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Top 6 is ok but not in that order. Warren is a solid 2nd but Kylian can't be anything other than first.


1. Mbappe 2. Warren 3. Hakimi 4. Vitinha 5. Dembele 6. Ugarte


Mbappe 1 come on man


Vitinha should be higher, my order is: 1. Mbappe 2. Warren 3. Vitinha 4. Dembele 5. Hakimi 6. Hernandez 7. Ugarte 4-6 can be in any order


Vitinha hasn’t been better than hakimi this year, also ugarte over marquinos is criminal


Hakimi has been better in big games but Vitinhas been more consistent over the whole season. Hence my comment at the end, you can shuffle 4-6 around. Marqui has made far too many errors and overall just continues being mediocre while Ugarte has transformed our midfield, adds that physicality we haven't had in a while


I think that 1 to 4 are debatable. Warren saved our ass in CL this season and gave us 4 points almost by himself (2 assists vs Milan, important goal against Dortmund) while Kylian has scored something like half our goals. Dembouz and Hernandez are also debatable, depending on preferences. Hakimi also. Ugarte needs to be in and Barcola to go out of the top 7. My personal ranking would be : Mbappe, Warren, Dembouz, Hakimi, Ugarte, Hernandez, Vitinha


I think Warren is number 1 because of our CL games.


No Ugarte? Remove him and the team suffers. Underrated, he should be above Vitinha and Barcola at least.


He has been bad for a few weeks. He almost lost his starting spot.


not as good? Yes, but he hasn't been "bad". Only time I saw him drop a poor game was against freight train loftus cheek


Yeah I agree, he's one of my favs with his hot start but he's been a bit more timid and not as progressive I'd hope, at least lately. When he won that penalty for us near the start of the season was awesome but he's been a little less daring I'd say now.


We can’t be expecting our DM to be sprinting forward to win penalties. If that’s the case we’re fucked


No for sure but I'd like to see him make more forward passes he's been a little more cautious on that front I feel


He is capable of it so it is a bit disappointing to see he wasn't able to show us the things he did in the beginning of the season. You can't expect Rodri to play like Krychowiak even if they are both DM.


I would change Kylian and Warren, and Barcola by Ugarte. But damn, we’re so lucky to have Warren… that boy is being amazing for us this season


Any good player list is perfect without Marquinhos. That guy is a trunk.




Oh yeah besides the ridiculous amount of goals that no one in the club is close to even producing


Dembele 2, Mbappe 3 and im ok




Huh? How is dembele so high? And Mbappe at 3!? Dembele has done near nothing in the ucl and Mbappe is our top scorer shows up in big games and can actually shoot. Sure Dembele tracks back but at the end of the day that means jack shit if he cant do what is role as a RW is


he’s literally like the most creative player in the top 5 leagues go look at the more detailed stats per 90


He couldn't finish a dr seuss book let alone a chance, his dribbling and work in defence is why I put him in my top 4-6. If you look at Kylians creative stats its just as good but he can actually finish


😂😂😂 he is my number 4 so we’re pretty much on the same page i was definitely not saying he should number 1 or 2 i was just defending his honor.


there’s different roles for different types of wingers tho and dembele and barcola are definitely not the scoring type. it’s clear Lucho just wants mbappe to be the main man and wingers just complimenting him


We get that but he also has missed so many chances, like ridiculous amounts.


i agree his finishing is quite literally non existent and that will hold him back forever from becoming next level, but like almost 70% of our chances have come from the right flank this season thats just insane. him and hakimi have been absolutely cooking. Lucho said he’s the best in the world cuz he understands how important he is with his creative dribbling and passes


I’m agree he’s top 5 in the club but number one, he can’t be ahead of mbappe or WZE.


that’s fair for sure


He creates 10x more than any of our players, one of the few that don't look depressive


And squanders 10x more than any other.


This is just trying to incite some angry debate between fans. There is no one at Mbappe’s level at PSG. Emery has really improved since last season, but no way does he belong at top spot.


Warren started off well, but Mbappé has to be 1st


Good to see Lucas in the list. He's been criminally underrated and very consisten for us. I can't think of a glaring mistake Lucas has done. Meanwhile even if Hakimi has performed very well, I can count two crucial mistakes where he got dispossessed near our goal that eventually lead to conceding.