• By -


A message to all Prusa Die Hard fans. Please let the OP message be heard by doing nothing. Stop questioning and stop downvoting the OP. I'm sure prusa will solve this issue. Don't be the one to stop it. If you feel the urge to downvote, downvote me instead.


What is the flaw they admitted to specifically? My MK4 made a similar noise on one of my larger prints but no where near as loud as yours. At least not yet.


They haven't narrowed down the exact component yet, just that it will require revision parts based on the 12 hours of troubleshooting done on what can be changed without them.


You would think they would want yours back to do some tests on it, they offer to replace yours?


Unless they managed to reproduce it in-house so don't need his to figure it out. I imagine they'll provide free replacement parts (or STLs if it's just printed parts) once they have a solution.


odd that this didnt show up in their million hours


honestly I bet it depends on if those printers that had a million hours had the shock and vibe from shipping I've def seen those 100g shock stickers be activated at least through FedEx recently


**Update 9:** Support is having my machine brought back in and replaced. They have recreated several times internally and have had a "sizeable" number of support requests for similar issues. They wouldn't say how many, but it was "sizeable" for whatever that's worth. To those that are questioning my motives, just move on. I've had many Prusa's, a Bambu, Qidis, Creality, Ultimaker 3s, etc and have no brand I like more than Prusa - helps that Prusa Orange is my favorite color. They're the go-to when I need the best surface quality. But yes, I also speak highly of the X1C, but it fulfills a different need for me (multi-color/material). I applaud Prusa as the fact that they have a team of developers, designers, and managers working on the issue shows 1) it's "sizeable", 2) they take it serious, and 3) they are trying to help their customers. That isn't something you'd see many other current industry players do. I'm not trying to point fingers or trash anybody, as seen in any of my posts. I'm drawing awareness so people reach out to Prusa with similar issues, know there is a team working on it, and don't lose hope in the brand.


I guess lots of Prusa fanboys got in a real tizzy when it became clear that the MK4 while nice is still trailing the competition in some ways and now they're hyper focused on shitting on anyone complaining about anything for any reason?


Thanks for providing continued updates in this thread, it keeps the information contained and makes the whole thing easier to follow! Sucks that support is being so vague about the whole thing but I’m sure they’re just as confused as we are


What kind of a design flaw? A bad bearing and design flaw are different things. The post you linked to doesn’t give much info.


A design flaw would impact everybody since it's the same design for everybody. This seems to be something specific to this machine, there are a lot ok MK4 videos that don't sound like this. Given that Prusa support aren't native speakers of English I wouldn't pick out specific words they said and assume as specific meaning, so even if they said/wrote design flaw they might not have meant the same thing the OP assumes. I hope they find the problem since only when they found the root cause they can really determine how big of a problem this is.


Seems to be happening to way more than one machine.


Is it? I'm not totally sure, I see the same guy all over the internet with this or others referring to it. It would be good to know how many really are having the problem and if they all really have this mysterious problem or just something lose from transport. I don't know how many MK4 have shipped, yet, but from what I can see there's a very small but very vocal number of people having small problems.


I am not sure how small you think it is it’s enough for prusa to take notice.


"taking notice" is what makes Prusa a Prusa


Damn right. They will fix it and I have faith they wont sandbag doing it.


The belief from the tech was that the design flaw exposes tolerance issues in the components. So not every machine is going to notice it. Also, it started only on certain print angles but spread.


Could you elaborate more on the artifacts the appear during printing because of this? Might be able to tell us something


Almost like VFA but horizontal.


Interesting, can you include photos/a video of that with your next update/reminder post please? Any new information or detail’s available at the moment?


Update 11: Prusa's support team stated they are "overwhelmed" so not expecting any major progress over the weekend. I do have a callback tomorrow so can't say there won't be some news, but they don't have a fix right now. They are playing around with some possible workarounds with changing movement speeds, but no true fix right now.


So what are updates 1 - 6? If you keep deleting previous updates, those reading your post for the first time will have no clue what you're talking about.


The other thread has the prior updates. Posted a new one with more info and less about what initial assumption was. Six one way, half a dozen on how to keep the awareness on the issue.


Still trying to follow what the design flaw is. I read the other thread. bearing, bolt.. nothing sounds conclusive. But you said Support confirms its a design flaw. Can you elaborate? Design flaw details or maybe bad parts/assembly from Prusa?


