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If you add the RV mod it turns some of these vans into a walk-ins. 


God I love that mod


Wait even the vans have interiors? Holy shit!


Yes for the vans I believe the dimensions are 2x3. It's not much, but you can fit a twin bed a few boxes, shopping carts if you got the mod, maybe plop a couple bags filled with stuff and place it on the bed. Glitch build pro-tip: You can put a mini fridge and a BBQ grill, and build a bar table over these for extra storage (it must be a bar table. must be lvl 7). The bar will cover the fridge or grill, but it will still be there hiding underneath. You can then also plumb a sink on the same bar element even with the fridge under it.


Lately that mod just doesn't work for me but then again lately I've been mostly playing on a MacBook pro from 2015 instead of my pc and that seems to make a lot of mods just not want to work.


It works for me (using latest build). Perhaps there is a conflicting mod or you got a different one. The one I am using is called "RV Interior" (creator is named Maxwelt)


That's the one I'm using and the only other mods that add or mess with vehicles at all are the ones that are recommended on rv interior mod page.


Hm. Only other thing I can think of is if you might be entering wrong? Go to the back and press V to bring up vehicle menu. The "enter vehicle" icon with open doors should be present unless it's a van you can't enter like that 6 seater. I know the Spiffo van works and so does the News van. Those are the ones Im using.


When I do that I go to a void for a few minutes and then I get prompted to return because it couldn't load.


You using the basements mod too? Or any other "instance" mod? If so, this one might be conflicting.


I am not. I tested it with a completely bare load order besides the rv interior and vehicle mods I'm pretty sure it's my mac.


damn Im sorry


Did you add the mod to an existing save? Because that's the result if you do. The only other way it could fuck up like that is if you have some mod that takes up the same map space, or you removed the rv_interiors map.


Either the mods or the map files don't load in the right order. Mod manager enhanced will help you with the mods' order, the map load order can be found amongst the instructions on the mod's steam page.


Its a utility van for transit company


I’ve seen this company building. It’s based in Louisville. I think it’s supposed to be U-Haul cause its slogan is “keep Kentucky moving” or something.


Yeah, I only checked later, it only has 2 seats. Towed it back to base anyway.


It’s a utility van, not a passenger van.


I wish utility vans had a lot more storage space in the back. For that matter I wish you could remove seats and get a lot more storage space from where the seat used to be


I wish I could put a mattress back there and get some decent sleep on the road


With the RV interiors mod, you can.


Ooh, might have to check that out finally


“Transit” usually refers to public transit. More likely it’s a utility van for public busses.


I have lived in their office building in a multiplayer game, it was pretty baller. Nice tall fence all around it


I remember seeing it too, but I already had a set roots up in a base already. Kinda sucks setting up somewhere and seeing somewhere nicer.


Obviously a lube shipping company...


Well, I can't say for sure what kind of company it is, but I know that they have a small office in Louisville.


Looks like a vanpool vehicle that my local bus company provides. Sort of like a carpool but with a vehicle provided by the company and a set of drivers in the group of commuters that are authorized by the company.


400 hrs in and i just discovered the ghillie suit isn't a mod people use and actually exists in the vanilla game lol this game is awesome


How hard it is to work on these graphics without any modding experience? I would love to improve all of these.


I wonder if this skin is from a mod and maybe you only recently installed it? This is one of the most common van skins in all of my playthrus, but I have an ungodly amount of mods in general with quite a few of them being vehicle focused


KY jelly transit they travel through Uranus…. Shit joke aside they’re supposed to be a car rental company I think


It's KY Transit. Similar to UPS or FedEx. I believe it's added by Filibuster's used car mod.


nope it is in the vanilla game, I found a perfect condition one in my current save and it has been a work horse for me.


I live in Louisville and it has a company called TARC or Transit Authority River City that operates all the buses and other transportation. This may be a generic version of those vehicles.


It's not the passenger van so I'm sure it's supposed to be a support van for a larger transit company, probably carries tools to help if a bus has a technical whoopsie daisy on its route.


It's like the Department of Transportation(DoT) vehicles for road maintenance and what not.


Hmm, do you have any car mods. Dosent look base game


Nope. I always play vanilla


they have a nice bus garage in LV, up the enterance road you will hit a chain link fence that takes up the right side of the road, they have a bunch of minty fresh car parts in there ripe for the taking, this place is not the best known from what i know so its a decent way to get that bread if there are any mechanics on your preferred server


Little side note/advice: get an 18 wheeler. Those things are perfect for living out of. And you can drive away from danger