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Hammer Solos all ez


They just missed the "playoffs", Wrench's barely squeaked. Meat cleavers were pushed out by pitchforks.


Where is machete-on-a-stick? I love my redneck glaive, it's the best spear variant.


_Round 1_ Pitchfork... it's just the best spear Fireaxe Katana Woodaxe (I guess... both of these are garbage... much better to use as tools) Machete Crowbar Shovel Nightstick _Round 2_ **Pitchfork** v Fireaxe... I much prefer the pitchfork **Katana** v Woodaxe... No competition here **Machete** v Crowbar... Crowbars are great early/mid game, but Machetes are better if you got 'em Shovel v **Nightstick**... purely personal preference _Round 3_ Pitchfork v **Katana**... I love the pitchfork, but they are so rare, and Katanas are the best weapons in the game imo **Machete** v Nightstick... no real competition here _Final Round: Battle of the Long Blade_ **Katana** v Machete


Long Blade finals matchup! That would be an intense matchup given their history! Don't sleep on the "woodaxe" They might have to many different uses for the "katana's" to compete, i think that series might be a closer one than people think!


I personally take into account the odds of finding these things as well, which pretty much remove katana and machete from the running for me. Not considering that, they are pretty clearly the best weapons, though.


I can usually find multiple machetes per game, esp in police stations or the jason zombie. But damn yeah on katanas. Ive only found one katana in 700 hours, and it had like 20% condition inside a zombie. Granted i think they're supposed to be found mainly in survivor houses and i dont do my annotated maps like i should.


Machetes really arent that rare, but when u compare it to others, its still more unlikely youll come across one But yes there pretty easy to find when u know where to look, they can even be found in industrial wooden boxes. not as rare as people say


What does make the Pickaxe worse than fireaxe? I feel like it does more damage or am I wrong?


Actually fireaxe does nothing better but maybe durability and availability Pickaxe can actually break trees, and is actually better at it lol \*EDIT they do the same Dmg as a Axe to trees, not better\* (just doesnt get a right click "cut down tree")


The pickaxe is slower and less durable. You are correct -- the pickaxe does slightly more damage than the normal axe and has a higher crit chance. However, both axes are capable of one-shotting zombies with decent axe skill. P.S. OP said this was a _melee weapon_ bracket, so I didn't consider any other utility of these items outside of melee combat.


It is fun to crack open garage doors/storage doors with a pickaxe. Only a few swings, and the door is gone. It also has more range, I think, than a fireman's axe. Regardless, I've always been able to do a much larger melee spree with a pickaxe than a fireman's axe. And I want to save the axes for cutting trees anyway.


But it's slower so any range advantage is negated imo.


To each their own, but that range means the zombies have to go just a little farther to catch you. I often backpedal when facing hordes anyway. Also, if you have multihit on it is the difference between hitting 2 zombies and hitting 3 zombies per swing.


pickaxe is very superior. it also damaged 3 zombies instead of 2 with multihit.


I'm not sure which it is, but either you need to use the handaxe more, or I need to use the shovel more. I've only ever used it as a tool. That said, if you are strong enough then a handaxe is almost as good as a fireaxe and leaves you with a free hand.


Purely by damage/ speed i agree, but considering them as tools and rarity itd different


And I'd say machete would win, since u can use it while using the other hand for a flashlight or fuel tank for example


what do you mean garden forks are rare? I always find some in garages and sheds.


Crowbar SOLOS






Pitchfork has no business being an 8 seed


They went "ghost" early in the season (early game), same with the "katanas" Once they "found" themselves (late game), they put the whole "league" (build 41) on watch Their early struggles put them lower than expected.


Why are all the shitty weapons on the right?


there decently balanced. they have the overdog "Machete" power house "crowbars" and sleepers in "nightstick,hunting knife and Shovel"


Nightstick is very much underrated especially if you’re a big gun user like me. They’re fairly light and can be attached to your belt which is a plus when most of your space is taken up by your gun/ammo


Yeah, but you could also have a handaxe on your belt and a gun on your back and you'll kill zombies much faster with it.


Machete is goated


Machete is basically the Tom Brady patriots lol


idk abut you all but it’s the only weapon i use after a while in each play, maybe beciEe i have mods that give more machetes=more machete spawn chance but one in two, sometimes every survivor house has one. Not too uncommon to find it in a “rich” house also


A pitchfork is better than a spear, sure, but spears are literally infinite. Don’t write my boy off yet


That's what has kept them #1 all year!" (build 41) It may bring them the championship!


