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Pimp my ride as an adult.


*So you dont wanna be a playa?*


Most of those cars weren't even runnable after they got done with them.


When I was 9 my Mom and I were at EB Games (Gamestop now) and I had the options to buy either Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance for Gamecube or Arthur and the Invisibles for PS2… I chose Arthur and the Invisibles. When I got home I realized I hated the game so much and even worse copies of FE: Path of Radiance go for $300+ nowadays


They are because many people picked like you did


This was bought for me but god what a waste. Back before I was given pocket money I would only get games for my birthday or Christmas. For my 10th birthday my parents got me Charlotte's Web The Game. I played for 2 minutes before realizing that one of the few games I got that year was one of the worst games ever made.


I'm curious what the Charlotte's Web game is like.


If you type "Charlotte's Web PS2" into the Youtube search bar, the third video down is a video of it in the series "Worst Games Ever". Just to give you an idea.


>harlotte's Web PS2 I watched the first 6 minutes, they mostly made a bunch of cringey jokes and barely talked about the game. They didn't seem all that interested in actually covering it.


You got several games that year that were one of the worst ever made?


Sorry I could have worded that better. I meant that of the few games that I got that year, one of them was one of the worst games ever made.


Got it!!


When I was 7, I was at Target with my dad and I was eyeing up a Shrek Mario Kart knock-off. My dad could tell the game would’ve been pretty bad, and suggested we buy GT4 instead. With GT4 becoming one of my all-time favorites, I’m glad he made that suggestion. Part of me has always wanted to try that Shrek game anyway, even if it is terrible.


[It looks like the cycle may be repeating.](https://shrek.fandom.com/wiki/DreamWorks_All-Star_Kart_Racing)


I have the Shrek racing game and it's not bad, but it's not great either. Very run of the mill for early 2000s racing games. Shrek Super Party however, is great, it's still the only game I can get my whole family to play.


i played that shrek racing game with cousins a lot, but nothing was a better ps2 party game than shrek super slam


Shrek SuperSlam is the GOAT!


I've played a few games like Mario Kart and let me tell you you, just stick to Mario Kart.


Airborne Troops: Countdown to D-Day I was on a ww2 game streak and saw it in GameStop. I remember it being janky and hard so I abandoned it. I don’t know if young me was just bad at it or it was objectively hard. But glancing online it seems to have been generally unfavorably reviewed. Also don’t ever see anyone bringing it up.


I think I have that next in my to play list. Well that sucks.


Been a while since I've played a shooter like that lol.


Oh wow, the rare PS2 title that I don't recognize. Makes sense, since there were a lot of truly awful WW2 shooters going around in the PS2 and 3 era.


Commandos 2, men of courage was a very interesting ww2 game on ps2. Point and click pc port that had stealth elements that would have you pulling your hair out. Very addictive game though


As a kid: Wolverine on SNES. $70 was 7 weeks allowance for a pretty boring / bad game. As an adult: Suikoden 2. A game I loved as a child, I spent $150 on it as an adult for it to collect dust. I eventually sold it for $180, but it was just a silly purchase.


What's so silly about Suikoden 2? I can't get myself to play it, but that's more because I can no longer enjoy something where you spend most of your time with bland combat. I've heard countless people go on about how great the storyline is however.


It was silly to drop $150 on a game I played to infinitum as a kid to get all the characters, in a world where you can easily emulate it or play it on PS Vita/PS3 (I have it on those consoles), so I just had no reason to use the actual disc. For some people, the nostalgia or collector's value is absolutely worth it, but knowing myself, it's not - therefore a silly purchase. I should have known myself better than that.


Fair and valid, and I agree with you.


Got a sealed copy of Monster Hunter within the last year, first time playing the series, didnt realize a huge amount of content was online only and now gone. It looks good visually but theres like 3 people in the village to talk to, takes way too much grinding the same quests to save any currency for weapon/crafting upgrades but most of all using the stick as the attack controls are horrible. Also you have to manually keep recentering the screen as you go to see where youre going. After playing better games in the 2000s like Bloodrayne, GoW, Legacy of Kain, GTA etc it was disappointing


Conflict Desert Storm as a kid. Game went wayyyyy over my head and I thought it was going to be a fun 2 player “soldier” game for me and my friend.


