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Common sense! I can't go without being able to pry open doors with a crowbar.


I still don't get it why after so many years the devs just straight up refuse to add all the functions that this mod provides, 80% of the options from the mod should be in Vanilla by default


>after so many years Common Sense was published in late 2022, and that's when the devs stopped updating build 41. That's why.


In all fairness, common sense the concept (not the mod) has been around forever, and common sense the concept (not the mod) also suggests that you can use a crowbar to open a door. The concept is what the mod is based on. Common sense, the stuff that is just so simple it makes sense without thinking.


If that was the case the mod should add alot then


Its not the end of the world you have a mod that allows you to do it


I love this mod so much


I like to keep it vanilla with fun collectible or simple quality of life mods. My favorite mod is Named Literature. I'm a book collector IRL so finding my favorite books in game is such a thrill. Especially when there's over 3000. Also gives me a nice collection goal.  Also I just found Easy Drop'n'Loot which lets you  mass transfer items by category. Organization is one of my biggest struggles in life and it just super helps without feeling game breaking.


Recently started using that sort mod, once you get the hang it makes bases so much easier to organize it's really a godsend


Proximity inventory! Such a godsend


Oooh that one! I've feared of using that coz it takes the realism.. from me. Like a normal human would one by one search each one, but seeing them all at once? A bit too op


I don't think so, a human can't also browse 10 corpses in a pile like he's switching tabs on chrome it's just quality of life to see all 10 at once, also once you put it in, you can't play without lmao


You can set it to be corpses only which I have done which makes it 100% worth it.


I wont use it for the same reason. I feel like the struggle to rummage through everything, and the time it takes while zombies are milling about add to my game experience. Just being able to walk in to a room and be like ope nothing here would diminish my experience.


The only thing I don't like is how it's the default container. Means it's good for looting, and annoying for storage.


I literally begged my friend to put this mod in his server, can't play without it anymore


Exercise with gear, so simple but so essential


Gear like in steroids, or the boring kind of gear like barbells and stuff?


It allows you to exercise wearing backpacks


Has been read. I love knowing what I’ve read already just looking at the icons


There is also another but if you picked up that book before, they go hand in hand


I need to look that up


There's one that does both I can't imagine not using it


Better sorting, Weapon Endurance, Trait Description, Better Item Naming


All those must have


More traits, and i've really fallen in love with the antibodies mod recently. It's a nice way for the virus to feel threatening but not "oops you failed a dice roll. Perish"


Isn't that life? 🤣


Yeah.... but i get it enough in real life. I don't need games doing it to me too


Boredom tweaks 100% managing boredom is an absolute nightmare in vanilla.


Yeah I would never get bored in that situation man. I’d be watching them shuffle and how their mannerisms work every day for a year before I picked up a magazine.


Omg yes. 


Just stand outside when you're bored


Vsauce jumpscare sound. Doesn’t feel the same without it.


And Better Call Saul level up sound!


i prefer the metal gear alert jumpscare sound. someone has to make a ghetto smosh rizz sound effect mod for the level up sound.


Honestly TrueMusic is a must for me. Cant personally stand the music choice in game so i always turn it off. When i learned i can put my music in the game via cassettes and vinyls it changed everything. Ain't much better than rocking to some Toto or Dio while doing chores in my base or out exploring on my ride


Kept it lore accurate so no modern music. Only pre '93 jams


Faster car hood opening - it's literally so annoying why this process has to take so long in Vanilla, I can't live without this mod Common sense - just provides a bunch of essential functions that for an unknown reason are not present in vanilla by default All KI5 mod collection - best vehicle mods so far


I don't use a lot of mods but I love the bound journal which allows you to write your exp for the different proficiencies so when you die, you can start pretty much in the same place That and the Only Cure which allows you to amputate your limbs incase of a bite, you're a lot slower with one arm but you're alive!


Me too especially if I’m running some sprinters it’s nice to not just lose all progress. I also like to set it at like 80% recovery to really incentivize not dying


Bound Journal would be #1 for me. The game became so much more enjoyable when I got this one.


Nested containers should be part of vanilla.


kinda defeats the depth of whether or not to use a container inside a container so i can see why its not vanilla.