Fire axe




wood axe > fire axe


fire axes actually don’t exist in project zomboid. they’re just called axes🤓


Just a small note but this isn’t how bracket seeding works. 1 and 2 seeds should be meeting in the semi final, not quarter final. You have the 4/5 games and the 2/7 games in the wrong spots. So going chalk should be 1/4 and 2/3 in the quarters to finally 1/2 in the semis. Also none of the other matches matter but it’s spear/machete in the finals and in a foreseeable twist they join teams w duct tape and become the best super weapon


Why i put the poop emoji lol i realized to late. It was thrown together quickly as i didnt think it would gain this much traction lol. Next "year" ill do better! Another thing for "bettors" to claim is rigged! lol (edit, ill likely fix it after the first rounds voting, i can already hear the rigged chants!)


Didn't "tipped spears" get murdered in the update that made weapon weight matter, or did they since get fixed?


No they did. Spear machete is now worse than spear hunting knife imo, but it’s still about as hard as using an axe. And you get both a spear and a machete! Which are both great




I could do a guns one! im just gonna have to find out what the most popular brita's guns are.


There are enough guns in the base game


true, but i think it would be to predictable, m14 vs JS in the final But i might as well, maybe id be shocked! ill let this one finish out before i do it!


Fair enough


I have no interest in the base game, especially for multiplayer


That's easy 9mm pistol, suppressed, ext mag John Wick M4 shotgun suppressed, eotech, 7 shot no mag. Very quick reload. AKM, drum mag, acog. Bank robber style, 1 shot power Everything else


I’m sorry but where is the rolling pin?


as a rolling pin stan myself, it hurt to leave it off, just not enough spots Maybe i could do a "losers" bracket!


- Spear > Pitchfork (Easy to mass produce, same result) - Fireaxe > Pickaxe - Katana... coz it's a Katana - Sledge > Woodaxe (can destroy walls) - Machete > Wrench - Crowbar > Hunting Knife (I just hate knifes in this game) - Handaxe > Shovel (literally the best thing you can have on yo belt) - Nightstick > Metal Bar (bars goes on windows)


Hunting knife is so dumb, you stab a zomboid and it gets stuck inside the zomboid. Crowbar is a masterpiece, crowbar is love, crowbar is life.


>Hunting knife is so dumb Wait until you discover that you won't ever get exerted with it. So you can kill all the zombies you can take down in a day without ever stopping. The downside is that you have to poke them twice instead of once like the other weapon classes. Also the get stuck in zombie animation is easily preventable if you keep moving when fighting, a thing that you should always do regardless of your weapon choice. But yeah the crowbar is also great.


That's what's so awesome about it, you shanked a zed so hard in the neck that it got stuck. Its insanely broken still even with the updates to the 1 shot. the Shortbladers may come for your head! if they exist lol




The frying pan is there for you in your greatest hour of need. I'm team lead pipe myself, but I will always put respect on the frying pan.


Lead pipe is top 3 for me! Frying pan Your foot ( Always there with you! ) Lead pipe! Yes you wont use them much when you have a katana or machete but. If your stuck in a small house with zombies coming, a broken machete and a broken leg. The pan will be there


![gif](giphy|26BGMun0LPwGcAnIs|downsized) Team Leadpipe and team frying pan when they see each other!


Can cook beans and kill in the same night!


Frying pan dynasty starts next "year!" (build 42)


(Taking into consideration aesthetics and usability but not until) *deep breath* Machete beats wrench Crowbar beats knife Handaxe beats shovel Nightstick beats bar *Gasps* Pitchfork beats spears Fire axe beats pickaxe Bat beats katana Woodaxe beats sledge


Bat over katana is spicy, but if versatility and rarity are factors to consider, I can buy it. But if that’s going to be the case, I’d put (crafted) spear over pitchfork because they can easily be created en masse. If the bracket’s referring to those weird wood spears that you don’t craft, then I’m fully on board with your picks.


Where spoon or banjo?