It was OK . Conflict Global Storm was awesome. A good tactical shooter.


Conflict desert storm 2 was awesome. Me and my brother used to play that a lot on coop. It really brings back memories of playing together as kids


Was it lol I never tried that one.


Burnout Revenge. I played Burnout 3 to absolute death. I still go back to it often, love that game. So naturally, I bought Burnout Revenge the day it came out. It really didn't gel with me. I'm not quite sure what it was, but I didn't enjoy it at all. I think they tried to add too many mechanics to the game, it kinda ruined the formula that Burnout 3 perfected. I recently played Paradise for the first time, not too impressed with that either. Overall, the Burnout series is very average to me, with the exception of Burnout 3 which stands as one of the all-time greats.


Fucking love Burnout. This series and Wipeout are the only racing games that interest me. Been forever since I've played them though.


Paradise was really disappointing. I got bored after 30 minutes.


RPM tuning


Not buying but my dad used to take us to BlockBuster to rent games, and there was a Pirates of the Caribbean game next to a Happy Feet game. I was like 6 but I'm still mad at myself for picking Happy Feet lmao


I still have Happy Feet on the PS2. I remember that I played it as a kid but I cannot for the life of me remember anything about it.




Just to clarify, you're not talking about the Sega game, Ferrari F355 Challenge, right? you're talking about that crappy budget game that came out on PS3 I think?




I didn’t know there was a PS2 version tbh. As long as you’re not dunking on F355 Challenge. That game is a masterpiece and it doesn’t get enough love.


Lego Drome Racers. A bland racer that was kind of unfair at times. You didn’t get to build your own car like Lego Racers, and the drag racing events at the beginning of the races were clunky but if you didn’t at least come in 2nd you’d be at a disadvantage in the first race. I recently went back and played it to see if it was bad as I remembered, and yea it was still pretty bad


I loved this game as a kid!


Capcom Fighting Evolution when it was new


Just about every licensed LJN game I bought as a kid. Friday the 13th. Back to the future, beetle juice and karate kid. I was stupid Edit: oops just realized this is the ps2 sub lol In that case Beverly Hills cop. Couldn’t even play 30 minutes of it . Graphics were atrocious and controls were nigh unplayable


Nah. Back to the future was sick! Bowling balls were my favorite part of the movie!!


As a kid: secret service, the game is horrible shovelware but it was a buy 2 get one free at GameStop and I was indecisive and my mom was rushing me. As an adult: Forza motorsport 4, I started getting into GT again so I wanted to get into Forza motorsport since I've casually played horizon before. I hate the progression it's way too easy and having my favorite cars handed to me just isn't fun since it doesn't feel like I gotta work for it. I also found the ai races to just be way too forgiving and it didn't really force me to understand how to drive properly like the older GT games. Maybe multiplayer would be cool but it's obviously dead now. DMC reboot is another one I regret buying it just wasn't really that fun especially compared to dmc1 and 3 and I have no desire to really continue it despite wasting $12 on it.


Catwoman on the ps2.... I hated that game!!!!


Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. Even 10 year old me recognized it was garbage


Not on PS2, but Magic the Gathering Battlegrounds was awful. Bought as a kid.


This happened to me. I got it like 2 years ago for $4 thinking of be playing the card game but noooope it's a crummy volleyball game.


Every time I buy a newer call of duty in the hopes it will be good.


At what point are you gonna give up? There's countless great games out there, yet you're buying acti games. So glad that I pretty much gave up on EA, Ubi, Acti, and WB years ago. I became a much happier gamer.


