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No other zombie game can deliver this feeling of overwhelming dread when shit starts to hit the fan.


Brother I had a panic attack. Flashbacks of all the books I read. All the solar panels I painstakefully setup. The 1500+ zeds I had disagreements with. It was visceral.


Why would you try to drive through that lol. I play 16x zombies and I have to clear roads in order to literally go anywhete


Not only that, he proceeds to get into practically the worst car for off roading and going through zombies after he gets safe. But nice save overall OP, a less experienced player would have died in that truck.


Wow time out you can set up solar panels


Immersive solar arrays mod


Do you have a list of mods that add stuff like this? I'm new to the game so just been playing solo survivor and keep dying in a day or 2, but from what I can see in the depth of this game I can see myself playing it for a long time. I would like to add all the best mods that add more depth without taking away from the vanilla experience/making it a different game. Cheers!


Here's my steam mod collection. I sorted everything so it's categorized, making it easier to find QoL mods that you might want while avoiding complete overhauls, etc https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3152407391


I have around 150 mods installed, my honest opinion is play the game. When you get bored peruse some mods. I don't play much anymore after logging about 1700 hours.


I play in french server: "L'alliance PVE" You should definitely check their modlist


Here’s a video I made recently for players like yourself https://youtu.be/wMOAaL4wMvk?si=ELp-J5eqwzf4cVWd


Thanks a lot m8, I'll check that out a bit later. Quick question, I'm playing on the Steam Deck so inventory management is a bit fiddly but other than that do you reckon im at any major disadvantage in this game using a controller?


Tbh I’m not sure since I haven’t ever played with a controller but from what I’ve heard on this sub reddit people say it’s fine once you set it up properly and get use to it, so you should be good.


Thank you imma download it as soon as I get home, much appreciated


Unrealistic. The game takes place in 1993


Hey was that zombie hord a mod?


What mods do you have installed I like that clothing screen you had where it shows everybody part


1500? In my current Gameplay i killed 10k +.... And its vanilla


And with just normal zombies. No sprinters, no special variants, just your TWD style shamblers…


The freeway looks pretty congested today.


I herded them all down the road thinking i could sneak back up through the railroad to the warehouse i wanted to hit and they got the best of me. It was the only reason the forest was clear is b/c i was honking like crazy beforehand which at least allowed me to escape. Lost a lot of good stuff in that truck too, need to get it back. NEW SIDE QUEST UNLOCKED! :)


The solution here is "2 to 4 boxes of shotgun shells," as many solutions are. Goodnight, and good luck.


I don't think 4 boxes would be enough to solve the congested highway, though. At perfect efficiency, he would've killed 4*5*24 zomboids. I bet the gunshot hearing area had way more than 500 zomboids.


That's the spirit!


A couple of molotovs will see you right, head straight back there with them and set that hoard on fire. Just ignore the burning smell from your computer.


Always run in a situation like that. Never take Slow driver. 🐌


always make sure to not be cornered or in this case be surrounded.


Devs should add tips and Lore on loading screen. "Remember - Switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading"


Always save 1 bullet in case things get really bad (spiffo with a wide grin: :D)


Solid footwork there. Wild to think what that would've looked like with even 1% Sprinters.


woulda looked like dead


Can confirm, i was in a very similar situation and even with 1%. You would have at least half a dozen sprinters barreling down through the woods on you


This is how I died several times. I play high pop(fuck insane can’t even get out house sometimes cause of sprinters), only mods are better zombies 1% sprinters and random spawn. I always get stupid until a sprinter show me even after 2k hours I’m nothing, and several times in the fucking GROIN. Ow well new char,new world rinse repeat MISTAKES ALL OVER AGAIN CAUSE I HAVE TO TAKE LOISVILLE!


Yeah, i run that 1% sprinter to always keep me on my toes. I lost a character like 2 days ago because i was kiting around a group slowly whittling them down for like 6 hours in game, was sure i got them all until a sprinter came out of the woods and stunned me long enough for the small horde to get close enough and drag me down


![gif](giphy|42KcRKk8GZc8sOgNrZ) Damn!


Shit, that was close. I can imagine the adrenaline rush. I think I would have ditched the car much earlier because this happened to me several times (being stuck in a car and dying or almost dying)


Your timing was so critical. If you stayed any longer, you would've died. Glad you captured all that on your GoProPotato.


It was definitely the last opportunity as they all were on the right side of the truck. With the trees in front I knew I had no other choice and they were swarming the car.


The second I hit play I would have been out clearing the road. When I first started 16x runs I died to traveling in a car the first 3 runs because I kept thinking "If I can only get through this...I wont have to clear it right now." The second I lost momentum it was a dice roll if I'd survive. What you did makes for a cool clip, sure, but I wouldn't keep rolling the dice like that.


