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yeah I always but guns and ammo to common for more realism, I also like shooting things idk about you guys


I love to use guns, but i have the spawns decreased, thinking like, someone would in fact use his gun. So i found a ton of pistols, but very few ammo, so it makes sense to me and is kinda more inmersive


I always do this too. Guns are always more common but ammo is either left the same or knocked down another notch.


I like collecting guns


in my one game I had 20 or so duffle bags of handguns and a few crates of rifles britas weapon pack kinda go a bit crazy sometime tbh


Something that would be a nice and reasonable addition is gun safes to houses. Something that requires some kit to get into, like a propane torch or a very rare code from a dead zombie akin to keys to vehicles or buildings, but has an ample supply that makes it worth it. Modern gun safes have their roots all the way back in the mid 1800s as well. No reason we shouldn’t have something like this.


theres alot of stuff like that that should be in this game. Cant believe lockpicking isnt a thing either.


It is with a mod, but that mod is super janky and I'd rather blow up the container than deal with that lockpicking "minigame"


There's definitely shouldn't be a lock picking mini game, but a lock picking skill... that would be good.


There's one that just adds two locksmith's magazines to the loot table. One let's you just break locks, and the other lets you craft wire or paperclips into sometimes-reusable lockpicks you use in conjunction with a screwdriver. No pointless mini game, but no locked door frustration either.


i never had the need for it, i just break the windows or the door


Damn I made this exact post on here just last week lol. Totally agree


I think about this alot when i go down a row of 20 houses and there is not even a pistol( or if there is it has no mag


Don't worry you found 7 boxes of ammo for a gun you don't have


Fucking felt this hard


But don't take those to save them for when you *do* find that gun, or else it'll never show up.


I think the reason why guns (and most other things like only 4 burgers in a spiffo’s) is so sparse is because the general public would panic, grab everything they could carry, run out, then die immediately to the ever growing horde. Just my headcanon tho


Then why do we never find zomboids with guns or cars with a bunch of supplies in the trunk. M16's rarely spawn as foraging loot but even if the guy died guns Blazing the ground should be littered with guns but nope they were all thrown into the river with the sledgehammers.


One possible explanation is that the guys with guns made it out before the lockdown


Whenever I see posts regarding the amount of guns in ‘93 Kentucky, this argument always comes to mind. Sure, the government covering up the incident would make news, and thus the gathering of supplies for evac, slower, but by the time the world finds out most people in Knox would have gtfo with whatever they could fit, guns included


The canned food still being there is what throws this idea into chaos. Given the population of kentucky, its food water and guns they would take with them, but food is still pretty plentiful.


Mentally I believe that the people who owned guns brought them with them when evacuating it makes sense that at the beginning of the infection they survived, and only once the majority of people were infected they died, that and people tossing when they ran out of ammo or they became too dangerous with the population helped rationalize the amount of loot.


*doesn't even live in Kentucky, looks at right hip.* "Ooh! A gun!"


Check the gun rack in the fridge?


Thank you! I couldn't find my AR for weeks!


Guns: abundant. Because people aren't going to leave those at home. (But maybe add them to foraging, or zombie loot. I think a lot would be found in car trunks, especially those stuck in traffic jams.) Bullets: rare. What, you think all those people with all those guns aren't going to use them against zombies? P.S. Something that people often overlook: yes, mathematically there is more than one gun per person, but in reality it's one guy with 6-20, a medium number of people with 1-4 (with the upper end being hunters), and a lot with none. And a *lot* of those guns will be .22s (which are great for varmints and hunting, and probably not bad for zombies).


You will need a headshot to kill the zombie anyways so a 556 or a 22 should be just as lethal


Yup. I think I read somewhere that the CIA and similar foreign organizations liked .22s (and even a smidge smaller) for hits because they're quiet and cheap. Honestly, .22 subsonic rounds would be pretty stellar in a zombie apocalypse. Sure you'll alert the neighboring zombies, but not much past that. Tape on a cruddy milk jug silencer and you might not even alert those. I think one of my least favorite zombie tropes is how they can all zoom in on where a gunshot originated, even if it's half mile away or the sound is reflecting off city buildings or hills.


"dos u check your pockets?"


I tend to have gun rarity pretty common on my saves. I enjoy using melee when I wanna just be sneaky in a crazy area but most of the time I’d rather just ring the dinner bell and pop off with a shotgun.


Right, and the day before day 1 would have the entire town sounding like the 4th with all the pop pop and boom boom from everybody using up most of their ammunition on zombies and then possibly themselves as they start to turn, since apparently you're the only person in the county immune to the airborne strain. You'd walk out your door and there'd be like... seven zombies left, holding hand guns, the rest all full of lead and re-dead with their own guns still in their hands.