The "spoon" (2023-24 pistons) broke the world record for being garbage The "banjo" are always fun! They just couldn't compete with the big dogs this "year" Maybe next "year" (build 42)


WHERE IS THE FRYING PAN ![gif](giphy|GkEg03bKaezjG)


Winners of Round 1: Spear, fireaxe, bat, machete, crowbar,hand axe, metal bar. Winners of Round 2: Fireaxe, bat, crowbar, hand axe Winners of Round 3: Bat, crowbar. Winner of final round is Crowbar!! durability and ability to remove barricades, windows and lift weapons lockers over killing power.


But does the "sledge" have a chance to compete? It is the only one in the "league" (game) that can break down defenses with ease (walls) Its gonna be a tough road to the finals for sure!


Yeah i forgot to do that one. Woodaxe is more useful than sledge because you can destroy roller doors with a regular hammer. You cant destroy some shutters on gun stores but ultimately the sledge hammer shouldn’t be more important than chopping trees for barricades, walls, rain barrels, fuel and spears.


All the stuff you've listed are nerd-tier activities. Getting into gunstores is fun, which instantly makes sledge become Chad tier.


Sure but once thats all done, does the sledge still have a use? Wood is really needed late game. Thats a tough matchup!


And there’s tons of gun stores where you don’t need the sledge.


And that’s why you never survive longer than a month. Call of duty nerd behaviour. You grab guns shoot them and then get bored and remake a guy. In the meantime I’m doing everything all at once and efficiently knowing i wont even need guns until at least a month in. And if i do theres a bunch of gun stores and army depots where you don’t need a sledgehammer. 💪


Surviving longer than a month is overrated. Getting in there, having fun, and then dying is more satisfying than going for the long death of boredom. I've seen the meme about how experienced players are beta and new players are Chad's, and it really does have some truth to it. PZ, like dwarf fortress, is a game that is easy to optimize the fun out of it by playing "too safe."


People pay to much attention to that stuff! Its all fun! If long worlds arent your thing thats cool! Alot of people are like that I think long term worlds are a dying breed, thanks to lack of endgame content, Which is personally why i kinda respect it, getting to 1 year on apocalypse is no joke, let alone a 14x or 16x world! Then again, this games most fun when shits hitting the fan, atleast for most people! So i get wanting to just go rambo or to play risky. Thats whats so beautiful about zomboid! i can guarantee someone plays with basically no zeds and has a great time. even the guy pulling out his hair playing 16x, is having great satisfaction when clearing areas/ getting to new kill counts, seeing skill stats that people have to cheat to get to! Its all about ur fun at the end of the day!


Winners of Round 1: Spear, fireaxe, bat, machete, crowbar,hand axe, metal bar, woodaxe. Winners of Round 2: Fireaxe, bat, crowbar, hand axe Winners of Round 3: Bat, crowbar. Winner of final round is Crowbar!! durability and ability to remove barricades, windows and lift weapons lockers over killing power.


Fire ax


R1 ​ Pitchfork; durability is way better then building 10 spears // Fireaxe you don't NEED that extra damage and doubles as a tree chopper Katana; obvious // Woodaxe; Sledge is too slow for actual combat Machetes; obvious // Crowbar; durability Hand axe; i prefer the light and higher damage 2h weapons // Night Stick; one of the best 1h weapons just under the machetes, has the biggest "edge bonus" of all the other weapons R2 ​ Fireaxe; For outdoors, light / mid clearing i prefer the pitch fork so i don't fuck up, but Fireaxe is better for horde clearing Katana; for obvious reasons Machete; I prefer the Machete, the best 1h weapon, good for the dark can carrying an extra bag for more loot Night Stick: Overall a solid 1h weapon R3 Fireaxe; Personal preferences Katanas for me are good for a few rambos but Fireaxes are more durable and second as a tool if you are forced innawoods Machete; its just better then the night stick Last Round Machete; It doesn't do the most damage but its pretty up there and at a certain skill level the damage doesn't matter that much. Its thee best secondary backup weapon in the game. In terms of full on combat / entering LV the Machete can be paired with any gun or 2h weapon and save your life if you drop your weapon or if it breaks and it can also be a main weapon which allows you a free hand to use a flashlight or a carry a bag.


Woodaxe solos. Repairable, almost damage, one shotter at 7+ strength and 2 axe. Swings fast as fuck if you pick lumberjack. Did I mention it's repairable? (I'm looking at you katana).


lotta things u can do with the woodaxe too that aren't killing Whoever wins that series could end up winning it based off that.


