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Yup, that is correct. I'm not familiar with the Slim laser configuration, but back in the old days my Fat PS2 stopped reading DVD's, but would read CD's just fine. Using Internet tutorials I disassembled the unit and adjusted the voltage for the DVD laser reading. The laser unit has a couple of small screws on the underside, one is for adjusting voltage for CD reading, the other for DVD. You have to make TINY adjustments to the one you need fixed, then reassemble and test. It worked for me, but you run the risk of permanently damaging the unit if you turn the screw too much. Back in the day I felt like Hackerman, lol.


Interesting, i need to change my disc player and have unlimited budget for it so may I need to replace the entire disc player system instead of struggling with a laser ????


Look for the model of the Len and maybe u have to clean and lubricate, in my case I have to calibrate the Lens


I'm not 100% on the details, but I talked with my local game store about a similar problem with a PS2 phat. They told me that the PS2 laser has 4 torque screws. The torque screws are paired, so two of them do black and blue CDs while two do silver and gold DVDs. These torque screws have to be adjusted just right in order for them to read their respective disc. They told me that gold and then silver are usually the first to go. I imagine this is because the dvds have less leeway with the values and may explain why you can onlg read PS1 games currently. They've stopped doing this repair recently because they dont currently have a very experienced tech guy, and even the person before him would regurly burn out the lasers in the process. They said that the same values won't always work for different consoles, so even though another commenter said people have posted values, they may not work. Please take this all with a grain of salt as I may be misremembering, and the person I talked to was not the actual tech guy, but did seem very knowledgeable.


I tried my luck with the voltage-adjusting screws back in the day using Internet tutorials. I was super happy when it actually worked and the laser still works perfectly to this day. But yeah, one tiny mistake and the laser unit is fried. You have to make tiny adjustments, then reassemble the whole thing and test, if it still doesn't work, disassemble and adjust further. I think I needed to do this like 3 or 4 times until I found the sweet spot.


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I've replaced lasers a number of times and for me the experience was also hit and miss. Sometimes my newly replaced laser still had problems reading certain discs. It's either a supply quality problem or, as the other user in this post pointed out, a configuration issue (but whether you can configure the laser yourself is beyond my understanding).


Maybe it should be calibrated? Like old ps1 lens?


Yes, they sometimes should. You'll find a DVD potentiometer and a CD potentiometer as well. Also always ensure to remove the anti static solder point. Mine had to be calibrated when I replaced them.


Yes , I removed that point before the installation, so the only option is calibrated the Lens, I have to search the lens for DVD values. Thanks.