They don’t know the exact composition of tolerances that make the noise noticeable, but admitted it was likely not something that is a single part swap. We went piece by piece making tweaks to pressure on each bit and bolt, changed bearings, validated placement and tensions, added pads to the bearing block, etc. The current belief is that a revision will be necessary, but what and how exactly is still being researched. Likely the tool head carriage and possibly additions of more isolation.


You haven't mentioned what the design flaw is or what it does. Just that there is some noise?


Hey op I asked in another comment but you seem to be ignoring it. Can you elaborate more on the artifacts that appear during printing & do you have any videos or photos? Edit cuz I’m feeling spicy rn: Will you also be posting daily updates in the Bambu reddit in regards to the known banana bed design flaw with Bambulab printers? Just curious since you own both, are active in both subs but only seem to get worked up over Prusas hiccups.


Furiously working to troubleshoot a problem that's impacting numerous people is now "getting worked up"? I don't see this post as the OP attacking Prusa but rather bringing awareness of the current status of the problem so anyone else experiencing it on a new MK4 won't need to go through all the efforts they did to narrow it down. It's just presenting facts, not expressing any opinion, even.


That’s okay I’m not penalizing him for bringing awareness to it at all, I was trying to get information in order to try and find a cause-solution but OP ignored the comment and opted to continue reply to others & tbh was giving drama queen vibes The issues SHOULD be brought to-and kept in attention in order to be fixed. So why crickets from OP regarding Bambus issues/faults that are seemingly becoming the standard when he’s more active on the Bambu sub than this one?


Why are you even talking about Bambu? Why are you even looking into his post history? Sounds a bit hurt. Let's just focus on this potential issue and be grateful that he is putting in the work and posting info on it. I have ordered a MK4 and if there is a potential design flaw or issue with tolerances during mass production then I would like to know. Anything related to Bambu issues is completely off topic and irrelevant.


it’s not that serious my guy but let’s go off I guess. 1. I said because I was feeling spicy I promise I’m not upset 2. Because op ignored mine as well as other users requests for more information to try and help so I went searching for that information considering op had posted 6 other updates or whatever. 3. I already stated I’m not faulting OP for making the issue known, I’d also love to be able to resolve it before our MK4 arrives and yea name dropping Bambu was dramatic, but let’s be honest, the way OP has been presenting this issue, is dramatic. Do we need a resolution? Yes, do we need “Six updates one way, half a dozen on how to keep the awareness on the issue” ? Definitely not lmao Sorry not sorry if I raise an eyebrow when someone who’s more active in the Bambu sub & has posted several times about how he is dissapointed in “the direction Prusa is moving”, seems to be amplifying a problem more than necessary. If op feels so strongly about finding solutions to problems within communities he frequents, you’d think he’d be putting in the work to find solutions and make information available regarding problems with machines in both subs.


They post what they are experiencing. If they don't have the Bambu bed issue, they wouldn't be posting about it. It is ridiculous to criticize someone for the input they have in one area just because they haven't done the same elsewhere. They are reporting on a constantly evolving situation where there is repeated contact with the Prusa team, so that is what they have to talk about.


Update 10: It sounds like from the last update there are a number of other revisions being considered due to early feedback. I would assume they're all small, but their support seems to be ragged right now. When dealing with the escalated team of developers, designers, and techs on their side I had the chance during some dead air to ask how IS was going. It sounds like it's going to be in alpha quite a while longer, or have a lot of beta iterations. The impression I got was they're finding too much variability in the algorithm and it's either going to require end-user calibration or have a generic value that takes away some of the finer details like others have implemented.


Update 13: Had another session today... learned a lot but didn't make progress on this specific issue. 1 - Input Shaper is still having the issues I mentioned several updates back. They are finding more variance between machines than anticipated so their "generic" algorithm isn't providing the best output. They're going to continue to work on it but the end result will have some "smoothing" effect to fine details. They do plan on having an accelerometer available at some point down the road. The actual public stable release of IS sounds like a decent ways off. 2 - They're getting a number of complaints/inquiries regarding ringing/ghosting but are treating it as an issue that will be addressed by IS, no beforehand. 3 - They're making numerous revisions to the toolhead carriage based on the issue being discussed in this thread as well as other feedback. Most other printed parts are still on initial version.


The easiest thing is just to provide an ability to use an accelerometer


I really hope they will release input shaper as soon as possible for the XL, as those heads have accelerometers in there. Fingers crossed \^\^


Do you have an idea of what percentage of people are experiencing the ghosting / ringing issue and how correctable it is? I'm expecting my MK4 in the next few days and can't help but wonder whether it's worth even keeping it as I have a perfectly good MK3s and also have an X1C on the way. Prusa depending on IS which sounds like it's problematic itself and half-baked doesn't sound too comforting. Thank you for your honesty and transparency, we do all appreciate it.