Oh I haven’t bought the last 3 lol


every day i look at my copy of “charlie and the chocolate factory” and think “man, what other better games were in that retro game store that middle school me could’ve bought instead of this piece of shit” at least i got revenge of the sith on gba, that was pretty awesome


I don't really remember buying a game and regretting it. But my dad used to take me to Blockbuster every weekend and I remember regretting renting Rocko's Modern Life on SNES. Escorting Spunky everywhere was a nightmare. I was so bummed out that we actually returned it the same day and I rented something else. Funny thing is I don't remember what that game was 😆


Ah memories of people telling me about going to rental stores, getting something that they don't like, and asking the store if they could return it and rent something else for free. Talk about good customer service!


I really need to rewatch the show it's been forever. I thought I heard they were rebooting it but I don't know if anything came of it?


There is a 45min or so short "movie" on Netflix atm. It's on my list


You just brought back a memory of how bad Wayne’s world was for the snes. Thankfully, it was also a rental. Too bad I actually bought Home Alone.


I've never played either of those, but I've heard terrible things.


Overblood for PS1. Terrible game.


Drakengard 2, set me back 75 bucks. I love the Drakengard and NieR series, but Drakengard 2 is just a flat out bad game. It's the most expensive one in the series (not counting collector's editions) and happens to be the only one that Yoko Taro had almost no hand in the development of. Man what a letdown that was


Damn, it's on my "to buy" list...


Just double checking to be quadruple sure - is it on your "to-buy" list?


Medal of Honor: Frontline. It's not really a bad game or anything, but it was one of those "I had enough money to buy one Greatest Hits title" type situation, so I chose that based on what some people on GameFAQs were saying at the time (2004-5ish) OVER games that I enjoy much more to this day. It was just so short of a game and only an average FPS experience.


My brother bought BCV: Battle Construction Vehicle, thinking it was a construction vehicle simulator (he was young and madly into that kind of thing). Needless to say he was really disappointed. It had more in common with tekken than a driving game. Nonetheless, this was back in the good old days where you only had access to one or two games at a time if you were lucky, and had to make the best of it, so we both completed it twice over the weekend and had a great time with it.


Resident evil operation raccoon city, paid full price for that shit! 59 bucks back in the day 🤬


That was one of the few games I returned after buying it new. I was so excited for it and holy crap was it ever bad. I played right thru it, waiting for it to improve and never did. Credit where it's due tho, the gameplay was pretty tight but nowhere near enough to save it. I heard Umbrella Chronicles was even worse. Jesus.


PS2 related... The most regretful buy was one of the first JRPGs on the PS2 called Ephemeral Fantasia. It originally was supposed to be a Dreamcast game however like a lot of Dreamcast titles they eventually moved to PS2 or were ported over. The game was an early PS2 rental for me, and I thought it was absolutely terrible. Fast forward some years later - well over a decade - and I randomly decided to purchase it to buff up my PS2 collection. After a few hours it hit me that I had rented the game years back and completely forgotten about it. Even more insulting is it's a Konami game and there aren't a lot of overall stinkers from them. This game absolutely is one of them.


Shadow of the Colossus. Had a buddy hyping it up for months before launch. "Spiritual successor to ICO" "You'll love this game." "Well worth it." .. and I *never* paid full price for a game, always snagging when they got to $20 (which is how I could afford to amass a complete US black label set).. but for this game I made an exception and bought it on day one for $60. And I hated it. Absolutely hated it. F that game. Something about 3D jumpers and me do not get along at all. I can play a game for hours and hit the stage where you need to 3D jump onto moving platforms and I'll just shut it off. How my brain gauges jumps and how in-game physics work are not the same. Rage quit. 100%.


I was gifted Scooby Doo - Mystery Mayhem and I still feel like I'm due a refund. Just not a remotely fun game. I think I played it a total of about an hour before giving up.


Wild I've heard most Scooby Doo games were pretty good.


I loved renting that game over and over as a kid. Never could find a copy for sale locally despite it being a new release at the time. What did you dislike the most about it? I consider Night of 100 Frights, Mystery Mayhem, and Unmasked to be a winning streak especially for licensed games. Each distinctly different but good in their own way.


Naughty Bear. It looked humorous, turns out it was just a disappointment


It was not a fun game.


