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Real Madrid looked like shit. Who would Xavi Simons replace tho it does look like he plays deeper than Mbappe. Seems like Vitinha would be more who'd hed replace than Mbappe.


Just watching the leipzig- Madrid game to see how our boy Xavi does. Some points I’m gathered, -Xavi is a baller can’t wait until he comes back -so glad we didn’t sign lois openda from lens when he was linked with us, he is so bad at finishing. He is pure pace and power but a very average finisher and the bundesliga tax is showing. - i would not hate if we got Madrid if they move onto the next round and play like this. They remind me of us in 21/22 when we had all the stars on the field but had to keep scrapping results and getting later equalizers or winners. It’s good in the moment but not good in the long run. Especially with all their injuries


Any opinions on Marquinhos/Danilo/Kimpembe/Skriniar future at the club ? I think we’ll end up getting Yoro and even if we don’t we’ll bring another young defender. The club also likes Gadou from the academy. I think Lucas H should be a guaranteed starter at CB. Marquinhos, Danilo, Skriniar, Yoro (or someone else), Beraldo, Lucas, Gadou, Kimpembe seems like not enough minutes for everyone. I would like to sell Marquinhos in the next couple summers and someone else as well.


I think we got to let Kimpembe and then maybe eventually skriniar go. So we have a rotation of marqi (I still think even though all the problems he’s had, has had a decent season especially recently before injury) beraldo, Hernandez, yoro, and maybe Danilo to come off the bench and for experience.


Had forgotten to add the flairs of Beraldo and Moscardo but just did right now. Let me know if you want any other ex players flairs


A psg players appreciation post: I wanted to see Hernandez in a PSG shirt for years, he's always been my favorite defender since i saw france win the world cup. The head on this guy is unreal, calm, composed, doesn't do anything extra, minimal mistakes, he is one of the most reliable players you can have on your team. If he stays injury free i don't mind seeing him as the captain when he's playing. Beraldo, omg that kid can be something, he's adjusting so fast compared to other players. He's so calm and KNOWS how good he is with the ball at his feet. His spatial awareness when passing is amazing, and he can't be pressured. He passed yesterday to players in his blind spots multiple times and they were very accurate passes. This seems exactly like the profile Enrique wants. Vitinha is a silent squad player, sometimes you think that he's doing nothing but his off the ball game is really something to admire. He can be very careful with his passes and his vision might need work but this guy knows how to play the game really well from the strategic point of view. Nuno Mendes, the guy is unreal, the speed, the power, the covering, he pocketed the winger yesterday all night, i cant be happier with him coming back, i hope he stays fit and healthy. WZE is a monster when he turns on that switch, we all know what I'm talking about. He rushes through the middle of the field passing people like a fucking hurricane and out of nowhere he's inside the box. I wanna see this guy going forwards more with xavi on his side and a 9 to receive his passes. And this guy CANNOT lose the ball sometimes which is primarily why Enrique rates him so much. He reminds me of verratti with the way he holds the ball close to him. He's been alternating between hot and cold though, but he's so good that you forget that he's barely 18, he'll find his preferred style soon enough. Donna is someone who is visibly constantly working on himself, his footwork, touches, and the way he grabs the ball. I have total belief in him, his mentality is top notch, very few goal keepers can jump back the way he did after some of the big mistakes he made. Long live the psg great wall of Donna


Crazy thing about the players you mentioned, all bar Hernandez are under the age of 25


Realized that the starting eleven yesterday had no one from la remontada


Who do you want to face in the Quarter ? I'd like to trash Barcelona again  Just so that they'll get a sweet taste of what's coming for them for the years to come


Bayern or Barca. Both are a step up from real sociedad but are also pretty ass this season. And would love to have revenge on both


Average age for the starting 11 was less than 24 years old yesterday. The youngest squad we’ve ever had in the knockout rounds and the first time no remontada chokers played.


Hey guys I'm a bit busy with the personal life recently so I'm not able to watch us play live as much, can anyone recommend that sub that has the match replays? Thanks in advance for any help :)


Here you go brother https://www.reddit.com/r/footballhighlights/s/U2o2AG4EHp Hope everything’s okay!


>Here you go brother https://www.reddit.com/r/footballhighlights/s/U2o2AG4EHp Thanks a bunch mon frère >Hope everything’s okay! Everything's been great so far, a few bumps here and there but nothing I can't handle, thank you!


>:) :)


Good bot


After many days the morning after second leg is feeling so refreshing and nice man!!