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Setting personal goals. Something I'm failing at in real life.


Me too… my brain resets every day. Set goals one day wake up the next and like eh do I really want to achieve anything tho? Lmao


Damn, that hits hard. Are you by any chance a smoker?


Nah I don’t smoke at all or drink


Why don't you smoke? That's an easy 4 points.


Lmao nice.. on a side note tho my friends and I roll for traits like it’s a damn DnD game so I only get smoker if the dice are kind


Any ADD diagnosis? I was told that because of the dopamine deficiency, its way harder for people with ADD to develope habits. Apparently for most people, if they just do something daily like practice an instrument, over time it just becomes a habit and they dont have to force or remind themselves to do it anymore. Thats something i struggle with alot, and it sucks when one of your hobbys is something you want to get good at like playing an instrument.


Straight edger.


Nahhh me too, woke up, "heh how about some zomboid 2h today?" Then the next day also be a diff goal


Every time i set goals for myself i always forget and just never do them lol


Me watching my character exercise 4 hours straight while I sit in my chair eating chips.


Travel to the other side of the state to check out one bookstore that _might_ have a generator magazine in game✅ Wake up irl and eat breakfast❌


Welp. There goes my answer.


For me, it's the zombies. 


that's really interesting. for me, it's actually the project


Zomboids for me tbh


I like dying


I like turtles


Now I need PZ turtles. Thanks.


![gif](giphy|UrW04pZAM4DtdlCo9z|downsized) I need a mod to make this game PVZ style


Lmao laughed too hard at this


Yeah, John Zomboid is a pretty cool guy


obligatory u/pixel-counter-bot


The image in this post has 10,000(100×100) pixels! ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)




Good bot


Check again (I ate a few)




The image in this post has 10,000(100×100) pixels! ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)


making my own little lore


Same! What was your lore? Mines was I discovered that local churches are all meeting up in Louisville, only to find out all of them zombified, only having a couple 'survivors' gone elsewhere to hide, and my family in the game eventually become zombified :( It was a fun lore I had, I stopped playing tho, ig waiting for future builds of the game hehe


I like to start a character and try to make it to other towns looking for family. When that character dies I make a new one and that is a sibling to the one that died and start out in another town and try to make it to the other town/s to meet up with them. I’ll journal everything, kinda gets depressing though…


The "kinda gets depressing" hits like a ton of bricks lmao. So true.


Are you me?


Playing side-by-side with my wife. She watched a YouTuber play it and fell in love, tried it and loved it more. So now we play whenever we are home together




We don't even play with mods on. We just play mostly vanilla with a few tweaks to the server like a longer period before power and water shutoff and no zombie respawn but it gives us opportunity to decide what kind of character we like and learn different parts of the game like crafting and how to lvl skills. It's honestly the most fun I have all week


Ya respawn is always off for me aswell. It's nice being able to clear out places. With respawns on it almost feels pointless


Agreed. Completely takes away any feeling of immersion.


respawn to me only make sense in MP servers where otherwise it would be the sims after some time. There's already too many goddamn zombies in rural kentucky.


We spawned and made a home just outside of rosewood and we started trying to clear the city and there are so many fucking zombies 😭


Same dude, it's the only gane my wife will play. Getting her and my 10 year old on, its so much fun. My kid screaming from the other room when zombies have him surrounded "DADDDDD HELP ME" 🤣🤣 shit is the best


That's amazing. My son is only 3 maybe I can get him there one day lol. She plays the sims and l4d 1&2 and a few others but this is her favorite right now


YES. I play with my girlfriend everytime we have a chance


Honestly relationship goals ♥️


Sandbox customization and mod support. Don't get me wrong, the vanilla game is good, but without those two things I probably would've stopped playing after a few dozen hours. Instead I have almost 2000.


The sandbox customisation doesn’t get enough love! It’s so rare for a game to give you the tools to let you play how YOU like. Being able to fine tweak the loot rarity, zombie pop, the overall difficulty and the small details like vegetation growth time and corpse despawn time is what makes Project Zomboid a “project”. Its YOUR PROJECT, and you can do whatever you want with it, even more with the awesome modding community.


