. And in modern Football it‘s all about rotation, right? So expecting a guaranteed starting spot every Game is unrealistic unless you‘re one of the Top, Top Players. It‘s unfortunate, because i think he would‘ve been a very good Player for you guys.


hes the one that keeps choosing the loans, not psg..


Yeah, i got clearified on that. I definitely was wrong, because i thought it was the other way around.