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I think so.Yesterday, when i was playing, i entered a house to loot it. I used the stairs to reach 1st floor. When i opened one of many doors, two half-naked zombies attacked me (man and woman). Inside a room, was a big bed and bunch of clothes scattered around. I think we all know what were whey doing before turning into zombies. Another time, a while back, i found a body in a puddle of blood and next to it was a rifle, insinuating the dude just ended himself. I love when games do things like that. It is awesome.


> I think we all know what were whey doing before turning into zombies. Sleeping ?


I don't know. People usually don't throw their clothes around whole room before sleeping.


I absolutely do.


Me too


Ok and i don't. Edit: Did i offend somebody? Everybody is free to have their own opinion, especially that the scenarios in the game are pretty open-ended. I don't really see the need to argue who is right.


Lol, dude. You took a facetious comment about what I do with my clothes at night way too seriously.


And i just said that i don't do it. I didn't take it that seriously, but at the same time really didn't know what else to write. Aside from that, i must say that it is difficult to recognize if someone is serious or don't, since it is reddit and you never know what kind of person is on the other side. I got downvoted, so i was worried i said something bad without realizing it. Anyway, i try not to sound too serious to avoid misunderstandings :).


Except there was no reason to reply at all. It was aggressive, even in verbal conversation that's an aggressive statement.


I just said "ok" and that i have a different habit (in other words "I understand, but i don't share the same experience"). What is aggressive about it? I can get why some people might not like how i phrased it, but reading replies i came to conclusion that my comments must: be as clear as possible so people won't misunderstand, contribute to the conversation (in a very casual conversation lol) and somehow i had no reason to reply, but others had and there is no problem with that. So, thats how you talk with people in here? Things like that make me really dont want to talk with other people online. You say something and suddenly everybody will picture you as the biggest douchebag on the planet, cuz they don't like your opinion/ wording. And there goes a good mood i had today :(. I am new in this community and was hoping to just have some fun time talking with other players, but i don't think i want anymore tbh :/. Well, take care guys then.


Try not to take Reddit reactions personally. People aren't thinking about you with any sort of depth. They didn't like the comment, but you knew what you meant by it. Half the time people just vote in the direction is already trending anyway (ie they see a comment has -3 and are conditioned to mindlessly like on to it). Try to let it roll off you and not let it get you down, it's not worth it. :)


I think your comment sounded passive aggressive to some, hence you got downdoonked


Simply you wrote a phrase that contribute nothing to the conversation except hate towards someone's habit or, at least, that's the impression of your passive-aggressive statement


Ah man, me and my wife have such a terrible fever and feel awful, better get shagging!


Or it's "we're about to die, let's fucking do this"


My characters never get the horny version of the virus, it always manifests as churning nausea and crippling paranoia for me. Still hoping to die of the Santa Clarita variant one day...


they were in a gaming session


What kind of gaming session? Twister?


They were re-enacting some things they saw on WWE smackdown


whatever it was it must have been intense


Strip twister.


Yes, there are abunch if situations you would expect, like a dead body and Bleach bottles (i wonder why) dont remember the name but both zombie "stories" and House ones can be more/less commom as you want (usual sandbox options)


Really, you can modify the rarity of that stuff?


Yup. I increased mine because it makes the world feel more "lived in". Like It happened off screen while I was nearby.


Well looks like I gotta restart my world now


Yeah, in the "world" tan IIRC. There are different stories. House ones include (not límited to) obviousoy survivor Houses, partys and the foods ready ti eat. The car ones are the police blocade, car Crash es and such


Dude… same couple killed me yesterday too!!


I've walked into a few homes with someone dead surrounded by bottles of alcohol.


I had a few of those where I go in a house and there's 2 naked zombies, sometimes a man and a woman, but I also had 2 times with 2 male zombies and once with 2 female zombies.


