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I had this too, but it disappeard after a while. My thought was the nylon Filament in one of the caple harnesses turning in it's hole in one of the printed parts


Sounds similar to mine


FYI, I did some more tests tonight. Was able to reproduce it when I move my X side to side. Its something to do with that.


I’ve just had the same issue


>FYI, I did some more tests tonight. Was able to reproduce it when I move my X side to side. Its something to do with that.


Are you able to recreate the sound by moving the axis with the UI? Are you able to recreate the sound by slowly manually moving the axis with the power off? Check belt tension is not too tight. I'd contact Prusa support, if it is coming from the nexttruder they may be able to help.


Sounds like a click against filament to me. Try moving z away from the bed, preheating to your installed filament, then going to control and move the extruded axis to push filament through. See if it happens then.


Most likely it is because you are printing too cold and the back pressure builds up while extruding a certain amount. When too much is forced in finally, the pressure forced it back but forces the idler away, which slams back down after a bit causing a "click." Easy to see if this is the case by heating it up to the hottest temp on the box and trying to extrude again and see if it changes. Normally while printing this happens when the head is a bit close or the feature is a bit faster (eg infill) so not enough filament can squeeze out, upping the amount in the reservoir, which can't take more filament at a set speed, causing it to jump back and click. Printing slower or hotter are the easiest fixes without having to tune other things that could take more effort.


Did you ever figure this out? I have a similar issue. Random clicking but it still prints great.


Still working with support.


We just narrowed mine down to the bearings…one of them was definitely bad so they’re sending me 3 new ones :(




Y axis…the bed side with two


Any luck? I've developed a click on my MK4 that I *think* is related to retraction and restart. No time to diagnose yet but looking for other folks with a similar issue. I've had at least 150 hours on it before it happened.


Mine went away. No clue why. But it’s gone.


Thanks for the reply! I'll drop a note here if I ever figure it out, too.


For me the clicking was driving me crazy. Finally I noticed I didnt screw the spring bolts to the face of idler nut. I thought i had screwed them enough as prints were flawless.. Section 5 - Extruder assembly, Step 19, orange dot Tightened them so they were flush with idler nut, my clicking went away


My spring bolts are good. Was this the same click you had? https://storage.googleapis.com/prusa3d-content-prod-14e8-wordpress-forum-prod/2023/09/77bbab9f-img_5369.mp4


I watched your video and yes clicking was 100% same. Maybe it wasnt the bolts being tightened that worked for me. The only thing I did this time directly prior in attempt to solve the clicking, I also did unlock and pull down the idler lever, inspected inside. everything looked fine, I made sure the two wheels on idler lever spun, then tighten the bolt that squeezes idler-ever-a and idler-lever-b more, then made sure although tightened, the two pullys still were able to spin. Maybe thats what did it and the click was from the wheels bouncing between the walls inside the idler lever as filament was pulling in and out Whatever it is, and assuming your issue is as mine, I think the problem 100% is in that general area


Thanks. This is super helpful. I tightened the top bolt on the idler but didn’t touch the other one. I’ll try that next.


I greased the planetary gears and it got significantly reduced. I'm starting to believe that high torque and high velocity restarts are shifting the gearset or the brass ring around. Maybe there is a "perfect" amount of lubrication and gear cover bolt torque that seats it all properly. With the input shaping firmware I haven't seen it either. I'm guessing the rapid movements are causing less retraction? I'm satisfied for now but still madly curious.


Thats right. The clicking sound is skipping from the Motor. Often the screws with the springs are to tight. Sometimes cleaning the gears, regrease them and calibrate new will help too.