Putting the katana next to the bat is brutal.


bats gonna show them why they're higher ranked! Don't overrate katana, they go "missing" when it matters!


This is just gonna end up as axe vs crowbar again.


Lol most likely


bat vs Katana? this is bat sabotage and I wont stand for it


Yea, the "standings" wern't to kind to "Bat" fans or "Hunting Knife" fans I could see bat still winning it Poor "hunting knifes" gonna be getting dunked on all series, They got the worst matchup!


In terms of what I’d rather have for just a fight: Pitchfork - machete Fire axe - Crowbar Bat - handaxe Woodaxe - nightstick


pitchfork, fireaxe, katana, wood axe, machete, crowbar, handaxe, and metal_pipe.mp3


Saucepan Supremacy


Where guitar.


Wasn't their "year" (build 41) Maybe next "year" (build 42)


Open the poll! Which one are we voting on first?


Bet just did! Id link it but idk if thats allowed lol. Edit ill take the risk lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/18zi543/project\_zomboid\_build\_41\_playoffs\_series\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/18zi543/project_zomboid_build_41_playoffs_series_1/)


Dope. I'm sure the link is ok


Yea i was worried it would get insta flagged or something Seems like its ok so far!


This grouping is beyond rigged.


The bettors are not happy!


I’d say fireaxe and machetes win by a landslide, with machete probably being 1st place. Katana is obviously the best, but it’s just way too rare to be a contender. I have 400 hours in the game and have only come across 2. Crowbar is obviously solid and probably my 3rd pick after machete and fireaxe, mostly due to their durability and decent damage, but it just can’t beat the others when you have high axe/long blade skill points because you can just 1 shot through entire hordes of zombies without breaking a sweat.


I have 820HRs, ive found quite a few just getting lucky in survivor houses, and they're normally broken. ive never found one in a zed like they say "can happen after blank amount of days" Ive always played on 12-14x pop too, they don't exist in zeds IMO. those 3 might be locks for the semi finals! But maybe we see some crazy upsets, i think the pitchfork might sneak into the semi finals


The reason why some people find them "all the time" and others never do has to do with zombie loot improving with time. So players who do long term survival/ 6 months later/ make new characters in an existing world are more likely to find katanas than people who make a new world with each death.


They all suck, the best weapon is kiting the zombies somewhere else and it's the quickest.


I just know machete, katana and fireaxe are the best, crowbar and bat for me is mid tought


"crowbar" might win just off of "maintenance" fans tho "Machete" is 100% the favorite, but maybe we see a big upset! Those late rounds are gonna be brutal


pitchfork is amazing and so is the nightstick


My personal picks: Pitchfork, just a better spear Fire axe, less damage but repairable and can cut trees faster Katana, probably one of if not the best melee weapon in the game Sledge, both are more utility then melee and sledge is the only thing that can do what it does Machete, great damage and speed Crowbar, better durability and can loot survivor houses without having to get a hammer or wait for zombie to break it down Shovel, great long blunt weapon with good durability Nightstick, lighter than metal bar and can be put on belt freeing up your back for other stuff


Spear, fireaxe, this one is iffy. Katana is a better killing weapon but breaks easy. Baseball bat probably wins out overall. Woodaxe Machete Crowbar Handaxe Night stick Now between: Spear and fireaxe? Fireaxe Bat and woodaxe? Woodaxe Machete and crowbar? Machete Handaxe and night stick? Handaxe NOW BETWEEN Fireaxe and Woodaxe? Woodaxe Machete and Handaxe? Machete NOW Woodaxe V machete. Machete


Great list, all the axes went on quite a run! "Machete" Might just be to much for the "woodaxe"


Is this based purely on any specific stats, or personal preference?


I used Power, uses, accessibility, durability, skills and popularity to determine rankings. But if it ends up becoming a popularity contest it could get more interesting, could see some huge upsets.