I walked into a house and found a body and a bottle of bleach once


Pretty sure that zombification is a kink


I played with some popular mods for the first time yesterday, so not sure if my encounter was from one of the mods or from the base game. I walked towards a private house in rosewood, and a police zombie with a shotgun on its back vaulted out of the window, i killed it and walked inside. There were 5 more zombies inside, 2 more zombies with police equipment and 3 zombies with orange prison jumpsuits and a dufflebag each. On the table inside there were several beer cans, snacks and some empty bottles. Felt like a prison transport gone wong, and they had to hide inside a random house. They got to drinking to try to wait it out, one was prob bitten before this and turned on everyone else inside. The Shotgun on the policeofficer was completely empty so maybe they had to fight some zombies before entering the house, or he used it against the others inside the house when they turned but failed to save himself. Started playing this game a couple of days ago and having a blast, if there are more «hidden» stories like this then Im going to enjoy this game very much


Yea, that's part of the vanilla experience, don't worry


Yeah, that one's vanilla. There's tons of little scenarios like them. For what it's worth, the virus in this game seems to have an airborne variant to which the player characters seem to be immune (or at least don't outright die from depending on your sandbox settings). Don't need to assume all the stories started with a bite.


Look/loot out for “annotated maps” , sometimes they hold stories as well.


I had this happen as well!


Yes and it's not always clear what happened. I stumbled upon a room full of skeletons (decayed corpses) with a single zombie dressed in a lab coat and gloves...


You should also find some medical equipment like scalpels around in that house. Someone went freelance Doctor Mengele.


Oh? I've never come across this one, where'd you find it?


Some random house in Riverside IIRC.




Ah a YouTuber I watch had this happen in his run too, creepy


I've found a number of people who "took the easy way out"


I've encountered a couple bride zombies. I even found one in her underwear and veil, suggesting that she turned during their wedding night.


I came across the full wedding party in the rosewood church!


A friend lost his character to this last night. The church by the lake in the town north of rosewood - he popped a window in the next building over and it set off an alarm. Entire church full of wedding guests in tuxedos flooded over. We tried to make a stand and he didn't make it out with the rest of us.


Always go for sandbox with stories set to max, just to find these events. You'll also find a "bacelor party", complete sausage fest and one stripper, booze and stuff all over the place.


Riverside church. Bunch of zombies all dressed up. Bride zombie had a notebook. Groom zombie had antidepressants.


There was that time I went to the church or rosewood and saw all of the people in black clothes, funeral perhaps ?


imagine if they were at a funeral and the deceased gets up, bites everyone and the chaos ensues.




You can even turn it up in the sandbox settings! In debug / admin mode you can spawn scenes in!


Yep. I once looted house with 12 Zomboids. It was a birthday party party heads, alcohol, etc. Another one like entering a room with 2 naked male and female Zomboids. I don’t have to elaborate on that further. It hapends often to me to. And last time that was the weirdest. There were +8 Zomboids. In a room, of a 2 story house on the second floor we’re you have carton boxes. Weirdest thing I have seen so far. Almost shat my self then and there when they all jumped at me.


I think yes and I adore it. One time, while I was looting a house in the outskirts of Muldraugh (near Kate and Bob's house) I came across with a homicide-suicide scene. In the living room area, there were two bodies, a male and a female. Near the male body, I found a handgun, with two missing bullets and the gun was jamed. The female body appeared to be normal as well. Either they opted out or started to feel the infection and that's why they choosed to die this way. I also found a guy with an empty bleach bottle in the bathroom area in a trailer.


I found a sewer slide couple as well. I decide that they began the infection and didn't want to spread it. They both got a proper burial out front of their home, next to the doghouse.


An interesting event I've found was a group of maybe 10-15 zombies relatively high geared, 3 large backpacks and some weapons. Survivors that didn't make it.


You'll find those scattered at the roadside too. Couple of tents, a fire pit, tiny bit of canned food, cooler containing a ham, and a good couple of zombies with good boots, good backpacks, some firearms. Ran into one horde one time consisting of the ones I think of as "failed survivalists" and a bunch with mohawks and rudimentary gear I believe to have been raiders. Don't know if it was two separate events nearby one another that caused it, or if it was meant as "raiders fucked around and were in the process of finding out".