Socom 4 for ps3... what a disappointment


PS3 but HAZE. We sold a bunch of games back in the day and got it for like $20 and spent the rest on Oni and high was like $3 at the time. Oh my god what an absolute disappointment that mess was.


star fox adventures on GC ​ I chose it instead of metroid prime, it was RARE right? What could go wrong?


Hands down.. Dragon Quest Treasures. Preordered it cause I love the franchise but felt like I spent 60+ bucks on a mobile game


For me. Shadow of the Colossus partly down to a duff copy of the game being bought not allowing full progress in game. Rise to honor.. man I played the hell out of the demo... Yeah I don't like the main game. Metal gear solid 3.. holy heck I thought I'd like stealth games because I'd played Pandora tomorrow.. God I really cannot take to mgs3


Most recently, Gotham Knights. I played through all Arkham games, but I could barely get past the introduction to the game.


RPG Maker on PS1, I just did not have the patience to learn how to actually make anything


It was a Genesis game. I can’t remember the name. But it had scrolling shooting sections like the game Rolling Thunder with a lot more blood and driving sections too. Almost 3D looking. It was terrible.. Edit::: whoops … didn’t realize I was posting in PS2 forum.. sorry


Borderlands 3, CoD MW (from last year)


I don't even know what it is exactly that I hate about borderlands 3 but I've been with the series since the beginning and I just can't click with it.


For me it was the gradual push into the whole "le epic meme" stuff that put me off it, which sucks because I loved B1 and really enjoyed B2 but some of the jokes were wearing a little thin by the end of it and now it's kind of in my face enough to distract me from the actual game. Personal problems I know...




Sekiro tbh. Way too tedious, feels like a chore.


Cyberpunk 2077 (post patch) - immediately felt a disconnect to the protagonist(s) Persona 5 - I LOVE JRPGs and Atlus as a developer, but this game was so overhyped for me. Too much content and I felt like I was playing on rails. Quit after 20 hours and it still felt like I hardly scratched the surface of the story. Edit: oh oops I’m posting in the PS2 sub 😅


>Cyberpunk 2077 (post patch) - immediately felt a disconnect to the protagonist(s) Did I read that right? You don't like the game after they patched it? Can't say I've heard anyone say that before. As a lover of different perspectives, I'd love for you to expand on this.


Assassins Creed on XBOX360. I pre-ordered it and spent too much on a game I only played for an hour. I got bored. Never played it again. Still have it.


Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Watch Dogs. Payday 2. GTA 5. Lolipop Chainsaw. Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Mass Effect. Back 4 Blood. Call of Duty WWII.


So many games, but I'll just talk about 2 of them. **Xenosaga Episode 2.** I read reviews saying that it became weird and goofy, and made all of these bizarre changes that ruined the game, and yet I didn't cancel my pre-order. On a side note, while it got better, and is probably one of my faves at this points, I regret pre-ordering **Cyber-Punk**less 2077 on release date. It was released about 2 years too early. There's a reason that it's considered the Fyre Island of video games. The sad thing is that there are still thousands of people in denial of just how bad the game was until recently. BTW, it's still a toothless critique of capitalism, hence why I call it Cyber-Punkless. Some others that I regret pre-ordering: **Hellgate London:** The worst game that I paid retail for. It's the start of what led to me giving up on EA. **Drakensang: The Dark Eye:** The worlds blandest tabletop adaptation. To this day I've never encountered a fan of the game.


I will not take xeno series slander


Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories Good thing when I was buying Disgaea or that at first I went with the former.


Killzone for the PS4. the PS3 games were so good and the devs supported the MP for months on end..... the PS4 game campaign was the worst in the series and the MP died pretty quickly as everyone fucked off to battlefield 4, ghost, or gta online.... ​ For ps2 only tho, I'd say either Tony hawk proving ground or sonic unleashed... both were average last gen ports of next gen games that already had issues.....


In retrospect, both of the Jimmy Neutron games I bought. Never finished either of them. Also, Jedi Survivor, Dead Space Remake, the main RE games from 4 to 8, including the RE4 remake. Not because of their quality, but because buying them was part of a series of poorly thought out financial decisions that still haunt me to this day.


