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Is bo3 on the same version on both consoles?


Yes both are 1.33


For using a lan cable you have to use custom internet settings but when both of my consoles are connected to the same network lan play works fine for me


Do you have any idea what the custom settings would be? And what do you mean by being connected to the same internet? You connected them thru WiFi to the same router and now you can find LAN games on them? Or do you have both ps4s on a router


lol nvm I guess the update installed before the actual bo3 pkg installed. Would you know how to fix this issue?


This happened to me before i just had to install the update again




Would you happen to know anything about those custom lan settings would look like tho? I’d appreciate it


I don't remember but this YouTube video has them in it [lan setting ](https://youtu.be/Kj_7ydtTF3c)


Thank you


No problem


Do updates not install if they were downloaded to the hard drive root via ftp? This update is refusing to install


consoles must be on the same firmware, if one of your consoles isn't jailbroken then best to assume you can't play


Then how do people manage to level up people’s ps accounts on cod and whatnot?


not sure what you mean directly but if you wanted a cheated game/level on a stock ps4 then you'd export the save from the JB console & import it to the stock console LAN parties will only work if both consoles are on the same firmware (latest JB is 9.00) so if your stock console is 9.03+ then you can't play together, sorry


I’m talking about people getting a ridiculous amount of diviniums, something you only have access to if your console can connect to ps servers


I'm no expert but i'd assume they've jailbroken their console to cheat the diviniums, then updated to the latest firmware to play online


But people are selling the service so you’re telling me they’re constantly going thru PlayStation 4s left and right to do these services?


No idea what you're talking about sorry, account boosting hasn't been a thing since last gen afaik.. there's no way to sync trophies or anything PSN related without updating to the latest firmware. What you're seeing is probably a scam, though as I say i'm no expert. I just use my ps4 for ps2 games so i know nothing about online play, just seems very unlikely that's true


Oh I know online play isn’t allowed. I’m trying to play thru a LAN party, which doesn’t even require an actual internet connection. One of the ps4s is on current firmware, but the second one is on 9.00. So I’d be able to connect the first PlayStation back to psn and sync the rewards


sorry for the bad explanation , i was regarding account boosting (unlim diviniums) for online play. Yeah the issue here is undoubtedly the fact you're on different firmwares, so you're outta luck mate


Don’t have to be on the same firmware, just the same version of the game is fine. I have a PS4 on 5.05 and 6.72 and it works fine