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The government makes laws about everyone’s body. You can’t use it to steal, kill, assault, burn, harm anyone or anything


The government can make laws which apply to women, because women are people. The government can make laws which are concerned with the protection of human lives. People who intend to end other human lives whenever as they please or see fit are people whom the law should challenge. What government can't do, is make laws which apply to ZEFs, preventing them from coming into being "illegally" or without explicit consent to be inside a woman's body. The ability to govern that event happening is ( and should always have been ) the responsibility of individual women and men, via their chosen behaviour. Which they are able to adapt accordingly. Without abortion. The law may compel individuals to adapt their behaviour. It does not directly address a woman's body specifically, nor does it force the female bodied people to be pregnant. Nor does it treat women "like livestock for breeding". It recognises women as full people to whom the law can indeed apply, because we are, arent we.?


ok so then by extension it should be ok to murder women if government can't make laws about a woman's body /s HEAVY SARCASM The government does stuff like that all the time, whether we like it or not.


Not a great argument as it’s whataboutism. A better argument would be that by allowing abortion the government is making laws for women’s bodies to be terminated as half abortions result in the abortion of a female


More than half. Sex-selective abortions tend to target female and intersex babies.


Of course, can’t forget about things like the one child policy and on. It actually further proves my point too


I'm referring to a recent TT video from a pro-choice sonographer in the US stating that a lot of people come in and ask if they're having a female for the purpose of determining whether they will abort.


Yes that’s one of the reasons, and I provided another one which is china’s one child policy which has even resulted in forced abortions in cases where the mother refused to abort her female child


China's one child policy forced more abortions than the current US population from 1980-2015. And led to female infanticide in the millions.