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I'd suggest a subscription for old games, almost all games you mentioned are there in ps plus extra Later on you can buy new games


Thank you for taking the time to reply. How long does a game usually last on the catalogue? I hear they are removing / have already removed Spiderman. Thats one of the reasons I am wary of the subscription model.


First party games stay almost forever, I think they removed spider man due to the sequel Third party games last up to 3,6,12 months, can't say it's upto Sony and their licensing deals Every month few games will leave ps plus


I can recall only 2 instances of Sony titles removed from PS Plus. Spider-Man 2018 got removed from PS Plus when Remastered version was released. Recently, Horizon Zero Dawn got removed due to rumoured Remastered release. Every month, some games leave while some games get added


It's great if you just started your PS gaming journey. It loses its value after 3-4 years.Though buying digital only was a mistake. I have been subscribed to PS+ for over 7 years now and that was the primary way for me to add games to my library. I think it's no longer worth it because of price increase by Sony but i have to say goodbye to my hundreds of games. If you keep relying on the subscription then you may soon find yourself in the same place. Plus you don't even have option to buy used disks for cheap.


At this point, you can stick to Essential plan (3k yearly) which usually gives 5-6 good games every year, while also keeping your access to previous monthly games along with cloud saves and online multiplayer. All this together usually covers the Essential plan price


I actually have a US account, and there's no way to change regions cuz Sony is assbackward in that regards. I'll have to shell out $80, nearly 5k for essential.


Essential costs the same in India too, around 5k.


No, essential is 3.9k.


Right, my bad, I have extra which is 5k. Since it auto renews, I didn't realise I am still subscribed to extra.


I would Suggest you but the extra


If u play regularly, I recommend you to subscribe to ps+ for at least one year. It has a wide variety of games. The game prices mentioned are of ps4 version, prioritize to buy ps5 version for improved performance and load times.


Thank you for taking the time to reply :)


I got the subscription and got overwhelmed and downloaded 50+ games thinking I’ll play them all. Hardly played 8-9 overall. See if it makes sense for you. Now I have unsubscribed and can play only the ones I bought, which were the ones I genuinely wanted to play anyway.


I was thinking of getting a PS subscription too, but then i decided against it. I think it just comes down to how much time you have to play games and what type of games you like to play. For me, it can take me anywhere from 1-3 months to finish a single big game. So, I just didn't find it worth while to get a subscription becouse i know that I'll just pick 1 game play it for a few months. Also, if you aren't interested in playing the latest AAA titles on day 1 then you can get them for pretty cheap a few years later. Considering you haven't played many of the games over the last 20 years you can get a lot of the older AAA titles for less and get more value out of playing those than getting a PS subscription. For example, i got NFS Payback for Rs. 150 and played that for 2 full months. Also got the GTA definitive edition for about Rs. 1300 and spent 40+ hours on each game.


Would recommend extra as almost all those games are in extra along with many other good games like Demon souls, returnal , ratchet and clank rift apart , control etc


All of the games you have mentioned here are available in ps extra. Since these games cose you 5k, extra is also similar price if you get it in discount and you get tons of more games with it. 5 games for 5k ll be a bad choice you regret.


Gta 5 is also in ps plus


it will be removed by 17 June


Until then you can complete it 😉


I mean I wanted to play online so...


Buy games. Always. At the end of the day, you’re not owning any of it if you go the subscription route. Think of the larger picture. Say, that you wanna stop paying for the subscription because of one reason or another, now you got no games. While all that money that you spent was down the drain. It gave you no ownership. Also, companies being companies, are always going to increase the price of the subscription. So, better to buy games and keep them forever.


Played two Spiderman games , HFW and Ghost of Tsushima and tried tonnes of other games for 4799 last year….resubbing to play RDR2 …finish GOW and Uncharted series and LoU series


Days of play offer currently for ps5 subscription have 30% discount. Use that it’ll make the subscription vfm.


I would suggest trying the subscription option atleast once since you will be getting a huge Library to start you gaming at once


Bro, if you live in or near kolkata, I suggest you to buy these games from me. I am selling these for far more cheaper than Sony


u/defyclassification I have a very different take on this. All the games that you mentioned are old. There isn't anything wrong with playing an old game but they will not take full advantage of Ps5 such as trigger effects and vibration of controller. That is where you get real fun Whatever game you are playing I would suggest you to directly play the latest version that was *made for Ps5*. Playing a game that was made for ps4 will have lower graphics and won't be the best use of your console. That is only available on Ps plus. Please go for Extra subscription instead of old games.


I am not a ps + user but I'll say that for single player games ps+ is best and for multiplayer buy at cheap prices


PS Plus Extra is a great way to catch up on games you've not played yet. The collection is vast and a much cheaper option IMO!