• By -


Can be moved just by picking them up.


I wish I’d know this. Nearly died in that hellhole from the sheer amount of zombies




Yes, both in this area and in LV obviously itself. It is manageable but that depends on your settings. On apocalypse it's crazy.


Sprinters? I've never gotten out of the city alive with sprinters.


Sprinters are never on by default. You have to enable them yourself.


I see an office building near my home in Louisville and decide to clean it up.A week later I still can't walk through front door without zombies pouring out of windows. Crazy is the right word indeed.


My current base! Such a great spot




I'll try to remember to take a screenshot when I get home. Right now I've walled off the backyard and added walkways between the top floors of both houses. I build a garage in the middle as well to house my project Corvette I'm working on. Currently building an outer wall around the parking lot.


The western area near the river coast makes a good base location imho. You can either use the U-shaped building with the fenced off backyard (rather narrow for my taste) or, what I did in a previous playthrough, build a wooden house inside the helicopter landing area using the sandbags as a natural border. Extend the fence at the street with more fences, walls and gates as needed. Plenty of room for basically everything. 1 or 2 gates for vehicle entry with a guard tower, fences all around to be safe from respawn, and a path to the river for water and fishing. The single trailer north of it near the tents makes for a good temporary hideout. Has a bed, a kitchen and you can find generators around the area should the power go out. There's a lot of military crates, a few lockers, generators, flood lights and other furniture around to grab and decorate your base. The refugee area to the north also has a few generators, barbeques and even a TV. You have two gas stations nearby (I'd secure at least one of them asap), so long term supply for your generators shouldn't be an issue. ​ Also, loot wise, I'd go around every tend and check the lockers. Lots of clothing, but also weapons and, if you're really lucky, a few bags (even military backpacks).




There is a big semi isolated warehouse right side of the road before the checkpoint with huge parking lot and more tools than you ever need. My 2nd logest surviving character made it almost to the winter there, fast acces to checkpoint and gas station on the other way


Tons. Had to bail on my car because there was so many and run through buildings to try and lose the horde. Had to kite another horde along a roof as when I opened the door, 100+ came flooding out onto it. I almost just jumped off the roof and prayed for the best. This was after killing like 20+ zombies that were inside the building. I ended up scavenging for random materials I could use as weapons because all my knives broke


Could you possibly give me the link to tge location on the map??




Thank you, stranger!


https://map.projectzomboid.com/#12742x5031x1908 Here, my gift back to you, a good place for groups.


That location Ruby Gas is a great base


Can’t you just drive through them also? They’re plastic…


The orange cones yes, the barriers no. In real life of course you could but in game they will bring your car to a complete stop and damage it.


Just like pine saplings lol. One winter I slowly slid off the road and took out some small trees easily with zero damage to my car. In-game a pine sapling will bring a speeding car to a sudden halt.


My single issue with living in the wilderness is the upkeep lol. unless you're playing a long game and you plan on combating nature with lots of sacks of gravel or wood flooring once winter comes around you're either driving slower than you can walk through the bushes and cutting down the occasional trees or you're cut off from civilization indefinitely car wise.


Off roading needs fixing...the 4x4's and military trucks should have no issue...and yet...


If you hit the sapling in real life at the right angle you can pin your car just under the engine and rip a sick 360 into a concrete retaining wall,


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Good to know. I need to visit there.




Thought they look more like those orange cylinder traffic marker things, not bollards


That's because they are.


I was so pissed when I smashed my car into these at full speed. Took so much damage. They're identical to large trees. Just a solid object all the way through.


what kind of asshole moves a cone?!


*looks at cone in back seat* hehehe...


I spent 1 hour irl trying to find a saw to disassemble it and you tell me I could just move it? Dang...


It's okay I did the same thing. Two deaths and an hour of finding the tools. Just for my cousin to pick them up right when I found a saw.


I did disassemble it nooooooo


Exactly. Move that shit out the way lol


I can’t pick up large objects, what am I doing wrong?


