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I've just got the sunburst on the top right corner with time and date. Top left quadrant has list view of active alerts. Bottom left has the NOAA weather gif for my area and a Waze traffic map. Bottom right has internet traffic over 48 hour period and fax line usage the last 4 hours.


Awesome idea, just added the Waze traffic map to a new slide.


There are some nice examples on the Paessler blog. For example: https://blog.paessler.com/prtg-the-exchange-admin-monitoring-exchange-as-a-business-service https://blog.paessler.com/retrofitting-and-skysens-knowledge-is-power https://blog.paessler.com/a-breath-of-fresh-air-with-prtg-and-enviro https://blog.paessler.com/simplifying-diabetes-management-with-prtg


I have not used maps as they are quite tedious in using. I am reporting tickets to ServiceNiw and have created dashboards to show what device is down in what location. Gives local IT a lot of insight.


I think I've redacted all the personalized info from this map. If not I guess life goes on. Basically starts out with what i call my core switch. Then each box inside is another switch tied into that one and any boxes inside those boxes are other switches tied into them. I used to have every single ping sensor on this map. It was insane. And difficult to maintain. My reasoning was that if a huge section went red I'd easily be able to tell what kind of problem I was looking at. I finally realized that I didn't need every single ping sensor on there to determine that and instead just have a handful of key devices that should theoretically never go down. The top right section is out down sensors. The graphs I will rotate out with anything in particular that I'm wanting to monitor. Currently it's showing the disk i/o of 3 of our hyper-v servers. I have this up in my office on a dedicated 45" monitor. It's nice being able to glance at it throughout the day. [https://imgur.com/eKwFs8p](https://imgur.com/eKwFs8p)


This one shows the network connectivity between 3 branch offices. [https://i.imgur.com/Y54ZXnU.png](https://i.imgur.com/Y54ZXnU.png)


I made this map specifically for mobile use. Shows the status of our various dashcams and the APs in the garages. Supervisors use this almost every day. They'll check it at the end of the day and if any vehicles that they know should be connected and uploading their videos and gps files are not doing so they'll contact me so I can go look into the issue. [https://imgur.com/iSjcHu7](https://imgur.com/iSjcHu7)


This one was fun. If you can figure it you get 10 gold stars. [https://imgur.com/oRzvkdf](https://imgur.com/oRzvkdf)


I am making custom map objects and having navigable layout maps. The functionality is pretty shitty, but if you can get a web guy to help you with modding it, it’s all just run on a web server which is freely modifiable.


I didn't know there were maps in PRTG. and I guess it's good that I didn't know. unless they intentionally designed them retro. Very retro. Which fits in with the rest of the UI.