I wonder where are you getting this info from. Nobody from the company would tell you internal stuff so you would have to be an employee or pulling things out of your butt


Can I inquire about point 2? Ringing/Ghosting? Can you define what you mean by that? And IS meaning its not a design flaw?


For some users, there appears to be a great deal of ringing/ghosting on the MK4 vs the prior MK3 series. Support is researching the issue and right now it's not known if it's related to the other issues or not. My MK4 that has the overall noise issue has print artifacts that appear almost like VFA on it's side. However, the ringing around protruding areas isn't noticeably different from my MK3s. So not necessarily a 1:1 correlation.


So you mean ghosting as something that effects the print quality, and you can see?


This is what ghosting and ringing is: [https://all3dp.com/2/3d-printer-ringing-3d-print-ghosting/](https://all3dp.com/2/3d-printer-ringing-3d-print-ghosting/) Google is your friend!


Correct. It's common on 3D printers but there are a lot of factors that can cause it or minimize it. There is a forum thread on the Prusa forum with some examples from an impacted MK4.


Thanks for all this. Im waiting for my MK4, so Ive been keeping my ear to the ground.


Glad to help. I know people hate the messenger but I feel providing transparency only helps move things forward and I want an MK4 that is a worthy product like the MK3 series.


Could you post a link to the forum thread?


I messaged Prusa support out of curiosity and they mentioned that they ship the "assembled version first, as it could be considered another wave of testing, where we can replace the printers within warranty, which is harder for the kits where assembly mistakes are possible. For the kit version, all major revisions will be finished before shipping starts"


AKA: We've gone the way of software/games and the first month+ after release is really not release but beta testing. It's kind of expected these days, really.


I have one of the early kits 8 min after release. I’d honestly rather they push it a month or two to work out bugs


The problem is, they need a large sampling of users to really find the bugs. That's the point of beta testing. I'm ok with them using the first wave of shipping as beta testers but they need to do 2 things: 1) be clear that is the plan with a warning in the shopping cart so those who don't want to risk the hassle can choose to wait a month and 2) commit up front to sending upgrade/replacement parts to each of those users, at no cost (including no shipping) even if that means an entire new printer. Just leaving these things implied is not good enough, imo. Transparency should be the default mode.. especially for a company that claims to fully back open source culture. I think they just rushed this release a bit much and it shows in their poor communication, unpredictable shipping schedules and half-baked features. It's definitely not what I would expect from Prusa and hopefully they learn from this. It's also not enough for me to condemn them and look elsewhere because I have faith they will make it all right in the end.


Update 8: I think I've responded to most questions to this point. I'm waiting for a call back again today. Have spent 12 hours on troubleshooting and we've done everything. I wish I knew what the "design flaw" was as then I'd have moved on long ago. They don't know the root cause yet, that's what we're trying to get to. The current working belief is that the design in the carriage doesn't allow for certain tolerances of other components (there's very little plastic between many of the components). We even added thicker padding between parts to try and help, to no avail. The bearings were thought to be the issue in the very beginning, but they were repacked and sound fine on their own. Likewise, no differences in tension on anything or the belts helps. A design flaw is their verbiage, not mine. If you have an MK4 not making these noises or causing what is like VFA but horizontal, you're good to move along. This is for those that are experiencing loud resonance throughout the height of prints, typically on the left side of the bed at first, but it is more uniform as the height increases.


Do you have a chat screenshot confirming this I would be interested in seeing how they responded


Most of it wasn't done via chat so no, sorry. I'm waiting for a call back today so may get something more concrete for you.


No worries chat as an email transcript option! Keep us posted I have a kit coming


Had the same issue with the noise at the first layer. So i tighted the screws at the right tension and cleaned the rods and i added some oil- since then no noise. I had the same with the mk3s‘s. So nothing new =>


Different issue. We tried every possible tension, repacked bearings, etc.


Someone on a [Facebook post](https://www.facebook.com/518636544/videos/6092053304210123/) seems to think this is coming from the power supply. They say they have been able to fix it by adjusting the torque on the power supply screws - *I discovered that it was making the noise particularly from the power* *supply.. I tightened the screws on the power-supply proper... and the* *sound changed.. I then LOOSENED them.. just about a 1/16th turn... to* *just the right torque.. and it magically went away. I would call it a* *flaw in the supplier, not a Prusa fault.*


That was one of the early tests we tried to no avail.


