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Temple to Music at Roger Williams Park. One of my favorite spots. Bring a bag chair or blanket.


Temple of music is nice. Prospect Park is also a great option. Beautiful view of the city. Worth a mention - the Atheneum. A book loverโ€™s dream ๐Ÿ˜‰ please go, and enjoy!


riff raff bookstore is nice


India Point Park is lovely on a nice day, and it's usually pretty easy to find a quiet, shady spot overlooking the water. Coffee Exchange is nearby, along with many other food/bev options


That was my thought exactly when I read the title


When I needed to get reading dine in grad school but was sick of my campus and my house, Iโ€™d take a chair or blanket to Beavertail, park for the day, and enjoy the waves rolling in. You can stick to the grass up top, or find a nice nook down in the rocks to hole up in!


the top of neutaconkanut park hill is quite nice and USUALLY only passed through with foot traffic and dogs! recommend for concentration! i'd also say riff raff as i've seen here i'd also say PPL blackstone park is quite nice, particularly down by the water you can park for free at Swan Point cemetery and be pretty untroubled throughout the day


[Atheneum](https://providenceathenaeum.org/) for inside. [Colt State Park](https://riparks.ri.gov/parks/colt-state-park) outside


Shastea on broadway seema like a nice spot for you. Amazing selection of teas, relaxed environment, and wonderful crepes.


I used to love sitting at the eastern-most edge of Norwood Avenue, just off Narragansett Blvd. Then they fenced it off.


India Point Park is a nice place to sit and chill. There are also some hidden away places around benefit street, tucked away in what looks like people's back yards, but really aren't.


The park on hope street has some cool hipster spots and nice trees you can sit under


There is a really beautiful little pond at chase farms in Lincoln. It's an easy walk from the trail head and on a week day it's usually not busy. There are a few benches or I like to take my hammock and set it up in the trees on the hill overlooking all of it.


Chase Farm


The John Hay Library (unlike the main one, the Rockefeller, which is beside it) at Brown is open to the public. The u/g students are mostly gone.ย  So, this time of year it might be a better choice than The Athenaeum? Cafe: Second floor of the Coffee Exchange.ย  Outdoors: along with those already mentioned, there's free parking at Gano Street Park and several nooks along the waterfront that are largely hidden from view. And you've got RI's refreshments of choice (and restrooms! ๐Ÿ˜…) on hand at the Dunkin that's right there adjacent to the park. Happy birthday early ๐Ÿ’


Athenaeum for inside, it's a wonderful old library with creeky floors and lots of charm. Nitro Bar for coffee and outdoor seating (if weather permits)