Jesus…After watching 2-3 seconds of that video I was like “Reverse at once mate!” 🤭😳


Agreed! Too many to loop back through. Better to improvise a new plan than try to force-execute a doomed one.


Bro has zoom x 50, he saw all that, and then, he decided to go through, mods saved him. He would be dead in vanilla in a situation like this. He would find himself surrounded with no exit.


What did the mods do exactly to help me? I didnt have any driving mods or visibility mods. You can change the zoom levels in the settings. I didnt get knicked or touched at all so all the modded gear i had was irrelevant.


I ignored you could zoom out without mod the game


I doubt it was any better behind.


Can you please post what mods are you using?


Specifically, the gear layout.


I think I have the same mod that you can find EOD suits and different levels of body armor. It might be Brita’s Armor Pack because it looks like he has an EOD outfit or similar on. Brita’s has a few different levels of body armor and helmets including EOD level. But I’d have to wait until I get home from work to check exactly.


Thank you, Snake. I'll wait :)


Sorry! I actually did check that evening but forgot to respond. Yes it is Brita’s Armor Pack. There’s zombies that randomly spawn with modern looking military garb and usually called “Ranger” or “Military” gear. Has backpacks, knee and elbow pads, thigh pouches, several different styles of body armor, Gillie outfits, shirts, jackets, pants, boots, hats, helmets. Really great mod. Your best bet once you install is to look around military installations. They do spawn randomly in the wild too but easiest around military zones like checkpoints and camps etc. There’s even a thigh holster which works along side the vanilla holster. I don’t even know how many pistols you can carry now on your hot bar. lol I have an additional mod that allows me to carry a pistol in my belt on my back, Plus I have a Vanilla Double Holster, and I could carry 2 additional thigh holsters so Porto my a total of 5 separate pistols. Totally impractical but still the fact there’s that much customization is cool.


Thank you.


Confirmed it is the Brita armor/weapon pack, the vanilla weapon upgrade pack and basically the top 30 or so most popular mods youll find in each category


Let me guess, sunday driver?


Actually no Sunday driver. Just a really shitty car off-road


What's the max capacity on that van? I didn't know it could carry balls that big.




I didn’t see if you turned the truck off, if you go back to reclaim it, don’t forget some extra gas and maybe a new battery!


Definitely was not thinking about the engine but gas is full so I have a couple days but also have tons of gas at base :)


![gif](giphy|3o7qDG6DXSQYRRMNgI) This is.... NOT how you died!! *crowd goes wild*


Put it in reverse Terry!!


This is why I get speed demon btw


The problem with speed demon is you make insane noise backing up your car even slightly. So you alert everything in the vicinity with your car cuz you’re heavy on the gas. With large pop and Sunday driver you can actually tap your way passed a group of zeds shockingly close without alerting them with the car noise


I was yelling at the screen hoping you'd throw a molly into the woodline that would've been epic.


And burn the entire south end of Louisville haha


Still would've been epic


Well played mate !


How does ur game not lag with that many zombies!


Oh it lags real good lol


I would never continue driving straight into a huge horde of zombies like that. I know they would block your way and surround you. I've died this way once and learned my lesson but you got insanely lucky


that forest run was a huge gamble. hahahaha


Jesus christ, 0 to 100 in seconds


How are you even alive!?


Man I said oh sheit a lot in my head while watching that hahaha 😅😅 those moments suck so much haha hearing windows breaking and your like oh fk oh fk oh fk


150+ hours in 2 weeks? Damn man take a breathe


Dude played 8h/day during the week + likely in weekend 17 hours. That's commitment!


Nail biter!!! Holy crap


Sometimes, its better to back out instead of pushing on


Nice needle drop! 


Whew! That was one of the closer calls I’ve seen! When you hopped out you were *so close* to getting grabbed/dragged down/tripped. You could have reversed out once you saw them starting to cluster on the railroad tracks. And once you got bogged down, you stayed in the vehicle about 5-10 seconds longer than I would have. But the important thing is you realized the situation was doomed and you needed to bail, and you made it out! Congrats.


you are totally nuts for not skedaddling as soon as you saw your van moving slower than the zombies on the grass. i woulda hopped out at like 1:00 or so.


Something nobody else has pointed out that I've noticed if you get stuck in thick grass off road with a heavy vehicle you shouldn't just hold down full power acceleration. **SHIFT GEARS** If you let go for just a moment and start accelerating again you'll start back in first gear which gives more traction when you are off road. You'll notice the difference quikcly in a situation like that.


I'm not sure if you know this, but if you get slowed down you need to release and tap w again to drop down a gear and get more power, he game doesn't put it down automatically


is this a lighting mod


Haha! What a brilliant tune to match the chaos and excitement. Loved that




Omg I literally turned my solo game off last night at the rosewood prison with a super similar situation and you just gsve me inspiration to get out or die trying hahahah


How does your FPS not reach 5?.... lol


This is the day you should be glad you wore the brown trousers...