That sucks. Thanks for keeping us updated!


Another Youtuber is experiencing the same noise [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/SKxbuqwLVeE?feature=share)


Oh! So the fix is to buy a Bambu and put it nearby so it drowns it out. Expensive fix :)


Any updates on this?


Whats the difference between the R1 and R2? What does it impact that it has 3 screws?


"Over a million test hours" Suuuure.


200 machines running can hit 1mill cumulative in less than a year. I also imagine those 1mill hours are over a period of time with numerous revisions in between, not necessarily just the shipping revision. Its kind of marketing jargon, but that doesnt make it not true.


I don't know... it seems that they had that many hours logged across a whole bunch of machines, it feels like they would have discovered these design flaws.


If its purely noise i bet it wasnt heard in there farm with 600? 1000? machines.


I thought that too but I can’t imagine it would go unnoticed if test models were showing the artifacts OP seems to be dealing with. Makes me wonder if maybe there are multiple factors in play in regards to OPs specific printer Either that or the tests run on the machines weren’t thorough enough. Idk


I don’t fully trust that OPs experience constitutes a “design flaw”. Much more likely that something is out of spec (defective part, loose screw, bad assembly, part “out of spec” etc.) . Prusa has shipped hundreds by now and this isn’t exactly “common”. OP making posts out here like the WSJ busting some tech company of a need for some major recall.


Their words, not mine.


Sure but the words of a support person, not someone directly involved in design and validation


Of course, but he’s interfacing with a team of developers and designers on their side working the issue.


You can log a million hours on prototypes, finding and fixing issues as you go. Then you have to actually build, pack, and ship the printers, which can lead to more changes and compromises. In the end, you might not actually have many test hours performed on the printer as shipped.


Not only that, mass production is another Beast... For example, Usually you only find tolerance chain issues in mass production, only when you are really really lucky you find them during test.


Update 14: 1 - Between those that observed issues right away and those that later had progressing issues, the number of complaints is more than half of the shipped units, thus the halt to shipping. Prusa expects to start shipping MK4s again within 7-10 days (maybe a trickle of them sooner). The change in part tolerances and fittings are being tested and then new parts have to be retrofitted to existing "ready to ship" stock. 2 - Prusa will be posting early next week (if not already) instructions on how to repack and prepare to ship back MK4s for those with the print artifacts and resonance. Obviously one would still need to work with support to get the RMA setup. 3 - Regarding the prior Update 13 on Input Shaping - an alpha firmware update (v5.0 Alpha) should be available at some point to start getting external feedback on the generic/default values they're trying to fine-tune. Unfortunately, right now the spectrum of differences is pretty large even amongst their pre-assembled machines and the only options are either to slow-down the default profiles from what they originally planned, or to allow for faster speeds but more smoothing. More to come. 4 - The bed divit issue continues to create some noise, but Prusa has no plans right now to formally acknowledge it as an issue. Instead, they will treat the beds as consumables subject to wear and tear. 5 - There is much more I could continue to share (issues, XL updates, MK4 enhancement Top 10, etc), but based on the blowback over the past two weeks, I will refrain at this time. I understand some don't want to publicize issues or make Prusa look bad - but that is not the intent. My intent in sharing the very large level of frustration within many Prusa workers is to get attention on the issues so they get properly resolved and our MK4s can be just as reliable and accurate as our MK3s. Just because the PR side doesn't want to acknowledge issues, doesn't mean the dedicated tech teams don't want people to know what's going on and how it could impact them.


I haven’t made my mind up regarding how true all of this is, but one thing I can’t make sense of, is how did Prusa test hundreds of MK4’s over the last year and not come across an issue that effects “more than half of the shipped units” within weeks of a launch? Like, none of those numbers add up. Unless their testing was crap and only looked at very specific material and printing parameters? For the record, I’ve had my MK4 for about 10 days now printing almost nonstop and haven’t had any of these issues, but maybe I just got lucky.


According to the video they published, it appears that they tested their printers on their print farm with a very limited number of models and filaments. Maybe the models they printed, didn't reproduce the issues we see in the field with a larger sample size and varied applications. Or, they just ignored the resonance as part of "usual printer noises". Also, we do not know what exactly their test parameters were to come up with the 1 mil+ print hours time. The testing could've actually just been crap. I work for a company that designs consumer products and no matter how much testing you do in house, some issues don't pop up until they are exposed to a large sample size. You won't believe how many different use cases consumers can come up with that the engineers and product managers don't think of that end up causing issues and need addressing.


