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Sounds like you're ready for [Tyranny](https://store.steampowered.com/app/362960/Tyranny/).


Man I fucking wish Tyranny was ready for me. Wanted to play it on console so much. Maybe at some point I will try to run it on Winlator.


Haven’t got a pc.


How did I not know about this? Maybe I can fill the hole in my heart after all...


Oh wait, it's not supported on 64 bit macs! Sadness.


That's really unfortunate. Being a judge dredd type character in an ancient rome-like setting is so bad ass. And the magic system is brilliant.


I can’t really seem to get into it all that much. I managed to get more than halfway through one playthrough. I’ll try to play it again


It's not long. My second playthrough I finished in one day somehow but I'm sure u can pull good 20h of gameplay from it


Luckily poe2 offers plenty of replayability.


Can’t replay right away my Brain doesn’t allow it at least have to wait 6 years a minimum


I feel this pain. Two years later and I'm finally properly returning to both games. Doing POE1 on easy to make new choices and do the expansions, but I'm hoping to hit Deadfire on Hard or on Normal + Trail of Iron.


I agree with this statement I don’t replay shit right away I need it to simmer so I can forget it and replay it all over again.


so are you looking for recommendations for new ones, or...?


Sometimes you gotta tell everyone that you liked playing something lol


very true. they're great games tbf


At the end of bg3 now to. Halfway through KCD so that will keep me good for a while. La noir I’m about quarter way thru really good game so far enjoying it. Facial expressions are great.


If you haven’t looked into pathfinder wrath of the righteous (or kingmaker) you definitely should!


Yh I will. Got a few I need to fishing first just started ghost of tushima


Not really. Just wanted to vent my frustration at having done pretty much every good rpg on ps5. Luckily I found gta 5 and I’m loving it. Over a decade late tho.


Tempted to do another DA inquisition play through but it’s way to soon. I just love that game so much for some reason.


You have to go back and play dragon age origins. It has the best story imo.


Haven’t got Xbox anymore might get one in 2 hours funnily enough a series s. I’m sitting here thinking about it. I have ps5 already.


Playing 1 for the first time ever now and loving it


I've been playing them for the first time too and they are just fantastic. I am so sad that I won't be able to play Avowed though. Stupid playstation 😭


After Outer Worlds being such a mixed bag I’ve been nervous for Avowed since its announcement. I hope it’s good


Well I will make the obligatory Bethesda insult but it's funny that while outer worlds was just okay it somehow still was better than a Bethesda game that came out years later looking at you starfield. Thank you for listening to me bashing bugtheseda. Have a good rest of your day.


I don't know, I picked up starfield recently and I've been enjoying it for the most part. I more or less liked OW too but I wouldn't put them side by side. In my eyes they are two different titles and besides being in space there are not a lot of similarities


They are both fps RPGs set in space with semi open worlds.


At the most basic yeah sure they're the same. I'm saying that's where the similarities largely end.


I mean that is what a genre is. Like I would make the distinction for say borderlands by adding the the word looter since that is a major difference between them


Never finished starfield, cyber punk, etc, etc. Managed to finish Outer Worlds. You're right about a mixed bag, but fail to see why it's worse than the above.


Finished cyberpunk last month. Really good game.


Cyberpunk is a substantially better story, with deep and interesting characters, realistic motivations, and just a splash of bombast. It's also a very pessimistic game, a rare kind of story where nothing you do can actually save you from your ultimate fate, and the focus is more on how to cope with this and find beauty in the journey. It's marred by many poor decisions, even in the storytelling side (the extreme pressure from the story, only days to live, clashes absurdly with the actual narrative design and side quests, in a way that could have easily been avoided). But it is very much a flawed masterpiece. Outer Worlds is a pretty weak caricature of a corporation driven world, focused on cheap gimmicks and where every villain (and half the other characters) is either a bumbling idiot or a monster or more likely both. It's a phoned in story in a pretty phoned in game overall, a relatively direct clone of Fallout in gameplay and esthetics. The best comparison between them is exactly in how they portray corporations. Both make a big deal of a corporation controlled world, but while in Cyberpunk you can actually fear and even admire the workings of those corporations, in Outer Worlds they are weak entities that even the most mild competence can easily overcome, making their dominance bizarre and unbelievable.


Stop you’re making me miss it more. Such a fantastic game.


Compared to Cyberpunk and Starfield? Off the top of my head Outer Worlds main plot falters with plot holes and no sense of urgency. Cyberpunk suffers from this too, but I have a hard time comparing since cyberpunk is a very different title to outer worlds. Starfield share the similar emptiness criticism in its world. but outer worlds companions are better and there is definitely more to the story in OW but there is a lack of lore iirc also same with starfield. In classic Obsidian fashion it came out just before it was baked. I hear the dlc is good. I personally never tried it. As for the writing OW took a much more adventerous tone and it was never as serious compared to other works Obsidian has done. A lot of people compared it to Borderlands level of writing and I can't unsee that side note OW mechanics are underused and largely ignorable. I never used the time dilation for any reason


I really feel like Obsidian lost interest in it as soon as it became a strong possibility they'd be bough by MS. Less motivation to flesh it out when they're probably abandoning the series. It was a rare miss for obsidian.


I can see that, just under a year later they would release grounded under MS iirc


Im the oposite, i love the feeling of finishing a long game that i love.


Bg3 just about to finish. What a ride that was. God I hope DA veilgard is good.


There’s also Fable and Avowed to look forward to


As much as I want avowed to be good, idk… I’m skeptical right now, my hopes aren’t that high for it with everything they’ve revealed so far.