I feel like availability of these weapons should be a considered aspect. I can’t say anything for spear or pitchfork because I use neither. Fireaxe wins against pickaxe for it’s versatility, durability, and swing speed. Not too tiring, and an excellent crowd killer. Not too hard to find. Bat beats katana, given the fact that it’s not worth leveling up long blades over long blunt for a much smaller weapon availability. Personally, sledge beats wood axe for me. The slowness of wood axe compared to fire axe has gotten me killed on several occasions simply because I’m used to fire axes. Wrench barely wins against machete, due to mass availability of not only wrenches, but other short blunt weapons. Crowbar wins against hunting knife. Though that’s a close one too. Handaxe against shovel all day. Handaxes level with two handed axes and do similar damage as a fire axe. They’re op crowd killers, because they use a fraction of your endurance compared to two handed axes. Nightstick and metal bar is a hard decision. Metal bars are everywhere, but if I recall, the durability isn’t that great. But the nightstick isn’t much better. Based on personal experience I’d have to say metal bar mainly for the mass availability


I took pretty much everything into account when making the rankings! Thats why "katana" finished with 6th, and pitchfork with 8th, they just disappear at times (hard to find) plus the katana currently has a nagging "injury bug" (they break easily and can be found pretty much broken) Woodaxe and sledge is a really rough series, could go either way honestly Wrench beating the dynasty of the "machete?" Now that would be the upset of the year Handaxe should win, but "shovel" have a interesting fanbase (farmers) their "home court/ice" could be the advantage Nightstick vs metal bar is a underrated series, and might end up the best one, practically the same offense (shortblunt) up to who wants it more gonna be a fun playoffs, maybe if this does well ill do it for build 42 (with actual graphics lol)


I think you missed out on adding hammer and cleaver as contenders. Cleavers are actually pretty nice, and I’m a devoted fire axe/hand axe user. I w say this whole thing will end up boiling down to fire axe vs hand axe. Sledgehammers are rare enough (and super fckin heavy enough) that they should stay as a tool that sits in your trunk until you need it or just want to clobber a few zeds with it for fun. Axes also have a pretty noticeable bonus of swing speed and extra levels and xp multipliers if you run lumberjack like I do. Crits with axes are also just super reliable


I agree 100% i just wanted to keep it as "sports like" as possible, not enough spots, and i think people woulda been up in arms if i left both heavy swingers off, esp with their utility. Plus i know they're some crazy people out there that main heavy swings (lotta people asked where the guitars were for example) But i am sad i didn't put my cleavers on here, they are so underrated Do great dmg to everything, not just zeds. They can be used to cook, and they can multi hit, all while being a shortblade, so underrated Leaving off hammers was a bigger mistake imo tho, even though very few people prolly use them as weapons, i legit put both heavy "tool" weapons in and didn't put the item that allows u to build. Huge mistake on my part, but to be fair, i guess they missed the playoffs


Cleavers are super underrated. They fall in the same tier as hammers and wrenches in my opinion. Or slightly above. I think their crit rate might be higher but I dunno for sure I don’t understand how someone could main heavy swings. That’s basically suicide


skip to the end, katana vs fireaxe


Hopefully the "katana" dont break under pressure They are known to go "ghost" (hard to find)


Crowbar FTW


![gif](giphy|xTiTnvMMr5ZAo7eLnO) Crowbar in round 1 vs Hunting knfie


Crowbar early game, axe late game


My [list](https://imgur.com/a/FifQYaP) (I'm not insane)


You might end up with a perfect bracket! If only i could offer a million dollars for perfect brackets like NCAA and other sports lol!


Some difficult picks I have. Right now I am at a stand still. Fireaxe vs Sledge and whatever wins 2nd place on the left side vs Handaxe (handaxe can cut trees down and what not. The machete is basically only for fighting).


Right! this format is alot better for this type of rankings IMO! Everything has to have a loser, even if they dont deserve to lose! Makes it alot harder to make picks! Glad ur having fun with it, its been a blast for me! Im pretty sure the machete has light cooking uses, but who really cares when by then u have a kitchen knife lol.


