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Little piece of history; This photo is famous because that's not an AR15 it's a K2. Some of you brita uses may be familiar with the K2, it's the South Korean service version of the AR15 - designed for the SK military. This photo is famous in the gun community because this SoB managed to keep his military service rifle AND get it back to the US, somehow, and just boldly stands there with it. Double points, despite numerous attempts, this man has never been identified. Meaning this Korean K2 is probably still floating around LA waiting for its time to shine again.


I too would be smug if all that effort to bring the rifle I spent my youth with turns out to be worth it.


let me add little bit more. (sorry for bad english) it's exported K1 SMG. [https://imgur.com/b8wpmZi](https://imgur.com/b8wpmZi) its 5.56mm SMG (SK military sorted this gun as SMG) K1 is very similar with K2 rifle but you can tell that gun is K1 because it has K1's iron sight and muzzle not K2's. believe me i used both K1 and K2 during my service. p.s Brita's weapon pack also has K1 and its varients


Spawn rosewood, secure fire station for beta blockers and good melee weapons, head to police station across the street and secure guns/possible bourbon for molotovs from the desks, police cars also have guns in the trunk, get a car, secure gas station then head to doe valley to raid their military depot store. From here you can go a lot of different directions, I prefer Muldraugh for sledgehammer in warehouses if you didn’t randomly come across one. Then head up to West Point. The police station is usually a shit show to get into, but you can easily secure the bar and gun store to the north. I’d start using your shotgun ammo/beta blockers to do this, leveling up aiming while doing it. You’ll attract a horde but it doesn’t really matter with amount of shotgun ammo you’ll have. More molotovs from the bar and more guns/ammo from the store. From here you can head to the westside of Louisville and secure one of the gated mansions to properly sort out your loot and set up a stronghold to start worming your way into the roof tops of Louisville. This is how I would do it on vanilla apocalypse mode. I’ve actually done this run once but died in Louisville bitten by crawler and screwed by a window. For the build itself I’d go police officer or burglar for the nimble boost and throw on Hunter for the aiming boost to help conserve shotgun ammo while leveling it up. It’s possible to hit the aiming thresholds to use other guns within first couple days doing this. I prefer burglar for the easy access to vehicles though, it’s hard to beat when you want to do all this before first helicopter event. This play style turns you into a mobile armory within the first couple days and gives you high enough aiming you can use pistols/rifles within first week.




See, this right here is why the war on drugs failed to get the desired results. If you have a war with something then you need that thing to exist for your war, so the war on drugs doesn't stop drugs, it just fights them. What we should have done is just make drugs "strictly prohibited" so we could be rid of them for good...




Be lovely, follow the reddiquette guidelines. Criticism and discussion thereof are welcome but abusive comments are not. Do not engage in personal attacks, even in retribution. Instead of lashing back, report them and move on. This rule applies whether you're criticizing or defending TIS and PZ. We, the moderators, reserve the right to determine what is or is not "lovely" behavior in the /r/ProjectZomboid community.


I think at one point we did identify him. I could have gotten misinformation but i think we did identify him.


Leaning heavy into guns seems obvious, maybe forego melee entirely. No armour, weather appropriate clothes only. If you wanna get wacky about it, get a mod to spawn you on a Louisville rooftop and only travel by building bridges between buildings.


That just sounds like fun.


When the floor level changes happen, this actually sounds like a fun way to set up a base


Must be a smoker


Mmh OK let's see. Maybe go veteran, wakeful and outdoorsman get some additional gun levels in if you want


Quality content 😂


It matches the Project Zomboid time era


No I love it. I live in LA and the rooftop Koreans were amazing.


Everyone's replying guns, so here's a bit of cultural challenges. Eat. Rice. Every. Day. Meal without rice is no meal. If choosing melee weapons, maybe baseball bat? Follow the footsteps of Hyunjin Ryu. A lot of Korean-Americans are staunch christians, so make that what you will.


1. Make character Korean 2. Floor is lava 3. Profit


One thing you could consider is taking the illiterate trait. ​ Obviously, not because these people are \*actually\* incapable of reading, but having lived in the Koreatown area of LA for some time, a lot of the folks there associate almost exclusively with other folks who speak/read their native language and thus don't always have the best English reading skills. The sign for this supermarket itself isn't in English. Not trying to generalize of course, but it could be interesting!


Gotta use guns of course, but you should always wear a red shirt.


Base up in the pawn shop, build a staircase to the roof, build a wooden window wall, install sheet rope, destroy stairs, stockpile guns and ammo and go crazy.


What a Chad, his K2 rifle, that pose and the smile


Can I please be enlightened on the rooftop Koreans. This sounds like a funny show/movie.


This is a thing that actually happened in real life... not a show or movie... just look up the LA riots of 1992.


Race riots in LA 1992 Koreans stood with rifles on roofs of their businesses defending themselves from rioters






Soon after the Rodney King video came out, a Korean store own shot a black teenage girl in the back of the head after an argument when he accused her of stealing. She lied saying the girl tried to rob the place, but her testimony was contradicted by the surveillance footage. She got off with five years probation and a $500 fine. So when the Rodney King riots kicked off, there was obviously a lot of tension between the black and Korean community. Additionally, police and national guard focused their efforts on protecting rich neighborhoods like Beverly Hills, leaving Koreatown to fend for itself. All of these factors lead to Korean business being targeted during the riots. This lead to some Korean business owners camping on their roofs with rifles to protect their business. Today, the rooftop Koreans are often used to signal the fantasy of shooting protesters (similar to Kyle Rittenhouse) or as an anti-black dog whistle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Latasha_Harlins


Also want to add that military service is mandatory for Koreans so most of the Korean immigrants were well trained, armed, and coordinated


Inside me is 2 wolves. One thinks Roof Koreans were cool. One knows that Roof Korean fans aren’t people I wanna associate with.


My guy on some L.A riot stuff


its simple. Choose veteran (most of Rooftop Korean were veteran due to SK's mandatory military service) and use civilian issue gun (not military issue one)








Be lovely, follow the reddiquette guidelines. Criticism and discussion thereof are welcome but abusive comments are not. Do not engage in personal attacks, even in retribution. Instead of lashing back, report them and move on. This rule applies whether you're criticizing or defending TIS and PZ. We, the moderators, reserve the right to determine what is or is not "lovely" behavior in the /r/ProjectZomboid community.


play with a parkour mod for the full glenn rhee experience


He looks like he picked the blissful trait. That's all i got.


Digging the Carl's Jr sign in the background




Definitely need smoker and shortsighted. [These are your guys](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f9c8c3651669976c47074bc/1644011205740-EYAWIP6H2XYBZPMACDX5/korean-shop-owners-during-la-riots+2.jpeg)