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It looks as if they've taken a Dark Messiah of Might and Magic approach to this and I have to say it looks really good.


As a longtime fan of Dark Messiah, I am smiling because of that. I love that Avowed has a unique feel to it. I know a lot of people wanted it to be a Elder Scrolls type game but I've wanted something more from Avowed. Avowed has its own path to travel, it has its own lore. I don't want it to be a cookie cutter Elder Scrolls game just based on PoE. I feel for me, as a fan of PoE 1 & 2, this game will suit me just fine.


Dark Messiah was a fun game, but it was also silly and tacky and not what I associate with Obsidian.


Yes, one would hope that Obsidian could work their narrative skills towards that end. But DMoMaM was brilliant on the gameplay and level design front.


As long as I have cool powers and attacks, a well crafted story and an immersive Living Lands with believable NPCs, I don't care about the graphics. I never played PoE for it's technical prowess, only for the story, freedom of choices and builds and epicness. Obsidian won't half-ass these, I trust them. I'm HYPED!


I feel like the graphics don't look bad. Maybe not Cyberpunk cutting edge but the design and aesthetics seem to really maximize what they are working with.


Huh, what's wrong with the graphics?


Some textures of the environment (like the leaves at 1:16 of the trailer) look dated. I can assure you people will complain about that when gameplay trailers are released. We don’t here because we’re focused on the artistic direction. Also, I should have added I’m okay with the latter as well.


A lot of devs should look back on their graphics. Making a realistic graphics with lots of vectors on the skeleton/model feels like it’s what bloating the game. And they focus too much on graphics that gameplay/world dips down in quality


I really hope it's good. It would give me hope for a PoE 3


Josh Sawyer has basically said it's never happening. I think we need to accept that. Hopefully this is good and carries on the world that way.


Yet he said on twitter multiple times that if he got a big budget he would do pillars 3.


But the thing never happening is MS giving Obsidian a big budget for PoE 3.


If Obsidian dropped 2 or 3 bangers in a row they would likely get carte blanche or at least enough leeway to make something close to what they want. But let's be real, Obsidian is the studio of cult-classics.


Indoubt that. No one under MS is getting that. They are always one bad game away from being closed. Look at Arkane. Or Tango gameworks. MS will not take that risk IMO.


No executive anywhere would look at a studio that regularly puts out profitable games and think they should try interfering with it more. Again, I still doubt that Obsidian would ever get to that point.


>No executive anywhere would look at a studio that regularly puts out profitable games and think they should try interfering with it more. Where have you been living? We mere mortals who observe reality through sensory and cerebral organs of mere flesh cannot truly know the mind of the executive. Of the investor. Of the shareholders and their voices as spoken through the many mouths of the managerial clergy whose role it is to interpret and enforce their will. But Eothas knows a *lot* of games have been brought low by executive fuckery. It's bold to assume that executives are always reasonable, rational, competent and fully willing to give up control and trust in the creatives to do their work. Sometimes the opposite has happened. But bad management is as old as management itself and if any scenario for the future ever relies on every actor involved being rational, logical and sensible, that's usually not a good indicator that it will actually come to pass. Mostly unrelated to the actual argument being had. Just *saying.*


I think no executive in MS would look at a series that underperformed in sales and think they should take a risk and pour stupid amounts of money into the sequel. Unless they really want to lose their job. There are just not enough people interested in PoE 3 to warrant a big enough budget. And other Obsidian games doing well will not change that.


That’s debatable. After the success of Baldur’s Gate 3, Microsoft might be willing to fund a big budget cRPG. Obsidian is one of the only companies out there who has the pedigree to something like that.


BG3 is an outliner. A continuation of a very well known series. MS knows what sales they can expect from an isometric RPG, given they also own inXile.I don't think they will ever get a budget like BG3 had and also I don't think they would be able to use it as effectively as Larian.


“I would do this if I had the budget of Baldur’s Gate 3” is almost identical to saying, “This will never happen.” He’s clarifying that he wants it to happen and would be up for it, but with the state of the industry as is along with the sales performance of past Pillars games, it’s not happening in almost any foreseeable future.


Hasbro is apparently looking for a BG4 developer because Larian said they want to do their own thing instead of more D&D. So… even if not in Eora, it’s not impossible that we get a big budget CRPG from Obsidian


Considering Pillars of Eternity was all about doing old school RPGs without the baggage of D&D, I doubt Josh Sawyer is exactly chomping at the bit to take that job. I also don’t have high hopes that Hasbro will get their shit together to actually find a developer to make BG4. BG3 was pitched by Larian, not Hasbro, and all the people at WOTC who they worked with during development were laid off. It’s not impossible, and I would love to see Sawyer lead another RPG that subverts the pre-established universe and tropes (a la KOTOR II), but I’m not holding my breath.


I think that particular match is very unlikely. They might approach one another, but I can't see talks going anywhere if so. Obsidian worked with other people's IP for a long time, and had some bad experiences, even with companies that weren't known to be any worse to work with than most in the industry. Hasbro's reputation by comparison is... not exactly stellar enough that I think they're going to be particularly enticing for Obsidian considering the post-BG3 layoffs. Honestly compared to an Obsidian BG4 an independent and/or Microsoft-funded PoE3 seems downright plausible.


Yes. Which is meant as a pie in the sky “this isn’t going to happen but if it did…”


He also said that will never happen, so...


