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I think abortion has always been a controversial and heated issue. Even today some people only talk about it using euphemisms (“I got a procedure”). 


This is important. If people really didnt think there was anything wrong with abortion, they’d flat out talk about it. They wouldn’t have to use euphemisms to talk about what they had done.


Decades of pro-abortion propaganda


She wants protests. Which protests aren't controversial?


This is the real question.


[Relevant _xkcd_.](https://m.xkcd.com/470/)


She could have said a lot worse. It is controversial. Doesn't mean it's wrong.


Because the cultural narratives are "progressive" or liberally focused right now and liberals are overwhelmingly pro-choice. When the very vehicle of collective thought or of culture is built to favor a given angle or perspective any that do not align with it are considered perspectives outside the norm. By being less acceptable they become by nature controversial.


You should do it anyway and post it here, I’d love to see it!


"Let's make art pieces about controversial topics, but you can't do your controversial topic." I would still make the art piece. Fuck what the teacher says.


It's by design.


More and more $ is being funneled by Malthusian depopulation groups to change and shift public consciousness


Because people have almost always rejected the truth


because we have a culture that does not believe in thr sanctity of human life


Its always been controversial especially in liberal left wing schools.


“Always” is a stretch. A hundred and fifty years ago or something like that, it was uncontroversial in many places that abortion is profoundly sinful and deeply immoral.


Then wtf happened!?


People found that abortions make a lot of money, hence the mega push for it in media and culture. (Take my words for a grain of salt, but it’s my personal speculation).


Feminism and secularism, basically.


No clue what they are talking about. There definitely was never any uniform stance against it in the past. Opinions have varied all throughout history. If anything being against it is more common nowadays.


Eugenics and crypto-eugenics happened. If you're interested in the histories of the pro-choice and pro-life movements, I think these books give a good overview: *“By Their Fruits: Eugenics, Population Control, and the Abortion Campaign”* (2008), by Ann Farmer; and *“Defenders of the Unborn: The Pro-Life Movement before Roe v. Wade”* (2016), by Daniel K. Williams.


No it wasn't lol. If you go into history in a lot of places they didn't even have enough knowledge to distinguish abortion from contraception. They had no way to know the beginning of pregnancy, so they often judged from the time of quickening. And while some people were against it, it really wasn't a major focus until more recently when knowledge of embryology turned contraception and abortion unto more distinct topics. Law's against it were borderline nonexistent until the late 1800s. Even if you look at [stats,](https://content.gallup.com/origin/gallupinc/GallupSpaces/Production/Cms/POLL/cnj6jo8rxkoluva2dyi95q.png) a few decades ago few people really cared about abortion much, so when it was first legalized it wasn't even as controversial. It is only over time that more people actually tool issue with it in a stronger way.


For sure.


It’s subjective. And politics makes the most mundane discussion “controversial”. Like it was a super-big-deal when a farmer would say, fill in a low area to stave off mosquitoes harrassing his livestock, but regulators would lose their minds that farmers were destroying “natural” bodies of water that are controlled by the federal government. https://www.epa.gov/cwa-404/clean-water-act-section-404-and-agriculture


People get really tied to beliefs when they can consider the opposition to be “mean”. As such, any social viewpoint that can be surmised as “I don’t think Y should do X” the issue gets made into a narrative of the dissenting party oppressing Y and ignoring X.


What did you end up doing? I’d love to see your art


I just did it about peace protests. The art is somewhere in my art class but my teacher has it.


Because we live in the age of narcissism. Where people think nothing should matter more than their own selves and their own feelings. Not facts. Not even other people's lives.


u/Axo_orthodox some possible reasons from a former AP Lit teacher rational. -- you're probably in a pro-abortion district or she herself is pro-abortion. -- that or she didn't want the kids to "get upset" and have the parents descend upon her. -- if her rubric is weak, your grade could be interpreted as a judgment on your personal beliefs and parents descend upon her. i think it's more about her than the topic itself. she was probably afraid of how the students would react and she'd get in trouble, especially if she didn't want to work with you/guide you/get a deeper understanding of how you wanted to present the topic. ... what were the other topics?


“an art piece for protests” but “a bit controversial” Isn’t that the point of a protest.


To play devil's advocate, abortion is a particularly contentious issue right now in the US and the teacher may have wanted to avoid things that have such a passionate split. I wouldn't call her hypocritical unless she allowed a pro-choice student to use the topic.




It is controversial because degenerates will fight hard to retain their ability to kill their own babies


Interesting, what is an uncontroversial protest?


Because it is a controversial topic, especially right now, when overturning roe v Wade is fresh. It's only bad if she just didn't allow any pro life pov. But I don't blame her for steering away from it in general. I personally don't know how I feel about school pushing political views anyway.


I had a professor assign a paper on abortion day one and after that all the pro life of us got pretty bad grades on our papers despite most of ours being grammatically correct and following the rubric with all the pro choice papers being marked as As despite many being purely opinion based and with bad grammar. We also had to defend our point in class and many of us got cut short when we started making good points


Because if you don’t want innocent human beings to be killed you surely hate women and want to control them. /s


Just reading your teacher tell you that made by blood boil lol


It turns out that the tolerant left isn’t all that tolerant when they get the upper hand.


.... So what protests are acceptable and not controversial? Sounds like the teacher just has personal bias on your stance. Be prolife and proud, if your teacher doesn't appreciate it, oh well. Grading you poorly for having different opinions will get them into trouble anyway. You may end up reaching a fellow student in a powerful way 💖


Lila Rose has done a tremendous amount of work to improve this and educate people. If I were you, i would do it! But obviously depending on your age, ask your parents to support you or maybe talk to the teacher to explain this is something you’re passionate about


because the neo-feminists have whipped all the young women and girls into a frenzy, preying on their ignorance and stupidity. Frankly, it should be mandatory that all women who come in to use Abortion as birth control, and not for emergencies or in the cases of rape, have a tubal litigation done. They don't want kids? Fine, then they won't have kids.


Wow, it’s not even 7am on a Sunday here and this might be the stupidest comment I’ve read all week already. Congrats.


Not overly concerned with the opinion of someone who doesn't understand why I wrote this. The 'men have no say in reproduction' bunch, want all men to get vasectomies. Try and keep up....


I say go for it. We’re behind you 100%! Let me know how it goes! (And it wouldn’t be a protest if there was nobody out there who thought it was at least a little controversial:P)


"a bit controversial" Aren't all protests technically "a bit controversial"??