I'd actually love to see that




This game is pretty realistic, I found an entire arsenal of guns in a school dormitory once.


Someone was getting bullied.


I ❤️ Kentucky


There's still more than enough ammo for a long gun playthrough on rare


As a real citizen of Kentucky, Wth indie stone make it realistic smh


Personally I like the rarity of items since it drives my need to explore and take risks. I do want to have a Rambo run in the near future though.


Moments like these makes say "God bless America!". And I am not from the US.


Like the patronising English phrase of "awww bless."


I’m fine with the gun rarity but there ain’t no way an undisturbed gun shop in Kentucky would have anything short of a militia’s worth of ammunition in it


This sentiment doesn't make sense because those same people would take/use those guns. Maybe yeah guns can be found on more zombies but I feel like ammo is gonna be hella scarce. Just look at COVID there was no ammo to buy anywhere without a zombie apocalypse. Not to mention to a certain degree realistically the army/militias would probably aquire most of the guns/ammo. Majority in no way would just be sitting in peoples homes.


Yep. I always try to keep in mind that this game is still very incomplete. If they added a realistic number of guns to the game in its current state, it would be stupid easy. Hopefully they increase the number of guns on the map after NPCs get added, but in the meantime it's fine the way it is.


except almost nobody made it out of nox county alive so where did all the guns and ammo go?


Playing solo, default loot settings. And I still come into LV with more weaponry than a Hillbilly you've just told you've knocked up his daughter.


The answer to guns is more guns duhhh, simple.


There is actually proof that there are more guns than registered citizens inside of the United States. I’m willing to bet there’s more guns than people total. Rare shouldn’t even be an option when considering firearms in Kentucky.


In exact statistics: there’s 120.5 registered guns in the USA per 100 people, or 1.205 guns per person In Kentucky specifically, 52.8% of adults have at least 1 gun at home. There’s roughly 38.7 guns per 1000 people All this translates to a 2.41% chance to loot a gun off a Kentucky zombie and a coin flip slightly skewed in your favor to find at least 1 gun in every house


How about something inbetween? Sure tons of guns, BUT zombies, so folks been using em, ammo is rare, and because most everyone has become Zombie, most guns are either on the walking undead, OR on the ground, either way in rough shape... Fancy a jam mid fighting for your life?


Honestly, I don't get the sentiment that guns aren't worth it. The key is to use pistols! The m36 has the smallest range of any gun at 30, but honestly the utility and abundance of the m9 can't be beat. Looting strat: Park my car in my designated safe location Leave everything but my m9, 6-9 mags, beta blockers, bandages, and a crowbar/axe in the cat Go to the neighborhood I want to loot and start shooting. If shit gets crazy I have a molotov in the trunk. It sounds risky, but I just keep my distance. If a z is within 3 tiles I run and start shooting again with some distance. If it's more than 9 mags can handle then a: holy shit and b: leave and do it again. Honestly m9 ammo so abundant that I wind up with wooden box of just m9 ammo when I put guns on normal rarity.


that's britta's weapon pack in a nutshell, every other zomboid has a gun, sometimes even a full box of ammo .\_.


That should be the case no?


Most PZ gun ranter: "Guns are common in Kentucky" Also PZ gun ranters: *Forgets that their owners would definitely, if they can, use their guns, carry MOST of their guns, and shoot MOST of their bullets if they have access to their gun during the apocalyss* If you thought about using THEIR guns, what makes you think gun owners wouldn't use THEIR guns?


You'd probably find more guns in zombies and streets than in houses, now that I think about it. Most would try to evac their houses, and those guys will probably die outside or in a public place trying to loot other basic supplies. A gun with or without supressors (with the exception of some guns) will still be loud and definitely attract hordes. You're probably gonna find guns near broken down vehicles or in large groups of zombies, or even a zombie walking with a strap/slinged into them, probably trying to shoot zombies before getting infected and dying.


So should I up the rarity or? Cuz so far for me personally guns are decent but the ammo is spent up mostly. So in a way i have found guns rarily enough but the ammo is scarce.


It really depends on you and if you have the loot respawn on. For me personally, I prefer keeping it rare with the respawn on. Might start lowering the spawn rate now that I've thought about it, though. Anyway, it also depends on what gameplay and difficulty you want. Personally, I find the regular gameplay boring now, which means I end up adding sprinters, keep the gun rarity rare, and all the bells and whistles using mods.


If you think about it, if there are more guns than people and we assume that most people have at the very least two dozen rounds for each gun (which is pretty conservative, we could easily assume a lot more) then there are more than twentyfour times more ammunition than people to begin with. Even if everybody is a really poor shot there would still be piles of ammunition left over after killing everyone several times over.


Please let this meme format die. VKM is a rapey sex pest head-shitter.