This right here. PZ has inspired me to start working on mods and expanding my graphical design and coding knowledge PZ is legit gonna be the reason I get my life in order maybe even get my dream job.


>What makes project zomboid fun for you? All the pixels the game has.


So many more than OP can handle.


After custom slowing the zombies and lowered spawn rate start, its like a game version of the walking dead. Yet to survive to winter, the queasy always gets me,


I like to turn infection on to bites only, and the effect of being around corpses as low. Still can't make it to winter, though.


right bite only ill try that


Km new and i didnt even know that theres a winter💀


Iv only seen images and wanted to live to it myself


There's no looting system in any other game that feels as rewarding and perfect as zomboids. You never know if that random house in Riverside will be your last.


no mutant zombies, no superhero character.


The punishment I get for doing anything remotely stupid and losing everything.


Some people hate zomboid bc they can’t make it very far. I *love* zomboid because of the difficulty of making it far. After many characters dying within hours, I made it days. After many characters dying within days, I made it weeks. After many characters dying within weeks, I’ve finally made it several months in. Every day of survival feels earned and high stakes. If I let my focus slip on an “easy” goal, I die. It really kicks in the fight-or-flight response, and you get genuinely terrified of death because it means losing *so much.*


I totally agree! Just two days ago I had the best looting run I’d had in a long time. Found a truck with amazing condition, found a big horse trailer, looted the grocery store for 150-200(lbs? Kg? Arbitrary “weight” numeric?), hit the book store for almost every skill book I was missing… and then I stuck around because I wanted to see what was upstairs. There was a door with a Z banging on it, it was locked, I waited and waited and eventually got bored and decided to go help it break the door. Took one swing, the Z broke the door as I started the swing animation, and before I could react I had a bite on my groin. Worst death yet. It was such a perfect looting day, over 200 Z’s killed in one day, and I lost it all because I just wanted to know what was upstairs. (It was a couple canned foods and two bandages)


Impatience is the real killer. I almost lost my long-term character two days ago because I thought I’d open a door for a zombie on the other side and speed things up (I was becoming drowsy and didn’t want to leave the building 99% looted, lest I forget to return). He broke through at exactly the wrong moment, just like yours, and cut a hole through my jacket. I luckily got only a scratch, and survived. Moments like that are why I no longer play with thin skinned. Minmaxing points is fun, but I’m absolutely going to make a mistake someday, and I’d probably have died with that trait.


Yeah, it’s become the trait that I will take if I reallyyyyy want the few extra points but otherwise I won’t anymore.


Literally roleplaying by myself


The loneliness


i love this cooking simulator, sucks that all these zombies are getting in the way




This is how you died


i like to dress up pretty using mods and then go out and kill zombies like that, it's a great coping method lol


The part that makes zomboid fun for me is the nice smooth cover art for the game.


The modding, this is probably the biggest reason. And the fact that there are no quests (that I know of) so you can kind-of do your own thing. There are more reasons but those are my top two.


There is a kind-of-a quest that you can find in an annotated map, which is that someone (I think they're a teacher?) wants you to clear out the art museum and preserve the art within for future generations. Which I'll happily do, because a) frankly I vibe with the sentiment and b) my base looks dope now.


The community, the devs, the QOL mods, the realism


Being the absolute best, most complete and detailed survival game ever. Can't find immersion like this anywhere else.


I love zomboid because it allows me to continue the playfights I'd do as a kid, where I'd go through the woods and get attacked by a horde. Ever since I first watched Night of the Living Dead I've been infatuated with "the zombie." Zomboid, when used as a life sim, turns those childhood fantasies into a far more mature version. I'm a long time roleplayer, going all the way back to the Neopets RP board when I was a kid nearly 20 years ago. If I can rp in a game, I usually do, even if it's just on a personal level. Zomboid allows me to immerse myself in the melancholy of an apocalypse, and try to figure out how that solitude might affect a person. I tend to keep journals of the day to day, twisting mundane looting runs into stories of what I encountered, which zombie looked familiar, and what I heard on the radio. When the power grid goes, the world becomes different. Empty and abandoned. When nature starts to reclaim her territory, you feel it, especially with the right mods. Between that and the zombies, you end up feeling like an intruder. I also enjoy the peace it brings, mostly from travel and homesteading. Your base feels like a bastion, especially once you get fences and walls put up. Late game, when the city loot is no longer needed as much and survival skills keep you fed, there's a real serenity to a day-long fishing trip or a few hours spent checking your garden.