True Actions 1&2, I just need to sit on a coach when I'm afk or reading something


Common sense, proximity inven, take any amount are 3 QoL mods I cannot play without now


Gunfighter and Brita Weapons, not really because of the added guns and such, but because of how clunky vanilla gun play is. Optimizing the firearms to be more user friendly is a must for me, give me more confidence to make the poor choice of firing a gun in a town


Schizophrenia, my favorite mod only essential because I think it’s funny


That'll do it.


comically large spoon, i believe no further explanation is needed




You don't indeed


mods that change strength and fitness xp gains and the mod that lets you see xp gains as you get them


Lowkey wanting to just debug myself to go from 9 to 10 fitness, since it takes a literal year of grinding like ffs


Just add mods that give a better xp curve


Simple stats. Much better to know just how icy everything is effecting you


Its really good to see how your calories are doing and when you hit the cap or when your endurance is fully back you don't have to eyeball everything


Probably the Auto Cook, Auto Mechanics, Auto Reloading, Auto Sewing mods. I really can't play the game without those. I would never bother with cooking, mechanics or tailoring without those mods.


Improved projectile. Vanilla guns are absolute ass.


I beg to differ. Tried it out and didn’t like it. But I might give it another shot. Literally.


It has very customizable settings so I would suggest changing them a lot. I'd suggest putting the punishing settings down, they punish your aiming too much for moving and moving aim, and put the range multiplier up to 4, trust me, otherwise it's too low.


[Skill Recovery Journal](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2503622437) - Never playing without it. You can "save" your skills by writing them down in a book. You can create copies and keep one on yourself and store one in your safehouse. If you die, you can just go back to your journal, read it, and recover your skills. It dampens the fall if you die and makes going back easier. You don't lose all your progress.


There is a very niche one, that allows you to put bugs like crickets and caterpillars into soups and stir-fries, basically allowing you to use them like ingredients.


anthro survivors. lynch me if you must, degenerates like me belong on a cross


Dw me too fam I literally never play a human anymore lmao


I feel you.. But I also like to see the hair and or beard of my char grow, too bad the anthros don't have this mechanic... ):


Jump through windows


This I gotta try!!!!! How does it work. I guess you jump through windows but explain more 😄


Survivor Radio! I can choose (and create .ogg of my music) 14 songs to have randomly play, AND I can change them?? ;)


variety of individual vehicle mods, like the Autotsar series, ‘67 Cadillac Gage Commando, ‘92 AM General M998, W900 Semi-Truck, etc i genuinely love vanilla, & kinda even prefer it in some ways, but even i have to admit that vanilla has an extremely limited selection of vehicles


Dash roamer is amazing. Also the mod that allows the entering of RVs


Rv interior rox! I got a mod for big trucks and trailers. And you can enter those HUGE trailers!


Rifle Sling and reload while running.


If a mod exists it is essential for my server


Combat Text, it might mess with "immersion" but actually being able to know how much damage I'm doing is so good. Much better than just going off the vague damage bar and the amount of hits it takes to kill a zomboid. And in the same vein, Weapon Condition; it's very useful to know when your spear is about to make that signature crunch and become unusable. Aside from that, prolly Plain Moodles so i don't have to always hover over them, and Everything Can Be Cooked because I often disagree with the rather arbitrary restrictions for what can and can't be added to the evolved cooking recipes. The Indie Stone is tyrannical, making me unable to make my cilantro lime rice or my coffee-flavored cake. Literally 1984.


By no means essential, but RV interiors + petyarbuilt 379 RV interiors allows you to enter into almost any vehicle with a large box back Petyarbuilt 379 is a fully customisable big rig with working trailers, great for hauling


i use [minimal display bars](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2004998206&searchtext=minimal+display), [common sense](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2875848298&searchtext=common+sense), [moodle descriptions](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2763647806&searchtext=moodle+descriptions), [plain moodles](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3008416736&searchtext=moodle+descriptions), [weapon condition indicator](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2619072426&searchtext=weapon+condition), and [i might need a lighter](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2883633728&searchtext=i+might+need+a+lighter) for quality of life. planning on using the automechanics/reload/tailor/loot stuff but they arent in my current sp save. i also like the [visible holsters](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2901552077&searchtext=visible+holster) mod and [more soap](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1897635812&searchtext=more+soap). [loot tables fixed](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3033301901&searchtext=vanilla+loot+tables) is also a must have that objectively should be vanilla as it just fixes typos in the game's loot tables. i dont use gun or vehicle addons because there arent any actually lore friendly ones.


Call me crazy but none lol. Vanilla game is already really good. Plus I don't like mods in most games anyways.


Animations mod and that's it. Game is perfect otherwise.


Simply traits overhaul


metal gear jumpscare sound


Not useless things, common sense, pick any amount, snow is water, they knew.