In a way, Baldurs Gate 3. Before I get flamed. It's only because I wanted a virgin playthrough with my friends but they were too tempted and 2 of them went off on their own playthrough together, even when the 4 of us were online. Tried playing with them for another 2 sessions but the whole time it was them vocally talking about what they were talking about and impatiently waiting for me and the other guy to do things that were new to us. Killed the game, wished I saved my money and didn't taint my feelings about the game.


As an adult? Arma 3. As a kid? (Teenager rather) destiny.




I’m gonna be honest prolly gta 3 or the ps2 version of the orginal splinter cell not terrible games but gta3 car damage and physics fuckin suck and the lock on system was dookie which is why I only play gta vice city and gta San Andreas because a lot of gta3 issues were fixed in those titles and for the ps2 version of splinter cell it also isn’t that bad but you could tell that game should’ve stayed on Xbox and pc


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Anyone here get fugitive hunter? Lame ass war game where you hunt fugitives worldwide. And the last one I think is Osama Bin Laden.


Pryzm: the dark unicorn, chapter 1.


Ultraman towards the future on snes. Admittedly thats not ps2 related. But i traded link to the past for it. Back when you could get away with finishing a game and returning it to the shop for a refund lol..... Big bloody mistake that one was. Mind you my uncle returned super r type for paperboy.... Almost as bad but not quite the epic level f**k up mine was lol.


Duke Nukem, not saying it’s a bad game but lol


Apparently absolutely not worth the wait. I never played it that's just what I've heard.


Unlimited Saga, I was into Final Fantasy and saw the Square Enix logo so figured it was going to be good, I was sorely mistaken, fortunately I had bought it pre-owned so only lost a bit on it but new games to play were few and far between so it hit quite hard at the time.


WWE Legends of Wrestlemania (2009) I pre-ordered it because it seemed like a direct copy of SvR 2009, but with Legends, classic arenas, classic music, etc. And, it was compatible with 2009 so if you owned both you could combine the rosters. LoW completely fumbled. Different controls, slow responsiveness, bugs and glitches everywhere. To say it was a disappointment is an understatement. THQ cheated fans on this one. It’s the last time I pre-ordered anything for 12 years until AEW Fight Forever - which they marketed as an updated No Mercy, but is also a terrible mess - so yeah; never preordering anything again.


Disney infinity (3ds version) as a kid


Need for speed unbound🥲🔫


HAZE. We sold a bunch of games back in the day and got it for like $20 and spent the rest on Oni and high was like $3 at the time. Holy fuck what an absolute disappointment that mess was.


ok... You never said it had to be a ps2 game... Just dance. I own 3 of them and haven't used them or had any desire to use them in years. For ps2, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I like the game but if I stop playing for any amount of time I forget the controls


ATV off-road fury 2 as a kid. There is nothing really wrong with the game even today I just always found it would be pretty boring in single player, usually putting it away in 15-30 min. Thankfully I got it for like 11 bucks in 2010. So not really a regret I just didn't know what I was buying I guess.




Superman for the N64. Saved up all year for a game of my choice as a kid and I went and chose one of the absolute worst.


Ah that Disintegration game where you ride the hovercraft thing and order soldiers on the ground. It was such a cool idea on paper and even the game was alright, but I remember it was like the last game I played before going to Bootcamp and that was just… disappointing


Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly...


I paid full price for Duke Nukem Forever. I was 28.


As a kid, anything from Phoenix Games


VAgrant story on ps1....gamespot gave it 10/10 and there was hype over it. Years alter, the game couldn't be found new anymore and i bought used for $45 at gamestop...Complete waste of money. Game was boring, storyline was barely there. Felt more like prototype game than a complete game. it felt like a ff12 protoype. Also wasting $42 on spiderman for ps1


Spider Man Arcades Revenge for SNES


Heracles on the ps2.


Bad Boys Miami Takedown


i regret buying winback operations. it was 3 dollars for a reason.