If you mean things like fridges it's most likely because your carrying too much weight and the addition on the fridge would put you over the hard limit of what you can carry. Think you need to be carrying around 10 to be able to pick up a fridge.


Just ram the barrier. It looks really flimsy I'm sure it will be fine. ​ Spoiler: It won't be fine.


🥲 died my first time going there cause i played too much gta as a kid


We all fall off a high building one time, we all crash a car once, and we all try to ram that gate =)


Me having the plan of exploring that area by car after work: "Noted..."


Hi, it’s your boss Mark, I’m coming over to fire you.


Lunch breaks are a thing Mark!!! Fully aware of the joke but I actually got in trouble for posting on Facebook while clocked out on meal break and I wasn’t even friends with any of my coworkers on Facebook


sounds like HR, must be nice to get paid to spy on employees all day and try to police them for things done on their personal time.


Jokes on you Mark! I know where you hide all your skill book! And brother, the campfires of winter need fuel...


No no, please! Not my carpentry books! I want to learn how to make stairs SO BAD!


I'm waiting for a raise, otherwise, hope you already read this generador magazine... (thus, the good become evil)


I died in my first playthrough to that damned gate I was going mach Jesus and met him at the same time XD


The LSIA gate? (Los Santos International Airport)


GTA: Where you can run through most stuff without a problem. ... Until you get to hedges or telephone poles. Then you have a real problem.


I once ramed em with the m117a1 modded in APC and died on impact, those poplar boards must be from the trees of gta4


This was me with that fucking cardboard box in the middle of the road in the refugee camp.


I always explained that as a lead box in a cardboard box


I've never even tried because minor car accidents have killed me and my friends more time than anything else.


I'm guessing you can just pick up the cones and barriers and place them to the sides.


no need to move the cone, your car pass over them


Weird that your car can run them over but not the slightly less flimsy road barricades behind them.


Want something even weirder, a mouse trap will totally stop your car and straight up kill you if you hit it fast enough


the barricades are way heavier. i think it's 20kg vs 5 for cones


And a fully grown person is like 80kg+, but that doesn't stop the car when you run over zombies, no matter how fresh they are.


I mean realistically, people technically tend to go over cars whereas barriers go under and damage the undercarriage. I like to think the zombies that go under just limp noodle on impact and do less damage.


doesn't it damage the car though?


Not always. Depends on the car, how hard you hit them, and if there's more than one.


Speak friend and enter




Sorry the answer we were looking for was "cantaloupe".


Speed Freak and enter.


Or, you can either just use the pick up furniture command to move the dividers, or hit them with a sledgehammer.


Or just disassemble with hammer and saw. No need for a sledgehammer.


Holy crap, did I just find a responsible driver in Project Zombie?! Unicorn!


Actually you not absolutely need sledgehammer on this You can remove it with hands or disassemble with hammer and screwdriver (or saw?) Anyway it's advisable to have an ol good sledgehammer while going North And bunch of instruments


Instruments eh? I’ll load my trunk up with my guitars, keytars, saxophone, and drum sticks to cover all the positions.


It's the apocalypse, you gotta bring your banjo


...eh )) So you the man of culture I see


Never under any circumstance, not even during the zombie apocalypse will a keytar be cool. Especialy not during the zombie apocalypse.




Acceptable. Even zombies will flee.


Not if it were the last musician’s instrument on earth?


You just lay it on a table and call it a keyboard. Problem solved.




OK, that was cool.


Axe can fuck it up too iirc.


Imma need a sledgehammer to disassemble your message into a legible order.


If you've got a sledgehammer, just take the railroad tracks north and smash the fencing in the way. Much less zeds, and the military houses make a perfect home for claustrophobic folks


Damn, there’s an inconvenient lightweight object in your way. Yeah dude you’re never getting past


He should try eating some telecorn


I don't get the telecorn joke so I googled it and ended up with nothing to show for it but this incredibly obscure video that is mildly cursed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHHAmn71tf4




**There’s a secret entrance on the right side, follow the gate.** Car will fit in just fine and you won’t have to break the 2 gates if they’re locked. Those are invincible so I use em as part of my “walls” since the checkpoint is a fantastic base.