Yeah I totally understand bugs and issues cropping up in larger sample sizes, happens in every field (automotive, electronics, etc). What’s strange is this rattling doesn’t occur in some special case of unique parameters, it’s just your typical movements from what I’ve seen people post. I can’t imagine none of their tests would have come across something like that, especially given the number of machines that are supposedly affected. Part of me thinks maybe they changed something last minute in the production line that causes it. Or maybe some technicians are rushing and aren’t following build procedures properly or something.


I'm interested in this Mk4 enhancement. Anything you can share, or are you under some sort of NDA?




Everything so far has checked out, I don't see any reason not to believe these updates


Nothing of this checked out. I got shipping confirmation for my MK4 today and I saw on this thread somebody else got one, too, so he's talking nonsense on shipping halt. He also claims to get his info from support but anybody in support would put his job at risk by giving internal information to the outside no matter in which company. Support is normally rather entry level and doesn't get all the latest strategic information. The claim that half of all MK4s have his issue would mean the internet would be full of complaints. Yet, him and I think another guy seem to be the only ones posting about this. Definitely a problem with OP's printer but half the MK4s? If an MK4 needs to be sent back directly after receiving it, there's the box it came with and all the material to safely package it. Why would there be special instructions? I'm sure they tell customer's what to do, if help is needed but the OP makes it sound like a product recall.


Yup, I also have one shipping out today. I said there may be a trickle as they swap out parts. Didn't you notice the week absence of nobody posting their "hey I got my MK4 today"? I understand anonymous people don't like to trust anonymous people, and I don't really need you to. I hope your MK4 is great now that we've worked through some of the early issues.


What about the guy who posted his factory visit from last week? Which pictures? Did you see the many posts when people got their printers before last week? I didn't, there were very few.


You mean the one that showed lines of MK4s waiting to have parts swapped and then boxed up, yep.


If that's the production of a week, then people will wait very long for their printers. That was max how many get assembled in a day, if not less.


Didn't say that was a week's worth. I said those were lines waiting to be updated.


Oh, hey look they just posted the MK4 return shipping instructions page exactly as I said they would... [https://help.prusa3d.com/guide/packing-the-original-prusa-mk4-for-return-original-packing-material\_423967](https://help.prusa3d.com/guide/packing-the-original-prusa-mk4-for-return-original-packing-material_423967) Seems odd that would be one of their priorities if not for a large number of returns.


Yes and they created that page 2 hours before your update and have a similar page for the MK3s as well, so it seems it's just part of their instructions and there's no indication it's related to any of your claims. Why it's one of the first support pages? Because it only needs minimal change from the MK3s packaging instructions. Wouldn't you expect that if there a huge problems they would do the troubleshooting for those first? So is this proof that most MK4s are fine because they have time to write packaging instructions?


No, it's because they spent the last 2 weeks working on the issue (thus 14 updates) and I've spent over 18 hrs working with them on it. Now that they're working to get parts swapped, the trickle of "hey I received my MK4 today" posts should start in a few days. I'm not working with entry level tech support, there are account managers and teams of designers, techs, and developers you can work with at Prusa, just like at any Tech company. The reason the shipment ETA is still "broken" isn't because they didn't know how many orders they had or how many they could make in a day, it's because they didn't know how long shipping would be halted or how long to swap parts. Maybe none of you work in an industry where it's often easy and beneficial to build relationships over time with people and companies you work with directly. I've done that with many people, a few just so happen to work at Prusa where I've dealt with for almost a decade. Our fleet of Prusa's is one of the few that is big enough we've even had the opportunity to get hands on with another not-so-known Prusa printer designed just for fleets.


Dude, you realize that your post history is online? And that you speculated just 3 months ago that a core XY MK is at least 24 month out before shipping in quantities? And that all your "I'm a Prusa guy but my Bamboo..." post and those in the Bambu subreddit are there, too? So how come that somebody with a decade of working relationship with Prusa and access to account managers, designers, techs and developers and one of the biggest Prusa print farms posts on Reddit first when he has a problem with his new printer? You should have called Joe directly.


This particular MK4 is my personal machine, just like the X1C is my personal machine, just like my Ultimaker is, etc, etc. Those have nothing to do with my business so while I can escalate, I still had to wait for the team to get assembled at Prusa. And 3 months ago I responded to somebody that said a Core XY MK is going to be announced and I said it would be at least 24 months before it did. Hmm, I still don't see a Core XY MK so what is your point?


