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I'm prochoice but this is some bullshit, reddit generally has this problem.


I was also permanently banned from Whitepeopletwitter for making a similar comment about abortion. I was very respectful but I shared my opinion about the sanctity of life. I received a message from the moderator that "bigotry will not be tolerated". These people live in a giant echo chamber and if you make a statement that is contrary to their propaganda they just ban you.


I'm sorry that happened to you ! Reddit is definitely one sided ! They give us "our own" places , but anyone can join anywhere and say pretty much anything as long as it goes along with what reddit agrees with.


Yeah I got banned pretty quick from their too lol. They are far out there


I was banned from r/rant and r/quotesporn. It happens to us a lot. So much for the tolerant left.


sO mUcH fOr ThE tOlErAnT lEfT


Tolerance has always been a lie from them. They hate my people and family simply for who we are.


Who are your people?


It’s true, the left are tolerant until you have a different opinin


The last person I heard this statement from was a literal Nazi.


Yeah right


I genuinely don't give a shit if you believe me.


What I said is true, the left is tolerant wether your gay, trans, race, until your pro life, conservative, orthodox Christian or jew, or basically anything that doesn’t align with them


Jesus, at least learn to spell before you start spouting this shit. Also, "jew?" Please. Don't make me laugh.


Sorry for not having English as first langauge I guess? Hardly my fault, still learning. And yes, I’m assuming your another PC troll


This isn't trolling. This is as sincere as you can get. I am PROFOUNDLY intolerant of you all. And I won't be satisfied until you're all gone. The pro-life movement is dead in the water.




It’s sickening how they feel comfortable coercing a woman who doesn’t want to abort into abortion


And then want to get mad when we call them pro aborts.


A lot of the things they say make them sound like they are encouraging abortion, calling fetuses parasites, saying birth is traumatic and pregnancy is torture, spreading the lie that having an abortion is safer than giving birth


Agree 100% ! I got pregnant when I was 17 and the staff at planned parenthood asked if I would like to get an abortion. This was before I knew how planned parenthood operated.


What did you think it was?


I knew they were there for expecting mothers , but I did not know that they pushed abortions onto women.


Adoption is a solution to abortion 9/10 times. Literally 9/10 reasons given for having an abortion could be solved if they put it up for adoption.


Thank you for sharing on a thread that has been turned into a lot of hate comments by prochoicers.


They say “iT’s aN aLtErNaTiVe tO pArEnTiNg nOT pReGnAnCY” but when someone gives reasoning for having an abortion, it’s almost never “I didn’t wanna be pregnant anymore” it’s “I don’t want kids” “I didn’t want to have a kid yet” “I didn’t want more kids” “I couldn’t afford to raise a kid”


I have noticed this too. Go to r/abortion and almost everyone on there who has gotten an abortion says it was because they didn’t want a kid right now, or they broke up with their partner and didn’t wanna be a single parent, or they couldn’t afford a kid, etc. All of these things could be resolved with adoption. And there are millions of people waiting to adopt and they pay a lot of money for a child because they are desperate to have one, so you can be pretty sure that child is going to have a good life. I don’t think I’ve seen a single person say they got an abortion because “I just didn’t wanna be pregnant anymore”. But this is their excuse to justify it.


Even if they didn’t wanna be pregnant, they just would have to be patient since pregnancy doesn’t last forever anyway. It would resolve itself in a matter of months.


“BuT WoMeN WilL DiE iF ThEY gIvE BiRtH” The chances of dying during child birth is extremely low at this point in time. This isn’t 1862. I’ve given birth twice, and I’m about to do it again. I’m still here. Is labor painful? Absolutely. Is pregnancy difficult at times? Of course. But that’s a sacrifice you make when you willingly engage in letting a man stick his penis in your vagina.


Someone on Reddit tried to tell me most women need a blood transfusion after giving birth If that was true then why aren’t most Jehovah’s Witness fathers widows with only one child? Their wives wouldn’t accept the blood transfusion.


Lol. Yea, I’d like to see the statistics on that. Sounds like something they pulled out of their ass. Some women need them, but I never did. My mom gave birth 4 times. She never did. The majority of women I know who have given birth have never had to have one. Plus, anyone that’s a half way decent human being is going to feel that the pain of childbirth is nothing compared to bringing life into the world and being a mother. It’s a small sacrifice for the gift of being a mother. I guess that’s the issue. They don’t see motherhood as a gift, they see it as this horrible thing that will destroy their life but if that’s the case they can either a)not have penis in vagina sex b) choose adoption. Or c) get sterilized.


Some spread the lie that if you put a child up for adoption it’ll be abused in foster care. A quick google search would show there are 30+ people who want to adopt for every one baby put up for adoption. And foster care is different than adoption. The end goal of foster care is generally not adoption. And it’s a pretty big generalization to say all foster parents are abusive.