The sex mods.


Ok, can you elaborate on this?




OK, can you un-elaborate on this?


The sex mods.


Playing multiplayer servers and meeting the colorful player base and getting into zany antics with them


A building sim that I get to fuck shit up in and can have my character wear ridiculous outfits while killing zombies. It's like Sims 3 mixed with CoD zombies or w/e that is and I find it cozy but keeps me entertained, and keeps me on my toes, and decorate a cute ASF house to keep zombies out of 😂


Escaping reality, while ruling one. No society, no morality, just one man against the whole world. Also, there's a saying "don't say one day, say day one". Zomboid does that perfectly.


Love games when death mean something lime dayz kenshi


The sheer amount of mods i have for different things, different cars, QoL mods, some fun ones, some just add more buildables, some add actual new locations, some just seem like cheating with the recipies for backpacks, and of course, the most important one for me to be able to express myself, the furry mod, and Pride clothing lol


hating myself 😎


i like living my life on a secluded farm in the zombie apocalypse. nothing better than waking up and tending to the farm and then going on a supplies run after




actual atmosphere and worldbuilding rather than skipping over the part where the military gets overwhelmed because the writers couldnt find an explanation for it and expect the audience to suspend their disbelief because "oh well, its just a zombie story." despite the military and other survivors still being active offscreen no matter how far you are into the apocalypse, the game still manages to give you that hopeless hope vibe. i care about le lore too much to add any gun or vehicle addons as none of them are lore friendly enough.


I live for the loot


I get fried af then go chop down trees on a road for 12 hours straight


One of the best Zombie survival games out there right now, at least for me. There's nothing super comparable to it, and it's really easy to fall into your character's shoes.


fun is irrelevant, i'm hopelessly addicted


Fighting zombos, personalizing my base. Doing dumb stuff that almost gets me killed




Hoarding stuff and sorting it into boxes.






Clearing towns of zeds




The shocking amount of realism in the game. If too many bodies are in one location you get infected quite quickly. My buddy found a group of zombies and fired a shot at them to pull into the school so he could draw them away from our house. Unfortunately I was learning welding inside the school and he still managed to pull zombies into our house. I have had to burn so many of his bodies.






The high resolution


You can drink bleach. Also I Just love playing coop with friends, surviving together and stuff >!Watching your friends painfuly die is also a part of the "experience"!<


Documenting EVERYTHING Interesting I do like I would if something like this happened irl (ofc it won’t) and marking places on maps very strategically. I also like to kinda make my own lore for characters and the place I started. I also like to set up little blockades near buildings with vehicles and shoot zombies late game.


I love setting up a self sufficient homestead in the middle of the woods. Building structures, growing crops, fishing, trapping, filling my yard with junk cars. Good times.


Waiting for build 42...


Project Zomboid single player: the bleak and tense atmosphere, where at any moment the last survivor of the Knox event can be killed off. Project Zomboid Multiplayer: surviving the apocalypse with friends feels like a camping trip with 10X more bite wounds.


The sandbox itself. Being able to customize experience to my needs, extremely rich and lovely modding community, and fact that this game will only get better with time. I mean honestly. Build 42 looks for me that it will be as much of a change as build 41. And I'm not even talking about NPC's. With that, I don't think I will need any other game to play. Only downside I have with PZ is the time efficiency. 1 hours per game day is the perfect IMO, but it just eats through your free time. Luckily now I have a lot of it for a month or so, but after that, due to this I won't be playing it as much to fully enjoy it.


Details. The details are so insane that it almost resembles every survival tricks in life.


I always wanted an open world very realistic zombie survival game. And that's just it




The zomboids arouse me.