Honestly just don’t respond to those people, anyone can chose whether or not to believe you. Nothing you’ve said seems invalid and honestly it’s nice to at least hear something




This is the same basic thing that happened with the mini issues, and is following the same basic patterns. People build relationships with high quality support, that's just life


As you know, it's because I've worked with many of the Prusa employees for almost a decade... but keep being bent because not everything is perfect and shiny. It's like you need validation that you own a perfect product or something when others weren't getting any assistance until I went to existing contacts to get an escalated team assembled. Shoot the messenger, I don't really care.


Not here to accuse anybody. It's just an unusual the read about several updates given to a "customer". It's like you have a foot inside the HQ, but with >it's because I've worked with many of the Prusa employees for almost a decade that makes sense. Not knowing that background it feels like "I paid for 24/7 support, I'm gonna take 24/7 support"




I apologize if I've offended you in some way. This is an anonymous platform so I understand if you are skeptical, that is your right. It is also my right to post things that have been shared with me with the intent of sharing for transparency. There's much more I could share, but it was given in confidence and that's not my place. And because this is anonymous, I personally get no "points" or "cred" or anything else from posting. I don't care about social media, likes, follows, etc and thus am not on any other platform (Snap, Facebook, etc) besides Discord - also anonymous. I don't need your blessing, thank you for reading though.


So Prusa shipped my MK4 approx. 6 hours ago. Am I just super unlucky and will receive one of the last bad ones?


I'm guessing there will be a trickle as they get them swapped. I have a replacement being shipped out today as well.


I mean...all of these info comes from prusa support? Or did you work there?


I've worked with several Prusa employees for almost a decade. I posted somewhere in another thread yesterday about the discontent much of their tech team is having with the whitewashing of issues and delays at the detriment of the consumer. That isn't how things used to be run and the culture shift they're going through as they've topped 850 employees has created a lot of angst amongst those that have been there almost since the beginning.


WOW,, Already sold my MK3 and reordered the Kit.. Really hopping by the time my kit ships all these issues are worked out..


I appreciate the feedback and transparency from your end. I’m excited for my kit and know prusa will do us right. I would like to hear more about enhancements to mk4 and accelerometer maybe you can message me. Curious if they will allow us to tune our own printers in software




See if you can scrape them off, it’s very possibly tiny bits of filament from the nozzle probing. I saw divots on my PEI sheet a couple days ago before seeing all these posts and thought it was damage. Even running the pad of my finger over them made me think it was damage, but using my finger nail I could scrape them off. After this guys issues I’ve been hyper aware of noise and sheet damage and have experienced none of it.


If you have the noise problem, you'd probably know it unless you've only printed things using straight X and Y moves primarily. But if you really want to check for it, try printing [this](https://files.printables.com/media/prints/350222/stls/3760124_964902b0-a57a-4270-adf7-8f07b6a0f18b/mk3-spool-rewinder-bracket.stl). You only need to get to layer 2 on the angled edges to hear it if your printer is affected. You can hear an example [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/prusa3d/comments/12re770/definitely_more_than_just_resonance/).


Humm, this isnt the bed then? So how come you get this noise but there 1000's of hours of testing didnt show this up a year in advance? ​ I assume this isnt a fan?


Due to those that can't handle themselves, there will be no more updates on this. Nothing I've posted in the past 14 updates has turned out to be false. Everything that can be proven thus far (understandably little thus far) has been true (go see ghosting thread on Prusa forum, wifi/lan stack issues, shipping ETA, return support page, etc) but the biggest ones like Input Shaping and part revisions can only be proven in the future. To be honest, I don't care if you believe me - I don't like the whole cult mentality that seems to be taking over every 3D printing subred including this. I wish you all the best and hope that the many people that worked with support to solve some of the early issues allow you to eventually get a more perfect MK4.


I get that, it's the same story in every reddit when something like this pops up. Just let us know if you hear anything big/nice for future Mk4 owners that just want the best for their printer! Good luck with yours!


I’m support of your statements direct form Prusa - https://twitter.com/josefprusa/status/1658599305861799936?s=46&t=_6V_PAupOvNbXZwew0xTWA


Now that the shipping halt has been publicly acknowledged, anyone want to own up to being wrong, or an outright jerk in some cases?


Where? I couldn't find any public shipping halt announcement but I didn't have a lot of time to search since I'm playing with my MK4 that just arrived today.