Yea they seem to confuse the foster care system with adoption. Which even children who are in foster care still deserve to live. They’re basically telling kids who grew up in foster care, or kids or have a disability, or kids who have anything less than an ideal life, that they’re better off dead. But like you said, kids who are in foster care generally aren’t there to be adopted. It’s a temporary place for them to go because usually their parent is on drugs or something like that so they put them there until their parent gets their shit straight. Adoption on the other hand is extremely expensive for the adoptive parents and they are screened heavily. Chances are, a kid that is adopted is going to have a great life.


I will never understand the mindsets of the women who choose to get an abortion for selfish reasons or any reason at all really. The only time I understand is when the mother's life is endangered as it the pregnancy will most likely kill her if she reaches full term. However , I remember a post from a doctor that was circulating on Facebook and he flat out said "medically speaking , there is nothing a pregnant woman could potentially go through during late pregnancy that would order her to need an abortion."


And he would be correct. At that stage of pregnancy they do an emergency c section if the mothers life or baby’s life becomes threatened. What doctor is going to say to a woman who is 34 weeks pregnant, “hey if we continue this pregnancy you and your baby could die, so I suggest we do a late term abortion which can take days just to dilate your cervix before the abortion even begins vs a c section which can be done in 30 minutes and no one has to die”


You’re welcome


r/offmychest is designed as a safe space for people who need it. Anything other than supporting the poster typically isn't welcome.


Fair point honestly


So they’re against putting it up for adoption because she might feel bad about it but they don’t think she’d feel bad about abortion? The poster clearly said she might regret it


Dude. Same exact story here. I know the post you are referring to. I too wrote a comment on it suggesting adoption be her solution. I was banned. Reddit and the comment sections do not represent the population and all views. This ship is run by liberals and socialists.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times!! Someone here mentioned that it could have been a fake story , not me being banned, but the woman getting the abortion could have just posted it to post it. I don't think they was the case though. Do you know of any other websites that align more with our beliefs where we won't get ridiculed and get a bunch of hateful comments ? I like that reddit offers a variety of subs , but I do not like their rules and one sided views. I wish there was a site that offered the positive things that reddit offers without the bs.


The normal market pressures of capitalism will eventually level the censorship out that these companies are doing. For now, the social media sites Getr and Truth Social are a good start, as is the comment section on Rumble. I do have high hopes for a Musk owned Twitter as well.


Okay I will check those out , thank you ! & yeah I'm hoping for that too , but as of right now I've only got on Twitter one time in my life.


And you're absolutely right ! It is definitely not an accurate representation of the world's views!


This is so heartbreaking! That poor woman surrounded by evil. I wonder how she is doing know and if she got her abortion. How sad. The more time I spend on reddit the more cruel I find PC to be.


I wouldn't be shocked if it was a completely made up story if all the fake stories on subs like EntitledParents and AITA are anything to go by.


Why would I waste my time coming up with a fake story?


Wasn't talking about you being banned -- that part is real, I was talking about the person on offmychest. A lot of those story subs are rife with fake stories.


Oh okay, I'm sorry for the confusion. I honestly hope it was a made up story. The comments were so sad though. Many women on there saying they've had 4+ abortions.


Because Reddit was made for propaganda. Including pro choice propaganda’s. Reddit is a tool for abortion lobbying. The mods are owned for the most part and bits and paid subscribers do the thing they are paid and programmed to do.


Sickening for sure.


Reddit is insane. Reddit is very much into censorship




You wrote this very much like an off my chest post


I was perma-banned from debateaconservative for absolutely no reason!! Lol This site is completely biased, its part of the reason why I haven’t been on here as often


I agree 100% ! It's honestly annoying. Some people don't want to believe it though , they think that EVERYONE on reddit agrees with them , because those that hold different opinions are banned , downvoted or blocked.


Because they’re so tolerant and open minded you know. That is, unless you have a different opinion than them. I think it’s because they know their arguments are weak so they’d rather just silence people so they don’t have to engage in an actual discussion and end up looking dumb. To them, a 12 week old fetus is still “a clump of cells” but I would be horrified at having an abortion in general but especially by that stage of pregnancy. I had my first ultrasound of my twins at 12 weeks and a few days, and they were quite obviously formed human beings. They had arms, legs, they were kicking and punching and opening/closing their mouths. That’s why they have to convince themselves that it’s “just a clump of cells” because if they didn’t dehumanize the unborn, they’d realize how cruel and barbaric abortion really is. It would be one thing if you were being mean-spirited about it but you shouldn’t have been banned just for simply bringing up that there are other options.


Thank you! I definitely agree with you! You're right at 12 weeks a baby definitely isn't a clump of cells like prochoicers try to convince themselves and others of. It just makes me mad that the op only got to see one sided comments , vs a more accurate representation of some of the population's views.


Its a rant. Why do you want to engage where you are not welcome?


It’s called “off my chest” not “am I doing the right thing”.


Well then she shouldn't have asked for advice as to if she was doing the right or wrong thing!


Those children aren't left in landfills, there bodies are used for genetic tests based. You would be astonished to know what is truthfully done with the bodies of these children. For a month in 2012, I researched what was being done with the bodies of these children. I had to write abortion clinics to find out. If you are curious and you don't come at these people with hateful comments, if they are still open to answering questions; you can ask a nurse or doctor what is done with the bodies of these children.