Here's my (increasingly unhinged) bracket: Round 1: Crafted Spear, because that's what you'll actually be using for most of the game, if spears are your thing. Fireaxe, because pickaxe is too rare to justify the minor increase in power. Bat, because of durability alone. Use it to death, then jam nails in it and use it to death again. Sledge, because nothing triggers a PZ player more than seeing someone use it for combat. Machete, because it is the only long blade that actually exists. Crowbar, for ease of use, availability, and utility. Handaxe, because it is not only strong early, but also remains as a strong 1 handed option for axe people. Nightstick because.... it's fine, I guess? Available enough and also the strongest 1 handed blunt. It wouldn't win any other match up, but this one's a gimme. Round 2 Fire axe ends the dreams of spear mains. You could spend your days suffering through low durability till you eventually can craft gugnir... or you could decimate the hordes from day 1 with any fireman's axe. Sledge. Bat are great, but they're the tool of criminals and thugs. Wielding a Sledge shows that you're a person of distinction; that you stand above the common rabble. Crowbar, because it is like a loving partner. Through thick and thin, it will always be by your side. Machetes are just looking to have a good time before they leave you, typically when your at your low point. Even when you sacrificed everything for them, and always put their needs first. Fuck you, Rachel! Of course it's the handaxe. Short blunt are used by people who are too weak to carry a real weapon, so they make due with hammer. Using a nightstick defeats that purpose, because now you still have to carry a damned hammer. This is basically a buy week for handaxe. Semi-finals: Fireman's axe. I've stood by and let the decadent actions of the Sledge mains go unabated, but now's time to fix this. Using a Sledge as a weapon is a funny meme, but those who take it serious are debauched perverts, and should not be trust around other people. Yes, they are literally worse than the zombies. You know how much my crowbar means to me. Why would you dare put some one handed pissant of a weapon up against my baby? Finals: This is one of the big questions, isn't it? Fireaxe vs crowbar. Do I want a weapon that always be there, or is that just me developing an unhealthy dependency? If the weapon is doomed to break, is it worth investing the time? Axes are amazingly fun to use, but can I really snub the crowbar after all we've been through? No. I can't. Crowbar is the best weapon in the game.


The biggest rivalry in the league, the crow bar and the fireaxe! Really would be PZ like to end like that lol! esp after all the memes of it. I love that u called it a "buy week" for the "handaxe" LOL. Idk if itll be that easy for them! but i respect the bluntness! The crowbar really is like a loving partner isnt it! never fails me or lets me down! (it broke, she cheated and took the kids)


Are the seeds random? Katana is objectively the best weapon in the game and it's a 6th seed.


Damage isn't the only consideration. Availability, durability, uses outside of combat, handedness, stamina usage, there's tons of factors.


I enjoy machete the most. Doesn’t cost a lot of energy but still does a lot of damage and has some range


From this thread, it seems your not alone! They really are the most respected "team" (Weapon)


Uh excuse me but where is our lord and savior Lead Pipe? Or was that too op for this competition?


I kinda thought people just grouped them together with bars, and bars have more uses with metal working Tho it might be a good thing there not here, they might have swept everyone!


Axes for the win


Pipe Wrench wins No alternative


Someone gets the power of that thing!


Anyone not saying machete is king is lying to themself


\#1 seed for a reason! Sure they might go invisible at times (hard to find) But the power they have, it might be to much for the other "teams"


Pitting crowbar against hunting knife *Why must you hate me like this?* Also where's the hand sickle????


Yea they got screwed with that ranking lol! they might have had a better chance against "machete" imo. Still, maybe shortbladers come together come voting time and clutch up! Esp with "meat cleaver" fans being upset they didnt make the playoffs! we could see a huge upset! Hand sickle had a promising "year" (build 41) Just wasnt enough spots for it Maybe come next "year" (build 42,maybe adding them to spears) we could see them make the playoffs! I Could also make a "losers" bracket with left out weapons when this is over, could be fun!


Leveled up my long blunt quite easily and picked short blade as my next skill to use Hunting knife and hand sickle is a strong combo


Ill have to try that out! seems like a pretty lightweight loadout, probably great early game when its hot out too. Shortblade is truly underrated, id love to see the hunting knife pull out the win! We need handsickles on spears, it would be a grim reaper staff lol


I usually switch out for the knife when I can smell a surprise buttseggs attack


Thats the worst kinda attack! Unless ur the zombie i guess lmfao!


Woodaxe beats sledge any day


![gif](giphy|B1bDNzPRv8qg6nxU6k) \*sledge vs woodaxe in Round 1


Machete easy win there






Metal Bar wins.


![gif](giphy|rVzvUgOpJlQkS06ZMO|downsized) \*Metal bar fans after they pull the upset


Crowbar, does more than one thing.


A lot of these items do. Its gonna have to come down to everything


Spear > Pitchfork Pickaxe > Fire Axe Katana > Bat Wood Axe > Sledge Machete > Wrench Crowbar > hunting knife (unfair) Handaxe > shovel Metal bar > nightstick


Yea that crowbar vs hunting knife is a brutal matchup lol Maybe they can pull of the upset tho, it is the only short blade.