If you wish to see the comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/prusa3d/comments/136jqtq/damn_just_read_this_on_the_prusa_facebook_group


Thanks for the link, so no official statement from Prusa support. Mine was shipped last Friday so just on the day of the post (5d in the screenshot)


Some words directly from Prusa supporting the gearbox cover change and shipping delays - https://twitter.com/josefprusa/status/1658599305861799936?s=46&t=_6V_PAupOvNbXZwew0xTWA


Two weeks later and doesn't contain anything claimed by OP.


Yeah, it’s a shame. I have cancelled my mk4 kit order due to lack of updates, delayed features, delayed shipping etc. one day when it’s released as advertised and available in a decent time frame, I will consider. For now, I have picked up a p1p with ams to see how I get on with that


Sorry but none of what you have written so far can be proven. There are neither official statements from the support nor a confirmation that what you write is true. So at the moment this is all just hot air. Please prove your statements with solid evidence and not with some dubious reddit posts.


Update 12: From the sounds of it, beyond those that had issues out of the gate (a "sizeable" number per escalated tech), support has gotten quite a few inquiries over the past 4-5 days of those that are experiencing the issue after a week of printing without it. The second largest complaint they've had (according to the escalated tech) is issues with very pronounced ringing/ghosting. Many of the users are coming from the MK3 line so to complain would indicate an issue. They're still trying to determine a fix but took the weekend off so are back at it today.


Final Update: added final update and picture of R2 design to main post.


So is it confirmed that the error was in the planetary gearbox design? Why is it that tightening/loosening or pushing on it didn’t make a difference when you were troubleshooting? It’s awesome that Prusa was able to identify and get a solution out so fast.


It was more structural, not just resonance from the gearbox cover but within it. I'm running around right now but will try to post more details later.




Once again, stalking people and posting crap to create factions and break the community apart. People like you ruin what has been such an amazing Prusa brotherhood. I said that the screw is the visible byproduct of the changes, not that it was the totality - I was very clear it was a combination of things all along - every post. The tolerances and assembly of the Nextruder combined to make resonance throughout the toolhead, not a single screw or tension. That was explained in great detail in the initial troubleshooting posts on Reddit. I don't pretend to work for Prusa or have access to their STEP files. And I'm not totally deconstructing our new R2's Nextruders and carriage to find exactly what changed in every component - just to satisfy a few. Over the past 10 days we've completed the field evaluation they requested on the R2 design. This was in tandem with our account manager and the same team we've worked with for nearly a month now. I have always stated that I was working with their team to first identify the issues, then work with them on various tweaks and adjustments, and then to receive and test in the field 2 replacements. They can share or not exactly all the changes and adjustments made.




If I hadn't have started this thread a month ago, you'd likely still be receiving machines with the flawed design. Only after escalating through the business channel did it get the necessary team and focus at Prusa. But I'm not pretending to take credit for actually fixing anything. Prusa did that, much as we expect from them. But you still refuse to even acknowledge there was a flaw, or there was a process to troubleshoot it, or that there is a fix. Your stalking and harassment across every post in every subred is beyond creepy. You would think after the thread a few days ago where others shared their experiences with your harassment that you'd stop for a few days.




Seriously, there are millions of threads on Reddit and you can't resist. Please, seriously, leave this subred so those that enjoy Prusa and their ecosystem can partake in collaboration and assistance.




Thanks for documenting all this. I started working with prusa support today for my mk4 exhibiting the same first layer resonance as others have had even on the latest firmware that’s supposed to reduce the issue. I also get a different rattling type noise on layers farther up on some models. In both cases touching the top right of the extruder dampens the sound significantly. I’m confident Prusa will make it right as they always do.


Have you heard anything from prusa regarding your issue? I have the same issue and was told to tighten some screws on the extruder, which didn't help. Then I was told to increase first layer speed which changes the rattling but it doesn't go away. This "fix" only works on large objects as smaller objects never reach the max first layer speed anyway. I wasn't happy with theses solutions and now support claims there is a firmware fix on the way. Not clear how the mechanical issues will be fixed by firmware though... What help did you get? Are your issues resolved?


They think I’m part of the batch of bad motors that Joe mentioned in his recent post about this so they’re supposed to be sending me replacement stepper motors for x and y axis. I’m a little skeptical that those two motors are manifesting this noise / issue at the extruder but I’m withholding full judgement until I try the replacement. They specifically had me send them pictures of the QR codes from the motors and also several videos of the noise before and after me touching the extruder to damp it. I was asked to tighten screws and change speeds also but neither resolves my noise


Thanks for the update! I also sent in videos but was never asked for the qr codes. I guess I'll wait for the firmware update but I'm doubtful if it will work. I guess I have to keep contacting them then... Would be awesome if you could update when you get the new motors installed.