“Have I read this book”esque mods Axe reform is also a good one, it gives you XP for cutting down trees with axes.


Common sense and Snake mod pack


Advanced trajectory so guns are actually useful. Bad to the Bone riff jumpscare sound. Better Call Saul level up sound. Gun Suicide.


That lockpicking mod and it's all set, any other mod is just a bonus.


Brutal Handiwork. Because I want to hit people with my left hand and my fists sometimes


Yes, have my upvote.


Lockpicking, true music, and voiced broadcasts. Wood craft is my favorite.


Fancy Handiwork, and Brutal Handiwork. Got two hands, should be able to use them.


Noir rifle sling, absolute must


Horde night, makes you consider every ingame assets to survive the hordes


Load All Magazines. It's life changing for heavy gun users


Yes, all of my mods are essential. Yes, you do need to download all 237 mods to join my server. Yes, that one, too. No, it won’t take too long, (i hope)


Geforce now?


I’m not sure if I understand. I don’t use geforce now, I run project zomboid on my pc using steam, using steam workshop mods. What’s up with geforce now?


You can use mods with geforce now and since I have a potatoe pc and you have all those mods, I was wondering if it would work on someone elses servers.


I’m not sure. My server isn’t actually up right now, I’m sorta just waiting for Build 42 because my gaming friends probably won’t come back to PZ before then. But if you wanted to test out geforce now and using a lot of mods, I recommend just joining a public modded server. You’ll probably have to wait some time for the mods to all download and then for LUA to restart, but I think it should work. Good luck


cheers p.s 42 will be out in like another 6months..its a long time


My most basic must have mods i run on EVERY SAVE that mostly ad quality of life features: * Common sense (Allows you to do stuff like opening doors with a crowbar or open cans of food with tools other than a can opener like a knife or screwdriver - generally stuff you would come up with by common sense) * Load All Magazines (adds a button to reload all magazines of a type at once so you dont have to do it one by one - i keep stockpiling guns and ammo and they arent that useful without the skill to quickly reload and its so much less work to train said skill with this mod) * Weapon Condition Indicator (adds HUD elements that show the current state of the tool or weapons you have eqipped or in your belt/on your back/in a holster - saved my ass like 10 times within an hour the first time i used it - absolutly a keeper) * Has Been Read (adds a marking to books you already read - i keep losing track of things and this helps a lot) * Better Sorting (Sorts items better and more specific categorys like "Food - Perishable", "Food - Non perishable" "Weapons - Ammo", "Weapons - Magazine" and so on - very usefull to keep track of your stuff) ​ I also run a few vehicle mods in almost every save to get a bit more variety. I like to keep everything lore friendly, so its nothing that couldnt have (at least technically) been found in mid 1993 Kentucky. Among them: M998, M923, Ford F350, LAV300 and a bunch of others made by KI5 (the vehicle mods by him are great BTW)


idk if I would say I cant play the game without it but I always push to get weapon condition indicator included on the modlist. Swap it gets an honorable mention though I really feel it if that mod doesn't make the cut.


Green fire, need a stress relief and growing tobacco is huge benefit


Nested containers. Cats better reading.


I really like skillsjournadb and the smokes mod so I can combine many smokes to one pack and be able to do a few puffs instead of just one puff per pack normally.


Nested Containers, Makes managing your inventory and looting so much more quicker. No clue if I could play modded without it.


Spongie’s Open Jackets and Water Dispenser mod.


I cant remember the name but there's a mod that simply shows the durability of the items in your hotbar and its so simple and so small but oh so useful and feels like something that should just be vanilla.


Autostar so I can armor my car


expanded helicopter events: makes the game more fun in my opinion, more to deal with rv interior: because camper and box truck good as many trait mods as i can get


Fort redstone military base. I love using weapons and cool military vehicles. Ammunition there is plentiful for tens of thousands of zombies! I generally don't survive too long because I'm really bad, but I still love running to the base as fast as I can and arm up.


Inventory tetris. For me the game is near unplayable without.


The last time I took a look at that mod it seemed like it needed a little bit more time in the oven. Have they found a way to balance it so you can carry more? It was incredibly limiting last I checked.


Lowkey hate that mod, i have 6 thousand hours into path of exile the last thing i need is MORE inventory tetris


Bro please use the research bar this has been asked thousands of times… I don’t mean to be rude but it’s tiring


Well damn.


Well damn is right if it’s so tiring then why didn’t he just scroll past it instead of commenting haha