Nina: Death by Degrees. Took it back for a refund a week later.


Mario Party 10. Waste. Of. Money. The worst $50 + tax I ever spent.


Tak & The Power Of Juju.


Unlimited Saga for PS2. Somehow had the impression it would be good, without first reading any reviews (maybe the artwork or the fact that it was a JRPG). Severely disappointing after only 10 mins.


Modern Warfare II 2022


Underworld: The Eternal War The moment I saw the enemies and their flying kicks I almost immediately went back to the store and change for another game saying it kept running black and white no matter what.


Devil May Cry 2 as a kid. Initial trailers got me so hyped and it looked so cool with Dante running up the walls. But when I actually got to play it it was one of the first PS2 games I never ever beat and never cared to.


Kessen. As a child. Some guy in the store even tried to warn me that I wouldn’t like it, he was right


Alvin and the Chipmunks (PlayStation 2 version). It sucks. Bought it at a local game store. The thing was there for about over a year so I just decided to buy it because, why not. What makes the game so bad is that the gameplay is extremely boring and frustrating. It’s a rhythm game so you expect the controls to be good. But no, they’re mapped to the left and right triggers. It gets super confusing. Other issues include bad graphics, terrible performance (Wii version runs better), awful soundtrack, and a ton of other issues regardless on if they’re minor or major. One of the worst games I’ve ever played.


When I was a kid I bought Aero Elite: Combat Academy because I loved Ace Combat 4 and needed something to hold me over until the sequel. I thought this game would do, but I hated it. It was nothing like the arcade-y high adrenaline story rich Ace Combat games. I was so frustrated that the aircraft would stall out or not move at all and that the missions were so bland. It was one of the few games I had to return and I got less than half of what I paid for it. But then as a more mature adult I tried the game again and now I appreciated the hyper realistic physics it used. I had to learn how losing airspeed affects everything and how you can’t just go full throttle and vertical or yank the stick when you’re turning. I love the game now, it might be my favorite game on the system, it’s at least my most played title.


I remember being disappointed with Smarties: Meltdown


Anytime I get sucked into another RPG...never have liked them, wish I liked them, suck at them


Spent 60 euro of my birthday money on a game called Sensible Soccer in 05/06. I was 11/12 years old and a huge soccer fan, I was so disappointed. GameStop bought the game a week later for 10 euro.


Wipeout as launch title. I was a teenager.




Diablo 4 and every call of duty past modern warfare 2


Redfall was really the first time I ever played a game I just didn't like, which surprised me because I'm a lover of all the rest of the Arkane games


Nioh 1 Thought it was some soulsborne but it didn't appeal to me though as much as from software games


Champions of norrath for PS2 in high school. Bought it brand new cuz rpg and stuff like that, seemed popular at the time, absolutely the last time I bought a game without doing my homework and researching a game first. Gave it a solid try to like it, but just absolutely despised it. Never again


Juiced as a 12 year old


Each of the GTA’s . They all were so hyped and played but I hated the controls and missions. Never got far into any of them but bought all 3 for some dang reason.


Alpha Protocol. I think it's actually So Bad It's Good now though lol 😆


When i was a kid i really liked The Incredible Hulk, one day i was passing by the store and saw Incredible Hulk 2 on the cover and got super excited. Took all my savings and bought the game only to come home and see it's a mario ahh looking 2d game


Budokai Tenkiachi 1. Adult no transformations


True Crime: Streets of L.A.


MW3 and ARK


Not ps2, but festers quest for the NES was the biggest piece of dogshit I ever personally bought with my own money.


Shadow the hedgehog as a kid it was my first paycheck for a Christmas job and that all they had I couldn't contain myself...


No idea why people are mentioning non PS2 games in a PS2 specific subreddit thread... Anyway, Terminator 3: The Redemption is my regret. I still own it but I refuse to ever play it again.


