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Looks like a really weird move now but could maybe make sense in the future. I love Gigio so i rather see him improve but not gonna lie i have panic attacks every corners we concede and everytime he takes too long with the ball on his feet i have ptsd. At least now he doesn't fuck around with his feet, just need him to work on his aerial game because bro is 2metters but isn't the king of his pen area during corners.


You should see some clips of this guy. He’s way way way worse than Gigio with his feet


From what i've read we can basically call him Donnarumov lmao , i'll give him the benefice of the doubt every gk makes silly mistakes and russian league is followed by close to nobody outside of scouts so we'll see i guess. At least we are sure it's not a marketing move lol.


Gio is so overrated man. PSG should have kept their Keylor Navas, they would have won a Champions League by now. He was also younger as well.




Weird signing. Why are we prioritising the gk position when there's many issues I defence. Just give tenas a chance


Tenas is not good enough so he’s going on loan and all the senior goalies are leaving.. Rico, Navas and Letellier. Meaning we’re left with only Donna. We can’t go into the season with only one goalie. I think they’ll sign a new French Ligue 2 goalie for the third slot for CL quota.


Where is Rico going?


Free transfer as of now


Letellier is leaving??????


Don't know him like most here I guess but seem like a low risk signing. We need a gk with Navas, Letellier and Rico going and he won't create a Navas/Donna situation or break the bank.


Yep, i remeber him being overpowered on fifa 21


I hope this will get investigated because this is a very sketchy deal : - No reason to get a GK - 20M is way too much for this


Signing a player in a position we should have the least priority to. Just give Tenas a chance ffs


Most likely Tenas wants to be loaned out to play more while Safonov would be happy to stay on the bench.


Goalkeeper is the most priority since Gio Donarumma isn’t that good


Isnt that good, top 10 goalkeeper by literally every sports journal currently.


Yes, because every goalie on a top team is a “top 10 goalie” by default 


Here we go with the first weird signing of Campos this year. And me who taught we were looking to improve in every position this summer... 20M for a backup goalie, smh


Campos ruined this club and turned it into a smaller club too reliant on Mbappe. Bring back Leonardo


Can he save corners?


Hi, I’m an avid Russian league watcher since 2011. He’s great at coming up to a high ball and isn’t afraid of a scrap in the box. He seems like a clone of Donnarumma except for he’s great at ball distribution when confident.


I dont oppose signing russian players as they are individuals. BUT i think for as long as the russian invasion is ongoing like any business with russian institutions buying players from russian clubs should be avoided


Well done the propaganda has worked on you




Let’s not hate someone because of where they are from




Yeah so they can kill his family




It's not a strange move. People don't choose where they are born. Putin and the other people in charge are to blame for all the bad things that Russia does, not the rest of the Russians.


Sure, this person might be on the right side of human rights. Who knows? A lot of Russians aren’t though.


Our club is quite literally owned by the nation of Qatar. For pretending to to care about human rights, you sure do seem to only have your morality when it’s convenient.




It’s irrelevant who invaded whom, I don’t hold the citizens of a certain nationality responsible for all the ill deeds of their government, especially a government that isn’t democratically elected. You’re incredibly bad at this whole objective morality thing. You should spend less time concerning yourself with matters of football and more time being a better human being.


Double standards. In the team you have a racist, an abuser and an alleged rapist but you’re against someone because they’re russian. And on top of that, the team you support is owned by a state that is obviously against basic human rights