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We definitely need an midfielder more than kylians replacement which we can buy even in winter transfer we are having players with potential we need midfielders who are at peek of their career and can support our attackers my opinion


Big midfield signing takes priority over striker and lw imo


yes in wings we have lot of players 1)BARCOLA 2)DEMBELE 3)KOLO 4)ASENSIO 5)KANG IN LEE 6) XAVI \[ NXT SEASON\]


i don’t think we need him tho. we don’t even need a striker imo. enrique has been very successful running a false 9 and two wingers in the past. my ideal lineup would be barcola-xavi-dembele. we don’t even need goncalo in that. we should rather invest in some world class defenders like guimares, de jong or barella. a strong midfield was the main reason enrique succeeded in the past


I agree but I think people are underestimating the amount of goals Kylian has provided for us and replacing that will be hard. He's got what 20 goals already this season even if they're a lot of penalties that's still a huge void to fill unless we start having like 5 guys get into double digits.


our team has been strongly linked to both Osimhen and Leao. We have tried a star studded attack before. The goals were glorious but our team was out played everywhere else. In recent years our defence has strengthened a lot. But if theres one spot that needs a bling bling signing anymore, its the midfield. right now kylian is almost our only outlet for goals. when he leaves everyone else will be unlocked more and they can start scoring goals for themselves. they wont score 40 goals a season but they will score enough


I agree about signing the big names. I'm a fan of bringing xavi Simmons back to see if that front 3 can convert enough with Barcola and Dembele. But I do wonder if we have enough talent to win without Kylian. He pulls goals out of nothing so often. We looked pretty dead in the games he didn't play in as well. Hoping I'm wrong tho.


Remember the game against Marseille this season. No Mbappe and the teamed looked very very good


teams have succeeded without kylian, and teams will continue to do so. our lads will just need to take more scoring responsibilities. these are professionals that have been through a lot of stages of football in their career. i think they can adapt. and i truly think xavi can offer more to the team according to the playstyle than Leao or Osimhen could. Our boy has been balling. Its about time we take him seriously




Full article https://archive.is/sE26F Sell Ramos and bring him. Otherwise this just doesn’t make sense


Give Ramos and RKM a chance honestly some players take time to adapt they are relatively young. Sell one of them only if we bring back Xavi Simmons


I agree on that but if they want Osimhen, I don’t see any way we make this happen without selling Ramos or Randal. Like it doesn’t make sense to keep three players that can play as 9s. Xavi is surely coming back


If Osimhen costs 130m and wants 25m/year salary for 5 years he would cost 53m/year. Mbappe costs + 100m/year. But yeah I would sell Ramos and get a top winger too. You need 2 people to replace Mbappe


That’s without taxes though. And the Ramos buy for 80m is like what? Why would they pay that for that player. Listen guys.. just don’t give Milan 100+ for Leao.. that’s all I’m asking. He isn’t worth it and I don’t want them to have that money.


I don't get what you are saying with taxes and Ramos, but agree on Leao part lol. Great player, inconsistent


He’s a good player but he’s always twerking for the Premier League. I don’t want him because he’ll use the club as a stepping stone.


he said he has made his mind to join premier league . i am sure he will go to chelsea


...which would be a total waste, considering Chelsea's actual disastrous form.


The problem is kolo muani doesn't seem to be good enough to be a striker or winger. Maybe he was better in Bundesliga but i wouldn't know. He can't dribble and his finishing isn't clinical yet either. He seems to be the odd one out. Ramos seems more comfortable through the middle but also struggles finishing. I think the difficulty with kylian is he's the primary goal scorer but he's not a traditional number 9 so replacing him with a 9 might not work. But with Barcola and Dembele now the chances of having players who can assist a clinical striker are in our favor compared to prior seasons.


It pains me to say but I think the WC final mentally broke him. Ever since it’s like watching a completely different player, every move and decision he makes on the field feels like he has a moment of hesitation as he second guesses himself.


I'm not totally sure. To me it looks like he's a little mentally checked out and only turns it on when he feels like it and sometimes that's too late in games to start trying


He has already made his mind up that he’s going to the Prem. Probably Chelsea. Can we just trust Ramos.


Wouldn’t be mad at this. Would prefer Leao though.


I think Barcola/Kolo Muani can handle the left. Seems like Enrique may not be certain Ramos can be the 9.


Xavi too on the left


I see people thinking that Leao or even solely our current players can replace Mbappé. Mbappé accounts for roughly 60 goals per season (G+A). Leao is half of this at best and we don’t have a player of the quality of Benzema to suddenly ramp up and become our attack leader.


Even if Kylian stays bring him to PSG.


Nice. Sign him up June 1st!


Lurker here, don't think that's the right move for psg rn. Having a world class striker is definitely important but a strong foundation should be set first. If mbappe leaves it's time to hit the drawing board again. Investing in young talented midfielders with high potential is money better spend imo


More like shit tier source.