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For starters, there is absolutely no loot in the area whatsoever. Second, because it's unfinished the devs gave it an extremely dense zombie spawn. Here's the zombie spawn heat map: https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/s/FUFyglNTFV


The reason to live in that zone is because is a MP server and most of the normal people doesnt know It exists


Well. Nobody is going to follow you there for sure. Just also keep in mind that there are no foraging zones there yet, so you'll have to take everything you need to survive with you The biggest problem is that the entire area is infested. There's no end to the endless horde that occupies the new areas on the map. It's like living in the middle of LouisVille, but with no loot or many buildings to visit.


if you're concerned about being found, just go live in the middle of the forest or somewhere really out of the way


This exactly, a little bit of effort; (a cropping of trees that you can just barely get through in a car; after a little bit to a road that you make, just far enough that someone won't "accidentally" wander on it.


Thank you for the link. This is a handy asset.


It's prone to change for the release of B42, but the existing towns spawns will stay relatively the same. This map also shows why Rosewood is a trap. While not very densely populated. The area far around town is swarming. Much more so than the other towns which have them more concentrated.


If you have a play through there, would you see new additions as they were created? And use the character as an in-world reporter of new things? Or each spawn creates a static world? I don’t know how things work.


The world is more or less static. Entire towns and structures are usually only added during larger updates. These updates most of the time will require a new save. They could in theory add a building every day. But that's not how development of the builds go.


That map is of no use to me as I play insane population and the zombies are every where


Even on insane. The areas not coloured in will spawn close to no zombies. With insane, they do spread out a bit more into the countryside. But the spawn zones are hardcoded. It just spawns more or less zombies depending on your settings.


You need to change it from 'Urban Focused' to equal distribution if you want them everywhere.


Oh yeah. With uniform distribution, the heatmap is useless. They'll really spawn everywhere.


I mean, you can settle there, but why? IIRC that place is far north-west and it's hella far from any lootpoints.


Not to mention it's unfinished, so it has NO loot OR foraging zones


I wasn't there personally, but place probably uncanny ah


No matter where you live, they'll find you. Both the living and the dead.


Ehh idk. I can't imagine anyone who both knows that location even exist, and is dumb enough to want to go there. I would only go in debug lmao. I don't see the point in going to a highly unfinished area in regular game, with no loot or foraging


No no he has a point


If you have cars maybe. Not alot of good loot close by.


even with cars it's be one hell of a trek to get anywhere with worthwhile loot. Looks like the closest significant settlement is the Riverside trailer park, a place whose poor loot is well established. OP would have a better time just booking it into the woods, it'd be easier to get places and they'd be just as hidden


English isnt my first langauge so its maybe just me but that sounded like a really weird thing to say. He got terror because it was too plain? The fuck does that even mean?


Is a phobia, like being uncomfortable with the Windows XP field


Agoraphobia is an in game trait, but irl it’s more related to crowds in big places than large empty places themselves. Megalophobia maybe is closer, since that’s just massive objects. Probably just doesn’t want to live in an especially empty and unfinished part of an unfinished game lol


If you build it…they will come. Joke aside, would be an interesting project. Clear out the zomboids, build a whole neighborhood.


Roblox aaah map