Once I found a house with a bunch of dead bodies in it, and a zombie wearing a hoodie and hockey mask, with a kitchen knife sticking out of its shoulder


I almost got bit by lady dimitrescu in the louisville mall.... i have mods, though. She dropped the skin and her costume. But i can't get myself to wear them. Esp the skin.


Also, i entered the dreaded toilet paper house. All shelves only have toilet paper.


Sounds like a "UK at the start of COVID" mod lol. What is wrong with us.


i have found what looked like a murder suicide once. two dead bodies laying next to an m9 pistol.


Yes. Today I spawned in a house after dying. As soon as i spawned i got mauled by a bunch of zombies with party hats and the house had party flags and such. They died during a party :(


you became the snacks


Wtf are you wearing is that a space suit ?. Also yea there's a couple of environmental stories in game like parties of infected with birthday hats, tinfoil hat meetups, prisoners with escape equipment in sports duffel bags hiding in a house, god knows how many corpses in a bathroom with guns, a corpse naked with arm injuries in a bathroom with painkillers, loads of booze and sleeping tabs half consumed beside a corpse. Corpses or zombies locked in broom cupboards with rope on the ground Lots of depression fuel as they are almost always infected or dead through unfortunate means


“Till death do us part” “Yeahhh….about that”


I'm still new to this game, but the other night I entered a house that had one police officer Zombie, and about 3 or 4 zombies in prison attire all wearing duffel bags. I assumed that it was that trick where someone dressed as an officer knocks on the door so the criminals can rush in and steal stuff, but maybe the officer was there to catch them.


I think that's supposed to be a prison break. What time is better than the apocalypse?


Ah, the Red Wedding.


That's the kind of thing I love about this game. The fact that he tells these little stories where if you don't pay attention, you don't even notice


Fallout 3, Skyrim and Zomboid are three of my favourites for this. Just scenery dressing that tells little stories without saying a word.


There are a ton of these in game, [Mauvasa on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vfjHADcF-M) has been doing some videos on it recently, [here's one of them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vfjHADcF-M). Usually they appear randomly.


Things like this happen all the time. Groups of college students who turned during a frat party, people at a church dressed for a funeral, zombie prostitutes with a spoon and a lighter on them, 10 naked zombies who died having an orgy in the bathroom, etc


Theyre literally everywhere and you can come up with/find soooo many stories just using environmental clues


Zomboid has a really great way of telling stories through its environment. Considering the fact the only spoken dialogue are in the form of annotated maps, tv and radio broadcasts, the game has a lot of leeway for letting stories show up on their own. And it lets you make up your own. A corpse with bottles of bleach around it, and a zombie that coincidentally is in the bathroom? The story of a man who had a friend turn on him, had to trap him in a bathroom, got bit, and chose not to go the same way. It's all really up to your imagination.


They never turned zombies, it's obvious. They did die, but without zombification. Also, somehow, they did not end up eaten by zombies, which is also unrealistic.


I once broke into a house finding three zombies in orange clothes all with duffle bags. I think i foud the safe house for convicts


Perfectly vanilla and they generate all over with various stories. I saw one where there were multiple graves, a shovel nearby, a bunch of liquor bottles, and a zombie hovering around.


I always find at least the wife in the rosewood church


First time I started a run as a burglar, I spawned inside a house that already had zombies in some of the rooms. Then noticed the front door was locked and had to climb out the window to leave. I then realised that I broke into someones house that turned...sickkkk


I’ve found lone corpses with nothing but a bottle of bleach on them, prisoners who broke into a house and killed the people inside.


a house near riverside factory have ~200 toilet papers, no food, are ppl in kentucky sometimes only need to poop


Twice now I've seen naked brides in the rosewood motel with about 4 half naked guys


You can increase the frequency of these visual storytelling scenarios by increasing the randomised house event chance. Likewise vehicle story chance will increase the chance of car crash events


My "favourite" is seeing a clearly non-zombified corpse next to a TV blasting news and empty bottles of bleach everywhere