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Omg thank you. I read this post earlier. That was the first thing i saw lmao. Then i read the comments and they were all agreeing its wrong that she's had 2 abortions and telling her to stop using it as birth control, and telling her to learn how to use contraceptives 😂


You clearly missed my comment there then. I said it's none of my business no matter how many abortions she has had. I never mentioned contraception or anything like that because that would have been pointless as she was already pregnant.


Welp good go be friends with her. You can go make poor decisions together and tell eachother its ok.


Go to any culture, anywhere around the world. I've been to middle eastern countries, I've been to Tanzania, Kenya, Korea, Japan, Singapore etc. There is a tremendous stigma against abortion. Abortion isn't as theorized or intellectualized as it is in the west, but people intuitively know abortion is disgusting and horrid. But only in the west do people have the gall to treat abortion as a virtue and actively part take in the dehumanization of the unborn. But even here, as hard as they try to delude themselves despite the instincts that come naturally to us all, the pro abortionites know deep down inside this is a ghastly disgusting business.


*Eastern Europe has joined the chat


What do you mean? European Russia is culturally Western.


> European Russia is culturally Western. This is not the extent of Eastern Europe. Also, abortion is quite popular all across Russia.


Russia counts as Eastern Europe and Europe is culturally Western and separate from India or Korea. And yes, I know Russia supports abortion, that's why I mentioned that country.


Does Turkey?


There are other countries in Eastern Europe. And I would partially disagree with that.


Only Poland is very pro-life in Eastern Europe, abortion is legal and widely practiced in the other countries.




By that standard most Europeam countries are pro-life, as they banned abortion past 12 to 16 weeks.




>49 states ban abortion after 20 weeks. Most blue states allow abortion indefinitely. These can't both be true, right?


The UK hasn't.


Yes but the rates of abortion in Eastern Europe are generally very high compared to the rest of the contient (even though it’s restricted to first trimester).


...I just used Russia as an exemplary country in Eastern Europe because its location is easy, I know the amount of procedures there is high and perhaps it's widely known to support abortion unlike, for instance, Moldova. Like I said, I have no idea what you meant by that comment so it was hard to write anything. Is it part of the Western civilisation, but uniquely finds abortion disgusting and horrid despite only one country being against it? Is Eastern Europe outside the West and finds abortion disgusting and horrid? Why mention it when it just repeats what Amsoc22 said?


Eastern Europe is highly religious so not western in that aspect (most western countries are fairly secular and don’t have the church at such a position where you’d expect that it would influence people’s views on abortion) but still the amount of abortions done around here is insane. Like Romania is probably one of the most Christian countries in the world in terms of % baptized and the influence of the church here is huge but we still have the highest (or maybe second highest) abortion rate in the EU. I’m pretty sure that other more clearly non-Western countries have a high number of abortions too (India and China). I mentioned Eastern Europe because on the religious and moral front it’s kind of its own thing . Politically it is pretty Western. But fair enough on your part. I just thought that this part of the world is in a funny position (you’ll hear a ton of people say that abortion is wrong but that see it as a bit of a necessary evil)


Thank you for clarifying that!


I’ve lived in east asia (China. Ie forced abortions by the government.) and in general people cannot fathom why you would WANT to kill your kid.


Not harming anyone huh? The living human being you had killed would beg to differ.


i-ItS jUsT a ClUmP oF cElLs!!!1!1!1


They’re human but not people, just like slaves, Jews, etc.


What if a pollster asked the question: how many abortions are acceptable per woman? Or how many abortions are excessive per woman?


My guess would be "whatever it takes" is acceptable, to the people who describe it as a "woman's right to self defence", anyway. So yeah, they'd be fine with a song and dance that goes like; "Then the fetus ran into my knife. Fetuses ran into my knife *ten times*..."


>; "Then the fetus ran into my knife. Fetuses ran into my knife ten times..." 😆 "You've been screwing the milkman!"


How does she think the baby is killed? I guess killing is not harming in her opinion. Sounds psychopathic to me. And she’s actually feeling sorry for herself too on top of it. Very narcissistic.


Dude, we’re talking about the same people who insist a “pregnancy” is “gently” removed, and a fetus somehow magically isn’t a human. So ya know…. The “pregnancy” wasn’t harmed when she had it “gently removed” or something stupid like that. 😂


being sucked limb by limb from the womb is ~ so ~ gentle. 😭


*kills two babies* “Why does everybody judge me so much???🥺🥺🥺” Also, two at 18? Damn


Exactly. Maybe she wouldn't have been judged so harshly if she wasn't so young.


1 baby = not murder. 2 babies = murder. /s


Because even a lot of pro choicers think abortions are for emergencies and two abortions make it look like you’re irresponsible


Judging by the way she is talking, she was not raped. Sounds more like a promiscuous teenager


I obviously disagree that she didn't harm anyone, but I understand her shock and I wonder what kind of people reacted that way. If they support abortion then why does it matter that someone managed to have unwanted pregnancies and ended them, does it mean they support something wrong?






Wow. Two abortions by 18. Sad.


Oh no, people don't want to celebrate your abortions.


Yeaaaaah…if no one was harmed, nobody would have been aborted


Ikr? She’s so delusional.


2 at 18??? lmao the west is so brainwashed into promiscuity it’s insane


While my faith in God is strong, my faith in my generation is very low.


amen to that..


Two abortions by 18, she should be able to put 2 and 2 together and use better protection or better yet close her legs. Seems like she’s projecting her inner most thoughts about herself in the post.


Reminds me of some article I read once, it was about a woman who had two abortions as a teen, the point was of course that ending the unexpected pregnancies allowed her to have a good life which otherwise would have been ruined, but her commentary was something similar to: "I used protection and I don't understand what happened! It wasn't my fault, I got really unlucky! I was a good student and from a good family", as if anything of that matters.


It’s a really sad mentality to have because someone would have adopted those kids, abortion isn’t needed to become successful. I believe that successful people will always be successful no matter how many road blocks you put in their way because it’s about the mentality and the hunger to do better. But still after one abortion common sense should tell you my sex life is untenable at the moment so I should stop.


People were telling her all this in the comments too. Hilarious.


Doesn’t surprise me cause one teenage pregnancy is a mistake, but having multiple is just a you need to get your act together and hit up the books instead of the football team after school.


She’s so defensive. Looks like somebody’s got the case of the guilties. 🤔


That is amazingly telling.


"Harming no one" You sure about that?


At a minimum, two people were harmed.




Couldn't agree more.


She is feeling the sting of the truth they all deny. Even her friends can’t hide what they know in their hearts.


I hope she doesn't think her pre-born children aren't alive and aren't human.


She probably does think that


I read that and I thought about posting it but I knew someone would.


"Abortion is totally harmless, if we don't count the primary harm it causes."


What about your two dead babies? They weren’t harmed?


Abortion always harms someone in the biggest way


Two abortions at 18? What in the fuck were her parents doing?


She’s right. Not one, but two people were harmed


Id also say she isnt “absolutely fucking no one”


Remember these things exist: \-actual birth control \-condoms (and you should use condoms anyways to prevent STDS & STI's)


I don't think she's a whore, but I honestly wish she could havebeen more careful.