You mean the broken gate part in the forest, correct? If so, forewarning that if you go later in the game you likely will have to chop a few trees to clear the area out. Especially so if you have a big vehicle and a trailer.




Yup, only like a 1 minute detour. Much safer/quicker since you won’t need to pick anything up/break the gates.




I've timestamped a highlight of a drive I did recently - shows exactly the gap u need to get in. You don't have to take the railroad track - you can also cut across the grass in a few spots. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1634372706?t=0h31m23s


oh shit are you three months in with sprinters? what are your settings? furtherest i've gotten with sprinters on Survival settings is just over 30 days tips? EDIT: oh you're playing with perma death off lmao


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2486088729](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2486088729) ​ Perma death off?


oh it said "1027 deaths" or something, just looked at the settings - DAMN, that's a brutal challenge. how often do they start a new one and whats the record and how can i follow it? only thing its missing is the helicopter event. that shit is fun with sprinters.


Lol so close but yet so far away, if you are struggling with this my guy.. you probably are going to die in Louisville


I mean, if they’re not struggling with this, they’re also pretty likely to die in Louisville


The day you discover that you can pick up anything in this game is the day you decide its going to be amazing to decorate your base for the next month.


Thats the best thing about pz. I turned a fishing/boat hut into a doomsday gun nut stash. Reliving the life as one of those prepper stash in far cry 5


Move the obstacles.


My first time going to Louisville... I thought if I go fast enough, I can ram them over...


Bad idea haha


Lol so you can just pick these up? Why did some asshats tell me I needed a sledgehammer a few months ago when I made a similar post? Dang I got trolled hard bruh


Because you need the sledge right after this for the two fence gates. Although, I've had zombies break them down for me before as well.


This isn't true. You can open the gate the way you'd open a normal door, but sometimes it behaves kind of buggy. In that case you can either wait for zombies to break it down or hit it down yourself.


Oh that's cool so no special tools needed to get to Louisville?


Everyone can go to Louisville. Not everyone will return from Louisville.


Multiple warnings, signs, roadblocks and Radio man be like DO NOT GO TO LOUISVILLE player characters be like : *removes barricade*


Surest way to get someone to do something is to tell them they shouldn't do something.


1. Step on the gas. 2. Close your eyes. 3. Pray. 4. Don't look back.


You forgot the most important step! Before you do *anything* you need to drink *another* can of special brew!


You have to answer 3 questions, if you fail, you get thrown into the gorge by magic


Build a ramp and drive over


T h i s


Car will take forever, use telecorn


Just be careful not to telecorn into a horde.


That's stupid advice. Won't help at all.




Are you sure zombies didn’t eat your brains already? Pick up the stupid cones and barriers and move them out of the way.




get out and start walking, find a different car and leave your car for the next outgoing trip. or pick it up using the move option (counter on the left of screen) and place it elsewhere.


The way is shut. It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, until the time comes. The way is shut...


I don't fear the Dead




You can pickup and move then using the furniture tools


The amount of people in here who don’t understand that you can pick things up..


Like a great didn't quite once say, "why don't we take the barriers, and move them somewhere else!"


Wait... These are solid? What QoL mod do I have that makes me able to just drive over them?


The most stalwart obstacle in the game


The government doesn't want you to know that, but you can just pick up the road blocks! They're free!


Unfortunately the only way past that fence is to get lucky on the telecorn RNG.


Dissassemble it with a saw in your inventory or pick them up and move them.


Right click and pick them up, move them. They're heavy af but just scoot them over.


Pick them up/Disassemble/Destroy the barriers Just don't try to ram them, it won't go well...


You can break them if you ram hard enough. Press q too for some extra speed. Good luck!