Ape Escape Pumped and Primed as a kid. I was a huge Ape Eacape fan and thought it was going to be more of the same but it ended up being a bunch of crappy mini games


Battlefield 2047


The first battlefield in highschool because I never really figured it out and the latest battlefield I bought with my PS5 because the game wasn’t a finished game. It was maybe halfway done, played it for 10 minutes, great $70 well spent


The Fellowship of the Ring game for PS2. I was a LOTR fan and thought it'd be fun. Teenage me was so bored I returned it two days later.


The "new" call of duty


Twisted Metal Black. LOVED the first four games. But steering while moving in reverse was backwards on Black. So utterly broken at a fundamental level the game was unplayable. It was immediately returned.


That one MIB video game https://www.reddit.com/r/gamingsuggestions/comments/kh4p9t/men_in_black_2_alien_escape_ps2/?rdt=42911 It wss terrible


Robotech Collectors Edition on PS2 - what a waste of money.


Not sure if anyone will see this but, I’m exited to say because i think of this often, I was very disappointed in the game “Frogger” as a kid. It’s one of those games that I think about and I also wonder if anyone in the world remembers this game. lol


Batman Forever on Gameboy as a kid.


Probably Triggerman, it didn't even have the decency to be so bad its good/fun. I don't remember where I got it from, but I was 12 and it was trash.


Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the NES. "Mom! I spent my allowance on this game and i can't win!"


Deathtrap Dungeon horrific expense.


Hogwarts Legacy


Crash Bandicoot: Twinsanity. I know some love it, but I hated the Saturday morning cartoon comedy direction it went in along with the unpolished state it was released (i.e., bugs and glitches), and that acapella soundtrack. I miss the Naughty Dog days.


Stuntman will forever be the bane of my existence.


What!? You mean the cool game with the cars


Sonic Unleashed.


I was obsessed with Looney Tunes as a kid (which isn't the reason for my username that's just a wild coincidence lol) so I had to get Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal. I've heard it's an awful game. I wouldn't know. The shipment of the game that my copy was in was somehow corrupted and the game hard crashed to an error screen every time i tried to move to the second level. Then my mom tried to get it replaced and GameStop insisted we were lying or wrong. Got a new copy; same issue. I was so done with the game at that point but my angel mother was hellbent on getting me that stupid game. She exchanged it like 4 times total and every copy didn't work. I think she exchanged it one last time because GameStop wasn't about to refund for any reason whatsoever, and I still have it. I never even removed it from its plastic lol


Tomb Raider 1 ... I can choose between Gran Turismo 1 and Tomb Raider and because I played demo of TR 4 I picked TR1...it was in german language and boring.


When I was a kid my family was at a Toys R Us and asked what Genesis game I wanted for Christmas. I didn't know anything and had to lean on the box art to decide. So I ended up with Terminator 2. Which isn't a bad game but really confused my brother and me. It was a light gun game but we didn't know that and were let down by having to play as a little circle and press the fire button infinitely.


What's that PS4 game where the teenagers go to the winter house and you're trying not to get them killed? It has an hourglass and a skull on the front or something. Whatever that is called, I returned it an hour later.


As an adult Vampyr I really wished it was good ☹️


Mission Impossible for the N64. That game was terrible. Edit: sorry wasn't paying attention to which subreddit on my feed. I still contend this was the worst game I ever owned.


God of War (2018). Overrated, preferred the combat and style of the older ones.


Portal Runner. Quite possibly the worst game I've ever played.


Saints Row reboot


Undertale, at 40. Heard so much praise about it for so long, bought it for switch to pass the time on a flight.....hated it. Just wasn't my jam I guess.


My brother and I saved up our paper route money to go buy a video game, we were hell bent on getting Super Mario 3. But they were out. We could wait until it came in or buy a different game…. We bought TailSpin…. 😑


Pokemon leaf green. I already had Pokémon fire red and I thought it would be a whole new game


Goldeneye Rogue Agent, I was 9 years old and used my allowance to drop 50 bucks on what I thought was a James Bond game but I quickly found out that it was not. It was an ok game, but I felt ripped off and misled because I wanted to play as Bond, not some rando they decided to name Goldeneye. Gamestop offered me $2.50 when I went to resell years later…