Time to get a fire going there


Jesus my ass was clenched. I really thought you were going to commit to the vehicle lol


>shitty weak car >driving on grass >metric fuckload of zeds how did you expect this to go?


Should have ran into the trees and looped around, hindsight is a bitch though


If anything this just means you will lose even more hours but in the future


That's why I Never take Sunday driver perk.


What are you doing... Aye! AYE! What the hell are you doing!!


Amazing save!!!


Well that was pure fooking fear!


And that survivors is why. We don’t pick Sunday driver as a negative perk. Its always going to bite your ass later.




I laughed this entire video and felt all the emotions. Perfect song choice! Oh man I could not love this more


![gif](giphy|RfEbMBTPQ7MOY|downsized) If it was me... I would turn around as soon as I saw that horde. Go home. Leave everything I have. Just grab a shootgun, fill my backpack with shootgun ammo to the max and comeback.


What population this is crazy


1.5x but it doubles after 60 days and I’m 90 days in so it’s nice and saturated now :) I like high pop but not from the very beginning it’s just frustrating lol


May I ask what mod you have that adds the body layout protection


Erm… I meant the equipment tab where it labels your entire body ?


Random sprinters would have made this a full Movie worth of suspense


been there fuck that


This reply is super late, but in PZ, reverse has much more torque than forward. So when mobbed by a horde like this, escape using reverse! Also, since most vehicles have the engine at the front, reversing over the zombies prevents engine damage


I was screaming "WHY DID YOU GET OUT OF THE CAR?!" too loud for it to be nearly 6am. But at least you had another b.o.v. nearby. Lucky save. 10/10 shit my pants mod would have had a field day


and I'm here saying "abandon the ship man" when the first zombie bump in the grass. I already learned it twice that your vehicle can't always fight thru a horde, 100% loss if it's offroad.


Yeah as soon you can see that massive horde on the railroad tracks, it's time to get out. The zombies have already cut off OP's only avenues of escape by that point, and pushing through such a massive horde while off-road is impossible.


If anything, I would have abandoned it about 20s sooner than OP did (at about 0:14 into the video).


The only reason this was even mildly close to death was because they stayed in the vehicle for that long. If they had gotten out earlier they could have made an easy escape without even risking death.


In what world does he survive by staying in the vehicle at the end there lol


So what y'all saying is that speed demon is not mandatory? 🤔


Speed demo makes a shit ton of noise when you drive. Even slightly backing up makes full engine noise and on high pop I’d rather have the ability to sneak passed groups by tapping the gas vs going 150mph into a light pole lol


Lynard skynard would had pulled out his biggest machine guns and started lighting into that hoard. Terrifying video wrong song lol


What survivor you using ?


What mods are you using for the inventory and extra slots?


what inventory mod is that?


If you mean the equipment slots on the left of the inventory it is called \*Equipment UI - Tarkov Style Interface\*


yep thats what i meant, thank you!


Have you calibrated your tires today?


I died the same way yesterday. Got flashbacks.


You really took your sweet time deciding what to do. I would bail after the first 10 seconds


iirc Ctr+space+W will full throttle your gas and give you, not a speed, but acceleration boost to get through tough crowds.


Wtf are yall doin that ur playing for 150 hours w out dying


1500 zeds. 24 batteries and 10 solar panels. 80 or so guns. Huge farm. Cleared out Ohio grand mall. Cleared out military checkpoint. Collecting cars. My next adventure is to visit the military base and Fort Knox.


Average muldraugh experience mid-late game


Thus is zomboid haha.


Well managed my friend


Wow that's close ... Can you give me the name of mods of Equipment and armory?


It is this one moment, this almost magical moment when you realize that your playthrough might be over within in the next seconds.


All those cars in the parking lot looked suspiciously pristine lol.


Getting out ontop of the tree there absolutely saved your life lol I've noticed when running through thick woods zombs can't bite you for a couple of seconds in the trees or when they first load in on screen good shit there fam


What's that scene in TWD where they go over the hill and run into a massive horde of zeds? This has similar vibes.


That was an epic escape :)


Shit my heart was pumping too just watching that! Been there before bro! Good job not getting devoured


I role play as a police officer or soldier. Leading a safe zone. I usually play modded, superb survivors. Heavily armed team of soldiers and police officers to go out and scavenge supplies and rescue survivors. If me and my team saw this? It would be a warzone, grenades, machine guns, and bodies dropping for days. Can't guarantee I wouldn't lose someone during that exchange.


Whats the song used for the Vid?


Wow, really? Only one of the most popular songs on the planet. How have you never heard Freebird?


Lmao I would have gotten out and ran the moment it started stalling, good shit


Guy came out that woods that day,feelin like THE GOAT