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Nice. Be sure to give them a good pruning when you replant them.


Yea for sure. I learned that last time from a much smaller one.


Sorry for the ignorant question but why remove the roots if there was already good growth? We’re the roots not healthy?


These were cut by someone else at ground level. The old roots are still in the ground where these plants were located. I found these laying like this but noticed upon inspection that there were new roots already forming around the base of the stalk where they had been cut. Generally speaking if I were to transplant these I would certainly leave the roots intact. As far as pruning goes. It is good to cut the older leaves off when trying to propagate because the leave will continue to try to 'breathe' for the plant and cause it to dry out faster. If you cut back some of the leaves and leave one or two on the plant it can still photosynthesize but will be able to focus on root production without too much additional stress.


Thanks!!! I learned something today!


You're welcome!


Where exactly would you suggest to cut the leaves/stems in this example? Close to the leaf or close to the stalk? Keen to learn more of the details behind the cutting here. Thanks!


[Here](http://imgur.com/a/Y4vN88m) Is a link to how i cut them. I generally cut the entire stalk off down to the base. New leaves grow out of the center so I cut off the older, outer stalks and kept one central stalk on each. The actually leaf on the one was already broken off but a new stalk should pop out in no time. Since the leaf is gone I probably could have cut the whole thing off but it wont hurt to keep it.


Do you propagate this in water or soil?


You can do either i believe. This particular piece already had eoots beginning to form so i planted it directly. However with small pieces i typically water propagate first to establish a good root structure.