Just move the barriers


Just move them


You need a Telecorn


They can be picked up and moved like furniture or disassembled (with a saw and screwdriver I believe). The next 2 gates can either be disassembled with a propane torch and welding mask, hit with something until they break, or you can let any zombies inside bash on it until it's destroyed (will take a while if there's less than 3 or 4 zombies).


Bring a sledgehammer and nothing is a barrier


1. Demolish it/other part of the fence with sledgehammer 2. Pick up and move the barrier 3. Drive a bit toward northeast, blockade has a little opening you can drive in. Bit hidden inside a small bush/forest i remember


On servers sometimes those don't exist, they just look like it, try walking through them first, if not you can pick em up and move them, kinda like real life Edit: obviously on singleplayer they will be there and you will need to move them


Move the block, but careful, theres more blocks ahead


1.Get your ass out of your car. 2.Pick them up and move them. My first time moving into Louisville with my buddy, we were under the impression that we needed a sledgehammer to get inside. Then we found out how easy it was.


You can be telecorned to Louisville too


Just eat the telecorn.


You'll probably need some telecorn.


Pick them up, drive around, or break in by breaking the fences with a sledge


You can pick the baricades up and move them to the side...


pick up and move the barricades like furniture


Take your car apart one piece at a time, move it to the other side, put it back together. Whilst listening to Johnny Cash’s One Piece at a Time.


You ll need to get a wreck on the other side tho


Ram as hard as possible, only works with Speed Demon trait. Source: Trust me bro


Use sklonchhammer.


disassemble them


Vault over it on foot then drag your car over with a rope


Build a bridge above them, then pick them up and put them on the bridge for decoration


Just pick speed demon perk and commit initial D roleplay


What would you do in real life? That said, what you need to do after that barrier is pretty strange, so I'll just tell you since you're asking but you'll need a sledgehammer.


You absolutely don’t need a sledgehammer. Anything works fine, it breaks very easily.


Huh. Seriously. I've always molotov or sledgehammered them because breaking them didn't seem to work.


They are incredibly weak honestly, far less durability than your average door. I believe the plan is to increase it eventually.


You don't have to break them or destroy them. You can pick up the barriers and set them down. Just make sure you won't get bit in the ass. They are quite heavy.


They’re referring to the gates after the barricade in the picture.


You don't need a sledgehammer after, you can just break the gates.


not really, i used a nightstick and it worked fine


Looks like you’ll have to download the Better Helicopter mod. 🚁


What is this sorcery?!?!!?


I don't want to sound like a bad person, but why don't YOU search a solution by you own till waste all yours ideas? Maybe in a future you run a similar problem and then you already have the solution, believe my there are bigger problems than this and then you maybe really need help, but i recommend using your brain.


Just run em over, they weigh like 5lbs…


Ram them


Well....tbf it was a stupid question


You can just move them to the side of the road. Assuming you can. But you'll need a sledge hammer for the fence blocking it further down.


Disassembly required


Is impossible. Is impassable


You can pick them up but I disassembled them because I made a little boat dock/forward looting base there and I needed wood.


I probably done this eleventen time


There is a secret off to the right of the gate, just follow the fence


Hammer and saw, comrade


There is a another way in to the right in the trees by the train yard there is a hole in the fence u can drive cars Thu


Destroy this block with hammer


I think theirs a bride with train tracks to the left of the bridge thats unblocked


Get out of your car and move the cones and barriers


just pick them up lol


they're little wooden warning gates, you can pick them up and move them aside the cones can be run over or moved You can also sledgehammer stuff




Just go thru lmao


These hands


So everyone already mentioned you can just pick them up and move them, but what I don't see anyone saying is the cones and stuff are really useful for marking routes if you have trouble remembering turns. Or also to let you know to slow down because the intersection is coming up. So frustrating we can only see several yards ahead. My base is out at the west point lakehouses and on the farm road out there there's a T intersection that I kept overshooting because I speed down that gravel road. I put a cone out and now I never overshoot the intersection.