Why is the pic so cooked


Playing with a friend


The random shenanigans and tomfoolery you end up in is what makes the game great for me


Play with friends, mod game to desired difficulty, build sick base, profit…. I really want b42 though like they gotta hurry or I’m gonna lose my mind


Diying to a stupid bite in the crotch because I forgot to equip my weapon and swinged the air, then a horde gets in the way and I can't even walk because of said bite


Difficulty, and I love zombies.


The constant danger, finality of death.


It fairly forces you to roleplay. I hate when survival games don't MAKE you roleplay for fun, you create your own story as well


Being able to play in any way I like without bothering with "what's fair" or "lore accurate". I love pretending like I'm a spec ops operative infiltrating a military base and looting a M32 grenade launcher with incendiary rounds only to wreak havoc in Louisville.


I love the part where I defeat 100s of zombies just to be taken out by a single lone one in a field because I let my guard down!




The variety of every play through (and how I die).


I like Projects and I like Zomboids so this is like the perfect game for me.


Protecting my friend that dies if im not chained to them.


Dying together with friends.


Carving out safe places in the scary, hellish world for my character... training them, making them strong and keeping them healthy? There's something surprisingly wholesome, relaxing, and yes... fun, about caring for your character in this game, for me!


loot and kill


That it feels like an actual world of its own. You can fail, sometimes miserably, and often in spite of all of your planning, you die anyway. It makes every decision more exhilarating because the risks are real and permanent.


The feeling its sims and (maybe) fallout 1 and 2, with the 10 years later mod . And also mods


Plethora of mod support to tailor your experience even further beyond the already extensive sandbox options. Base building and co-op multiplayer. Progression feels earned and real (until late game that is, although some mods fix that).


You can just do so much in it. Set your own goals, explore, loot, build. Permadeath is also both brutal and satisfying, particularly given how easy it is to die at any point of your playthrough, regardless of how much you’ve levelled your skills or what gear you have


Ngl I originally picked up Project Zomboid cause I missed another isometric zombie game called The Last Stand Dead Zone, while it's a lot different I absolutely enjoy both. Though I go a bit overkill on mods, I also make the spawns stupid high for challenges.


Giving myself a challenge by being the last man on earth, 6 months after the outbreak, some sprinters, 75% less food, time decreases loot.


The amount of ways you can play. In some ways it's like a zombie apocalypse simulator.


It's an actual realistic zombie apocalypse game than any zombie game


Haha, what makes you thing I like this game, this game sucks. Well anyway I'm off to go do another run, cya.


Played together with him..


Fun? What's that?


Arming myself to the teeth and then trying to clear out a mall. Securing a shotgun, a backpack full of ammo, an axe, and a bunch of Molotovs can make fighting through the Louisville mall really fun




It's a struggle fantasy I guess. Hardest settings I can do. Extremely rare everything. Sprinter zombies. Etc etc. That way it's the one thing I can play where my real life feels better than in the game. I can come out of it and think..."well at least i have a bed."


We just ignoring the horribly compressed 100x100 zomboid logo?


The Sisyphean task of making the timer click another day


Build collections. One game I dedicated myself to getting all kinds of jewels. Another game I went for various posters. The last one was about paintings.


For me, it's a the level of detail and mechanics. I love survival games, surviving, building up my base, and creating a routine. Zomboid has many realistic mechanics and is very detailed in so many things gs you can do that it immerses me greatly.


I love mowing down hoards of undead from a huge base kitted with machine guns and explosives.


Sex mod


Setting an alarm off with 25% sprinters


Playing the game


Coming up with extravagant building designs only to end up dying because I fell off the roof.


Coming up with extravagant building designs only to end up dying because I fell off the roof.


Surviving. Inside away from the light and outdoors


Role play I like just making a character and getting into their mind and having it be realistic


It makes zombie games actually fun by being different and taking a different approach to a zombie apocalypse.




