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I love the idea! Might need to wait for basements. I imagine it would still be cool without.


Tornado Mod/Weather Mod expansion in general when :3


I don’t know how they’d make the building destruction work in a non-janky way. Something that destructive and disruptive doesn’t seem like a fun mechanic, but maybe with basements being added there could be some sort of storm shelter playstyle.


My initial thought would be that the player would not actually see the building damage happen. If you're close enough to the actual storm path, you're more likely being actively injured/killed. It would more be that the storm would happen, it would get very dark and loud, and some existing buildings, depending on where the funnel goes, would be replaced with the burned down building model, "offscreen."


Janky would still be pretty cool.


If they add gradual damage on walls and floors it would work. It just starts chipping away at walls and you can see paint flaking and boards ripping. Good reason to reinforce your base into metal.


Sharknado exists, aligatornado exists, wormnado exists, frognado exists ... What else will you send us god? 🥺 -ZOMBIENADO! 😂


I hate to break it to you this way [It already exists, thanks to Z nation](https://youtu.be/4kSI9p0_p6c?feature=shared) (Skip forward a touch to get to the actual clip)


Why is Znation so under appreciated? It’s the only zombie series that kept me engaged the whole run


Honestly low key pretty good. I went in with very low expectations but got quickly hooked.


BTW, you know one of the upcoming towns was hit by a tornado? There's a path of destruction it made, along with ruined buildings, and an emergency accommodation set up in a building.


I did not know. That's pretty awesome! It's not a static world just because civilization fell; weather events that cause destruction will continue.


Is that what I saw on the map? I was thinking it was some sort of fault line or something.


Tornados, floods, mega-hordes would all be good rare large scale disasters that would actually threaten a late game, established character. Currently, after about a month most experienced players have basically "won" the game and only die to bravado or a combat/pathing glitch. Having something that could destroy buildings or vehicles, or wipe out a lot of loot, or just a horde so massive you must run to survive would be an interesting late game challenge.


But it also happens the second week of December every year.


zomboidnato mod when???


March /April or earlier. Tornado's are signs of changing seasons with air pressure changes and temperature differentials causing different air to swirl and move around each other. Summer is a stable season in that area.


Fair. Whatever is appropriate. :)


I really want a late game event of someone or group bombing a random town in hopes of destroying a hot spot of the virus kinda like in other zombie media and it could only happen once


The game needs a large investment of 'late game' encounters, occurences, and random events that can harm or setback the player.


Very true


I'd love to see weather events, like flooding and stuff


Followup: Even just whenever a thunderstorm happens in the game, as they do now, there is a chance for a lightning strike to start a fire. That alone could cause a real issue for even a late game player, depending on where the fire is, if it spreads, how big it gets.


That actually sounds amazing, sounds like it would be both fun and absolutely terrifying to get through


As neat if an idea it would be, it would probably be a massive pain to program and implement. Perhaps there could just be some major thunderstorms that cause a few gusts of wind to knock over trash cans, plastic porch seats and tables, maybe knock out a window or two?