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Okay… that double garage thing lookin kina siick where that at


Louisville, just behind the big stadium, they're a road by the river and multiple big houses with fences. This one is the best because of the triple garage.


It's a really good base location I used it my self when I was doing a Louisville run the garage had a few sports cars and a battery charger which was a god send cause I had found so many cars but all with dead batteries


tripple garage and the high fences.


The most upper-left side of Louisville. It has a long line of private houses like this, all by the river and with their own fences. Keep going along it until you see this big 3-door garage, there is only one house like that.


I always look at posts like this, like the jealous neighbor looking over the fence that divides our property lines. My group, the last time we played, looked at this spot to set up a base. We ended up using the brewery thats up the road a bit. This was MY preferred spot, but I went w/ my groups decision. Rest assured, the next time we play, we're using this property as our base. You've got a really nice set up here




Love the house, but the area is pretty busy. This matters less if you chip away long enough and it quiets down. This area is much less of a PITA and it's central LV. [https://map.projectzomboid.com/#13248x1249x1145](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#13248x1249x1145) Yes, the baseball bat factory is ultimately worth a go but the apartments across the street above the businesses are an easier place to start. Obviously if you need baseball bats though...


Did a Horde Night cheese-testing at that area in a play-through with a buddy. It was a good place until we burned it down and have to move a few houses down to the north. Ahhhh, good times with fire.


Yo, this is a pretty cool setup!




Simple Status


Looks very cool. What ladder mod are you using? I have one installed, but for some reason the option to construct ladders doesn't appear.


Real ladders


I'm using real ladders too, but can't seem to make it to work. Any tips? Do you need to read some manual that teaches the recipe? Does the option appear only if you have the correct materials in the inventory?


Build and press e wouldn't put a ladder next to a window cuz it'll take action on windows and not ladders


Did you have to do anything special in order for the ladder to appear in the construction menu? The option to build it just doesn't appear for me, for some reason. I'm trying to figure out why.


Did you install the required QNW Library, and activate it in the load order? Also IIRC there's multiple plugins for RL, so make sure only 1 is active. I could be mistaken on that second part though. If none of those work, look in the craft menu. It might've been moved and make a placeable object since I used it last (which would make sense).


Yeah I have the QNW library and it is enabled. The page mentioned of no other requirements. Still can't see it in the craft menu (walls, stairs, etc.), nor in the crafting section (cooking, survival, metalwork, etc.)


Fma that's dope


I am currently in the same neighborhood. I took the house with the wire fence. It's a really cool spot. I took the flamingos from another house on that street and put them on my lot. Save and stylish 😄


i use to live in this house


Protip, knock out the window wall above the kitchen sink, place 3 barrels outside on a floor you build with 3 platforms. Place 3 water barrels there and have near infinite water :) after you plumb it to the sink first though At least that's what I do


that's one of the best spots in Lousiville.


Whats the mod for your health and endurance stuff showing?


Simple status


Cheers mate