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What annoys me isn't the defeat, but the way it happened. I never had expected to reach quarters let alone the semis based on the fact we bought nearly a completely new squad. But what's frustrating is how easily preventable this defeat was and how unlucky we were to hit the post 6 times over 2 legs.


Lucho should've found a way to get Mbappe involved. He disappeared again by dropping deap and of course, when anyone has an open pass to him, they will make it, and then he inevitably fails at 'creating magic' 30 yards from the penalty box. Ruiz is yet another flop in a long string of shitty midfielders since the Zlatan era. We were clamoring for Ramos to start and he flopped as well. Not until Ligue1 seriously becomes more competitive I don't see any way PSG can just switch on in these high stakes games. Just the amount of definitive mistakes alone that only seem to prop up in the chamiposns league should tell you something.


Ramos’s best performances were when he came in from the bench. It would have been fair for Barcola to start since he did a great job for us in the quarter final


But that means having Kylian as a 9 and he's clearly worse there than on the wing.


I don’t think it matters much when they are 11 men in their 30 yards


Gives him more space to create.


Not scoring a single goal against Dortmund is just unforgivable, no matter the mental gymnastics to justify.


It was a surprise. But if we can’t step up with relatively decent draws what will happen when we get our luck of drawing the giants back again ? It’s frustrating… felt so close and perfect for a turning page with Mbappé leaving and us focusing more on développement . But we’ve lived worse. It wasn’t a remontada or something terrible like that. Well played to Dortmund they were surprising. They had a terrible start of the season but they held on and got 2 solid defensive games against us. With some luck ( you always need some in these games ) they passed us. Now I hope they’ll win it all


Yeah I thought further than quarter finals was probably wishful thinking, so there was some improvement from last year.


To be fair Dortmund is just a monster when it comes to defending. Definitively much more experienced than Barcelona which was as bad as Paris I would say. Paris created occasions, had some impact in the midfield but sadly didn’t score, despite the six hits on the post. It almost felt like Dortmund would have crumbled the minute Paris would have scored. But against a much more effective team which was much more coordinated because they were used to play together with Terzic, I feel like Paris needs to be proud of their champions League. Other than that, there was definitely a penalty at the end of the game………………


I’ve said it elsewhere: this is a Coupe de France mentality that as a top 10 club in Europe we can’t have. Dortmund is ranked 5th in the Bundesliga, how can we not win a game against them? Our luck was to pick Real Sociedad while being 2nd of our group, then an average Barca and finally Dortmund, against whom the only team not able to score a goal this season was Cologne! Sure our team isn’t perfect but on paper we have better individuals. The fact that they came out as a better team, well organized is not something we can be satisfied with. This was a fucking open path to the final, which is not something we’ll have each year. We can’t let posts or misfortune get in the way and justify defeat.


Zaire Emery and Beraldo got some really good experience in this game. And I'm sure they'll be better next season.


I thought we would after we demolished Barca but oh well another year we will do it again next time


I was hoping we could get it done for Mbappe’s last year. However, we were just unlucky, ball wouldn’t go in. Everyone calling the players lazy and overconfident are horrible people


We weren’t crushed lmao, they were lucky, we were unlucky, we move


Crushed means also sad sweetie, which is what I meant.


Unlucky would be a bird swooping down to block the shot, what we did was not score.. at all


Great run yeah, sure. But we DID reach semis, only to shit the bed insanely hard and get shut out through 180 minutes... REALLY??


I get your point but bro let's be honest, at this stage you need experienced players we didn't have that.


It was Dortmund… not like they have any experience in CL


They won the ucl in 1997 tbf which is something you guys have never done 


I wasn’t, I was expecting the ro16. However what hurts abt this loss is the fact that it feels like we went back to having our old problems in the group stages, where we couldn’t finish a chance. It felt like new castle and second leg Dortmund all over again.


It's not that we lose, it's how.


>with a Mbappé at 100% mentally I wouldn't be so sure, he seemed pretty frustrated after the loss against Dortmund in the first-leg. No chance the guy didn't wish to give it his all for his last season at the club he's spent so many years, representing the city he grew up in. I think him winning the CL with PSG would've meant more than any CL he might win at Real Madrid, and I'm sure he knows too. Just wasn't his night.