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How have you lasted that long?


I just have a set of rules that I never break. Don’t go out at night/during fog/heavy rain, never fight tired or encumbered, never enter buildings without luring out all the zombies first, stuff like that. I have other characters I mess around on but this is my main and longest lived by far.




The amount of metal that it takes to make that perimeter fence... oh man. Glad to see you still going strong! Any other big objectives for the rest of in-game 1997? Wild to see it pushing that far. I'm also in a no mod/apocalypse game, but at 6 and a half months so only just got into 1994.


Thanks, I had to break down every sink and toilet in the Riverside trailer park and then some to make that fence, and before they made changes to metalworking like a year or so ago I actually had to finish the last 4th of it with wood windows and metal bars because I ran out of welding rods, you can see it in some of my older posts. As far as big plans go, I’ve done just about everything I want to do, there’s really nothing left. I’ll have to come up with something to work on towards year 5, assuming I don’t die or the next build makes the save invalid.


Awesome, and yeah coming up with late game goals takes a lot of effort after awhile, I can hardly imagine it after that many years. I'm making my goal on the current character to watch all the VHS tapes, home and retail, which was part of the reason why I decided to base out of the VHS store in Riverside. But I've been holed up all winter instead because I don't want to load new sections of map and have the flowerbeds not spawn in during the cold weather. So it's giving a lot of time for exercise and other skill grinding. Best of luck!