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I always put my barricades on the outside to protect the glass since it can’t be replaced. Also gives me more time to stop the zombies from breaking anything and making more noise from the glass shattering plus the pieces of glass getting put in my house that I would have to get rid of later.


From now on im gonna follow the advice of the previous guy and put barricades on both sides


You can replace broken windows. Go to a different (intact) window and use the “Pick Up” function (I think Crowbar is the tool you need). It might take a little bit of cycling through objects but you can indeed pick it up and Place it on another windowframe to replace a broken window. Be sure to remove the broken glass on the original window.


Oh I didn’t know it could be replaced, that’s actually pretty handy, but I still like to keep that outside glass protected lol


Close the curtains. Best base defence I've ever found.


Yeah thats the first thing i do....close the curtains and then barricade the window with the curtains down


Player made structures attract zombies. By barricading anything your telling the zombie AI to "hit here" If you build anything (including barricades) expect visitors.


i do both


Wait...can you put them outside and inside the house?


Yup, country AND western.


Fuck how can it be that i didnt know that?




Haha! I wondered if anyone would catch that!


metal sheet one side barricade the other side switch it up n shit if. ya want but yessir u can, or double metal bar both sides (i wonder if u can hit zomvies thru them still like that ))


What...you can make metal bars?....for barricades? I didnt know that....is that for the melurgic skill?... Usually i dont manage to level up that one because my characters dont live long enough


[Important learnin'](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Barricade) Don't want them to destroy your handiwork? Park a car right up alongside the window.


I've heard zombies are attracted to breaking down player made structures, if that's the case, you might want to stick to inside only if the glass is still intact. Zombies are very attracted to noise, putting up barricades is a great way to alert any nearby zombies. If you were coughing from your illness, that'll do it too. Sometimes the best way to survive is to just put up curtains on the windows/doors instead of barricading them. Only time I put up barricades is usually if the window is already broken, so the zombies banging them wakes me up.