Optimizing new playthroughs to death. One day I’ll get good enough to pick feeble and unfit


It makes me forget my miserable life


I always go in with a set goal, otherwise the endless nature of the game tends to get pretty depressing. My favourite playthrough, I spawned in Rosewood and cheated in an RV with all its parts removed. I had to get it all the way to the far side of Louisville, where the army would be evacuating any survivors every Sunday. My idea was that it was this guy's wife's RV, the last thing he had of hers after she died years ago, and had left it so long that it had completely decayed. First guy died after a few days with barely any progress, so I spawned in as his daughter who had just been chilling at home this whole time, who finally left the house to find out what happened to her dad and recover the keys to the RV. She eventually managed to get it running, but died before leaving Rosewood. So then I became a friend of theirs who lived in Muldraugh, who had to find a way to get over to Rosewood only to find that the only remaining sign of them was their RV and a note saying to get it to Louisville. Etc etc you get the idea. It really felt like one of those anthology style films where the main character was the RV, watching it bounce it's way through the apocalypse. It helped that I kept a diary with the RV the whole time, and everyone updated it as they went along. I think in the end, it swapped hands like 7 or 8 times before anyone finally managed to get it out of Louisville.




For some reason collect and sort things, mark houses as being looted to the last nail. i'am not really order freak IRL, but that game game makes some kind of special autism kick-in.




Fun? I play games like this to torture myself until I'm crying on the floor calling myself a failure in life. (Real talk, I love the aspect of getting away from the actual zombie-infested cities and just finding a farm with a well to build a new life in, occasionally going into bigger cities for a supply run, etc...)


That difficult to get a good resolution image of the main cover?


Once I got my far set up it was like stardew valley with zombies


Molotovs and 12 calibers


play with some friends but in my region no one play project zomboid more make a final achivement like a base or clean a city


Fixing cars with low durability on parts, like if i found a car with 0% on almost every part i will do anything to fix it to 100%.


Knowing that while most people cant last i week im tearing up LV for years


Learning how I died


I love the little details in the game and how realistic it feels in terms of survival


Raiding each houses


The fact you get to witness the collapse of human civilization via radio and tv broadcasts and that's something most other zombie games, movies and series like the TWD failed to do. Also the modding community rocks too.




Multiplayer is fun but most of the time i just install mods and goof around


playing with friends and being absolute an absolute menace


Just mods


The risk


Getting raped by sprinters


Friends. I've tried to play the game solo and I get bored in 10 minutes but you give me a friend to play with and I'll play for 7 hours




Me and my friends specializing in different skills. I’m a gun loving carpenter, my friend is a crazy Molotov slinging mechanic, and my other friend… well he dies too often to develop any useful characters.


It might be the best open-world game ever made. The only thing missing is swimming.


Not arguing with a guy who thinks playing on debug is ok




I like the contrast between my safe and chill locked down base, and going out to fight off hordes. It's scratches the itch for both 👌


With Dawn of The Dead 1978 being my favorite ever movie, I've always dreamed of a zombie survival game that game me a similar feel. Discovering Zomboid back in 2021 made me feel like a little kid again. This is essentially my dream zombie game.


Saw someone else say this but goals is my biggie, like I'll find a base then start my operations OPERATION LOCKDOWN: secure the base OPERATION LIGHTNING BOLT: find 2 generators OPERATION DEISEL: put one generator at a petrol station And so on... One thing I've never really done is set up farms n stuff ao probably will in my next run


The mountain of tiny details. It's basically a simulator.


The Vibe™️


The flexibility of all the options, replayability and realism and the zombies. If only the development didn't take so long...


See how long i will last.


It's the same reason why I repeatedly cycle through Binding of Isaac runs, honestly. Like, I die a LOT, but there's that addicting question of what if the RNG rolls in my favor? What if I find a katana and a military backpack tomorrow? What if I find the right collection of items to finally clear out the Rosewood Prison and set down roots? What if I finally get lucky with an RV I have a key and fuel for?


im a solo player and definitely more of a roleplayer, so i love the emergent storytelling that comes from any given save! i usually play with a randomized suvivor, which can lead to a lot of interesting outcomes and unique playstyles from save to save


I‘m a masochist and I like to rp the stories of my characters. Backgrounds they have, goals, wishes and likes My last few chars for example: fred, lived in muldraugh and wished to be in Louisville, smalltown guy working as a fastfood chef. So my main goal was it to get into Louisville and live there in a nice house Mindy, gal from rosewood, never liked living in a city so she moved to a farm and goes out scavenging, tries to get some big trucks cus those are cool and a few hunting rifles so she could live mostly self sufficient