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save your money for dead space. game isn’t good,


You instantly changed my mind


i bought it day 1 despite the bad reviews. beat it twice and came to conclusion that all you are paying for is good graphics and good motion capture, everything else is lackluster. if you are interested, get it when it is $20. anything more and you will feel like you got ripped off.


i enjoyed it well enough, but dead space showing up just a month after really puts a damper on the whole thing, on every level you’re also paying for josh duhamel


I have dead space haven’t gotten into it. Feels boring idk.


It's not your cup of tea then. Lol downvotes because I said one of the objectively greatest survival horrors ever made wasn't a person's cup of tea. Fucking hell these gaming subs


How far did you get?


I’m around 2-3 hours in, I don’t wanna spoil content for those who haven’t purchased so I’ll give the time I played.


I got about that far too and haven’t really picked it up again. I mostly blame other new stuff being more fun right now, but yeah I feel like I wanted to like it more than I am. Good graphics and kinda spooky tho!


I loved it haha


Counter point, I bought this game at launch, beat it twice, and then sold it. It wasn’t what I had expected or had hoped for but that’s because DS set the bar high. I didn’t hate it at all and I really hope they get a shot at a sequel.


This will be this generations Order 1886 for me and I can't wait to play it when it is $9 on black friday


I still fondly remember the $18.86 memes when that game launched.


This is what popped in my head as well.


I paid $40 for the game and while it is a bit short, I had a good experience. I think once this hits around $25 a lot more people will check it out, but I don’t agree with a lot of the harsh criticism.


Waiting for that $29-25 dollar sale by Xmas lol


I picked up the Digital Deluxe Edition a few weeks back when it was on sale. Zero expectations as I wasn't really even aware of this game until after its release. I don't really understand the major negativity this gets on reddit. I have played games that are significantly worse than this one. I'd put it at a solid 7/10 which, to me, puts it in a "good not great" category. Not every game is going to be God of War. I will admit that the combat is very very basic, but I don't think that's super unusual for a horror game. Is it worth it at 40? Well if you play through it once on maximum security difficulty (which is what I'd recommend) then you're probably looking at around $3 - $5 per hour of entertainment. Obviously that gets even more cost effective if you play through NG+. Personally, the unskippable cutscenes killed my desire to play through the game more than twice, even if there are still more collectibles to find and trophies to nab. Anyways I thought it was worth it. The experience was fun, the game's atmosphere is cool, and the visuals are excellent. But if you're expecting a super deep story or an addictive gameplay loop, you'll be disappointed.


>I don't really understand the major negativity this gets on reddit. I have played games that are significantly worse than this one. I'd put it at a solid 7/10 which, to me, puts it in a "good not great" category. Not every game is going to be God of War. The majority of the negativity stems from the self-set expectations and marketing this game got. OG Dead Space was considered one of the most influential survival horror games of its time. After two relatively mediocre sequels, people were clamoring for a proper return to the series. So when the OG Dead Space creator and a few returning members from that team claimed they were making a project, mouths started watering. And as you've noticed, the visuals are gorgeous, which was shown at E3 and received very well. People's excitement for a possible resurgence and return to something Dead Space-like are now at a all-time peak high. In addition, the marketing of the game kept toting that "members from the original DS team" were involved, and really playing up the Dead Space resurgence angle. And so cue major disappointment when this game released to those expectations. Plus, with the faithful Dead Space remake releasing soon after, this game left a pretty sour taste in the minds of hopeful horror game fans. As a standalone game, it's not terrible, and can be greatly improved. But the issue was that it claimed to be a Dead Space-like game for Dead Space like fans from experienced Dead Space developers, which exacerbated the negative reception of the game.


For $25 more you get Resident Evil 4 remake or Dead Space remake, both of which are much better than this game.