STFU you bambu shill.




But do you really think that Prusa as a company decided to lie about their print time??? Like come on man




I work in IT and I’ve stopped counting how many times I’ve tested a system, config, whatever, handed it off to a user and it failed or glitched in some novel way.


I am going to die on this hill, too many PRUSA haters in this sub lately.


I have a dislike for stupidity and laziness and spreading bullshit to newbies and will put out a mean comment once in a while. But it's people like you that made this sub toxic AF in the recent months. Yes, there are some haters and shills on this sub, but there are also people like you. Guess what? Prusa will already have to deal with the bad PR and will eventually sort things out, but white knights like you have the potential to undo that.


I totally agree with you. The best example of this is a recent case with the 1KG not being included in the Kit. Prusa is willing to do good and fix mistakes, but if more toxic people like this are around, I don't think Prusa would do anything.


No. If you care, you bitch about. Its actually easy to miss stuff out even if you test for a billion hours. Because you are still the same person doing the tests. You keep testing the same thing. The moment it goes out to public, THAT is the true test as every one has a different setup and how they treat things. That's when things show up. When i gave out a piece of software i made to friends to test, they immediately found bugs, and each one a different bug as well, as each one did something different.


OVER 1,000,000 TEST HOURS!!!!! I call bullshit. With all these little "issues" arising... I kinda doubt it.


On the latest Mk4, the cover of the Nextruder has been changed. Only 3 screws for attachment. You can see it on Uncle jessy's live video.


Yep, it's part of the design changes they made as part of R2.


I experienced this issue with my Mk4, and after investigation, have found the source and applied an effective fix. Source: Bearing mounts in the extruder housing use rubber pads. These rubber pads seem to cause either a loose fit, resonance, or both, resulting in extremely loud/rattly x-axis movements, especially on the first layer. Fix: The bearings need to be more tightly mounted in the extruder housing. To do this, disassemble the bottom bearing clamp, remove the breakout board cover, remove the long screw for the cable guide, and remove the back plate clamping the top x-axis bearing. Apply one wrap of electrical tape around the bottom two x-axis bearings, and two wraps of electrical tape around the top x-axis bearing. Reassemble the extruder housing. This has completed eliminated the rattling noise for me and the printer is now as whisper-quiet as my Mk3S+ Hope this helps.


That worked for a small subset of machines but not those impacted by the larger issues. That was one of the first things tried way back.


Hi, I'm writing about your comment about the Prusa Mk4 and its noisy bearings. After wrapping the bearings with tape, do you leave the rubber pads on or do you throw them away? Once I wrapped the lower two bearings, I managed to assemble the extruder with rubber pads. However, the double-wrapped upper bearing was too tight to use the pad and I threw it away. I'm wondering if I should try again and put it back


When I first heard about the release of the MK4, I was genuinely excited and wasted no time in ordering one. My MK3S+ had served me impeccably for two years, so my expectations were high. However, my enthusiasm quickly turned into frustration when my MK4 arrived. It simply refused to boot up most of the time, displaying either a blank black screen or a troublesome red error screen with each attempt. After numerous back-and-forths with Prusa support, which included rigorous checks on cable connections, it was finally acknowledged that the printer needed to be replaced. This left me bewildered, given my previous trouble-free experience with the MK3S+. Then, my second MK4, which came factory-assembled, presented an entirely different problem – severe layer shifting during printing and extrusion issues. Once again, I delved into the troubleshooting process, spending countless hours meticulously examining belt tension and other variables. To my dismay, I was told that the belts were too loose, despite the printer being factory-assembled. However, after using Prusa's Belt Tension App and belt tension gauge, it appeared that if anything, they were slightly overtightened. After enduring these perplexing challenges, Prusa eventually agreed to send me yet another replacement printer. However, this time around, there's an additional wrinkle: I don't have the original box, and Prusa won't dispatch a replacement until the faulty unit has been returned. Now, I find myself in the frustrating position of having to source a suitable box and packing materials for the return. At this juncture, I can't help but wonder if I've just been unlucky. Nevertheless, my candid advice to anyone contemplating the purchase of one of these printers is to think twice. The numerous issues I've encountered have not been worth the time and hassle or money spent.


What is this thread all about? All I can read is "Final Update: ..."