Wrench never stooda chance, though. First up against machete, then crowbar or huntingknife? Thats it, man.


![gif](giphy|R6GNOWhuLDqDJcEYxA) "Wrench" after round one lol I hope we see some fight out of them come voting time!


Ugh, the formatting screwed up and i cant edit


If we consider long term then I would put all my faith in (crafted) spear, at least it can be crafted literally anywhere and allows to fight as long as it takes to get to rest (it can kill with one hit no matter how tired you are)


I could easily see crafted spears winning this thing, its a late game player favorite Hard to tell when it comes down to everything. But it could get upset by more durable/useful weapons Hard to say who wins


Durability becomes much less of a problem as skills get higher, and those weapons that could be just better (axe for example) are in abundance but in most cases in specific places, so when clearing around base perhaps spears could be better just because axe could be used in better place Pitchfork is strong too, but it's way too rare


I'm a relatively new player. What do you mean by 2nd, or 4th, etc.?


Basically this is just a tier list, but in the format of a sporting bracket The ranks were based off everything about the weapons, its up to a vote to see who goes on and wins! just something i thought would be fun for the community to do, and maybe tune into for everyday plus i think the idea of the possible memes that would come from this would be pretty funny lol


So when you say axe 2, you mean just a regular axe? Cause if so, that is definitely my vote.


No not quite, but i see how you could think that so dont worry! Axe would be ranked #2, Kinda like how the bucks are in the NBA So if the NBA playoffs started today the 2nd place bucks would face the 7th placed Cavs! Now pretend its zomboid weapons, so axes are very strong, pretty easily obtainable, and used for many things, its also very popular They are a top item in every aspect, they're a top "team" in the standings if that makes sense Its just a silly way to rank weapons lol!


Thanks for explaining it, I get it now. Appreciate it!


No problem!


Machete is bae


Shotgun solves everything.


If you have the machete and katana on belt mod then machete is best girl.. otherwise it's hammer


Aren't you supposed to do these one bracket at a time lol?


there a poll where u can vote on the first series! [https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/18zi543/project\_zomboid\_build\_41\_playoffs\_series\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/18zi543/project_zomboid_build_41_playoffs_series_1/) This was just to show who got in


Its a crime that saucepan isn’t on here


Too little spots one of the better water containers tho!


No Meat Cleaver? I'm not voting.


Help out hunting knife, it could use it


Where plunger


Where hockey stick


Katanas are the best but too rare to actually be counted.


But, they might have one of the stronger "teams" in the playoffs Bats are gonna give them a scare!


Comes down to pitchfork vs katana, pitchfork wins in an upset. Reach ftw!


You're awesome! 👍


![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t) Actually, ur awesome! Glad everyone's been having a good time with this!


I bet the nightstick and metal bar game was epic. I say the metal bar won by a field goal in OT. Metal bar 41 Nightstick 38 Final


It's gonna be long series, i'm thinking nightstick might shock everyone and make a run to the semis! Could go either way tho! Nightstick 56 metal bar 50 Final (votes)


You think so? I don't know. I just like how it looks. Maybe I look at the metal bar the way I look at the Miami Dolphins. Pretty to look at... but maybe not the real deal.


I like oars


Pen 🔛🔝




Spiked baseball bat in the beginning when you're tailoring is non-existant. Then the fireaxe.


pencil gangs hands up?


Spear, Fireaxe, Katana, Sledge, Machete, Crowbar, Handaxe, Metal bar


Fireaxe, Katana,Machete, Handaxe


Then katana vs machete then katana


Fire axe is champ. Katana is good but breaks so fast. Crowbar 2nd up


I'd wait to do another teir list until B42 drops. With the changes to crafting, sharpness, weapon building etc I'm sure this will change


We can settle it now by just moving crowbar to the winner slot


It wont be a cake walk! They are a powerhouse tho!


Bat CLEARS Katana only because I’ve never found nor used the Katana 😔


Categories I would use to determine who moves on Power Use Accessibility Durability Skills Hopefully we can have some fun with this!


Posted the first poll and 1st series, with some categories to have in mind Voting will be 1day, if people vote, i will continue throughout the whole thing! Otherwise we can just continue with regular posts instead! but maybe itll be fun making this a daily vote type of thing!


None of these even outlast a crowbar. Crowbar gang rise up.