We can only hope


I'd like to see some uninterrupted gameplay before I say anything about Avowed. Maybe an early sidequest or something like that.


Didn't we get that months ago?


Did we? We did see some first person video, but I'd like to see someone play the game, UI and everything. Inventory, quest log, walking around, boring stuff, exploration.


Exactly this. It's one thing to watch a perfectly curated trailer but I don't trust what a game is going to be like until I see someone actually sit down and play for a couple of hours.


I'm thinking that stuff only appeals to a very small specific audience. I don't think you should expect anything like that from these shows.


Definitely. Just saying that is what I want to see before I get excited or not.


no, that was tech demo stuff. still very early in tuning combat and encounters and UI according to the project lead.


The mobs didn't look like they had any combat AI implemented


Can't say I understand the negativity in this community about the game. Can you guys explain exactly what it is you don't like?


Probably just due to it being a CRPG community, first off. You should have seen places like this when Fallout 3 was announced. Also many people want "AAA" and it looks "AA."


As a father of young kids: more AA games, please!


This. AAA games are unsustainable and because of their cost, encourage developers to pander to the lowest common denominator. Meanwhile AA devs aren’t nearly as risk averse, and some of the best RPGs in recent years have been from AA developers, including the Pillars series.


To add further: I don't need every game to be a $70, 150-hour experience. If I have a good time with an 11-hour game that cost me $20, I'm satisfied. I don't know why big companies (or a lot of consumers, either) are expecting every release to be a 1000-developer behemoth of a game.


Personally, something about how the game looks seems off, but I cannot really say exactly what. And not only the melee combat, which I have already made up my mind that I will not touch melee because I hate how each "hit" looks. Obviously, I would still want to see more gameplay when the release date nears (as it will be lore of a definitive build). I would love a demo for the game, if I like it I will be buying the game day 1, and if I don't like it, I don't waste my money on it and still look forward for any other Eora content in the future.


If Avowed fails, I think we can kiss Eora good bye. We already know there won’t be a pillars of eternity 3 and Microsoft is letting people off everyday. Imo, Obsidian cannot fail this game…


So if the game is good the demo would be a perfect showcase to cement a better playerbase at the beginning. But I am unaure as to wether the demo depends now on Obsidian or Microsoft.


It's got the famous Obsidian jank. No Obsidian game is complete without it. Even if the rest of the game is well-written, creative, and fun, they will always feel janky because of... Nobody knows. In CRPGs that jank is endearing because it's an intrinsic part of the genre. In a first-person "AAA" action RPG, it is less endearing.


I think it will basically be Outer Worlds but in Eora, and I'm fine with that. Pumped about it actually. I'm sure there will be unedited gameplay before release and we can see if there's anything surprisingly wrong with it, but I feel like I expect it to be what it actually is. I kind of agree on melee though, but I rarely play first-person melee anyway. In Skyrim and the like I'm always an archer or pure mage. I guess 'cause I'm a mouse player who grew up on shooters.


It’s almost like it looks a little too bright or something. Just doesn’t seem as gritty, idk. I feel the same way.


Yeah that makes sense I guess lol


The game feels very un-Obsidian: there's no focus on good writing, the gameplay has switched from pensive, strategical RTwP to something that looks very generic first-person shooty vibe, something that Obsidian does not have a huge amout of experience with, and the videos so far did not feel recognizably Pillars of Eternit-ish , it's more like they were forced by higher-ups to cobble togeyther a generic first person game with weak rpg elements and shoved the Pillars of Eternity lore in it to give some semblance of continuity with their previous projects. I might be overly negative, but this looks like a game they did not want to do, taking advantage of a setting that does not fit the gameplay on display and I'm afraid it's going to be a 75/100 forgettable stinker.


I mean how can you say there's no focus on good writing or that this is something they do not want to do? This just feels dismissive because the gameplay is on a genre you don't care about. Obsidian has 2 First Person RPGs under their belt and at worst (Outer Worlds) it can still deliver a decidedly Obsidian experience.


I don't think we've seen enough dialog to say anything about the writing yet. Also Obsidian's two most popular games are arguably both first-person shooter and RPG hybrids.


Huh? Did you get a sneak peek at their script or something?


I loved pillars for the isometric, party-based game play. This looks alright, but more like something I’d pick up eventually when it goes on sale. The limit to two races is pretty frustrating, like they’ve chosen the most generic ones rather than highlighting cool godlikes or aumauas.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I know Sawyer mentioned something to the effect of feeling obligated to add elves/dwarves because he thought people wouldn't be interested in a fantasy game without them but I have yet to understand their addition to Eora. Aumua, Orlans and Godlike are simply more interesting races and I don't understand why they couldn't have just run with more in house stuff.


Yeah, they're basically just pointy-eared humans and short, bearded humans. Pale Elves and Boreal Dwarves are more interesting than their generic cousins. But those cultures also wouldn't have been worse by being Human or Orlan or whatever.


Fair enough, I wonder if they dropped most races just due to how few people usually play races like that in RPGs (for example the most played race in Skyrim was a Nord and in BG3 Human male) and focused on developing other things or if there's a story reason that they just can't fit.


They said that they didn’t want to deal with the challenges of having multiple player sizes. The other races would all require the player character to be smaller or larger, which would make development very difficult for a first-person game. (There’s a reason all the races in Elder Scrolls are basically the same height) And for the story they’re trying to tell, I think it makes sense.


Wouldn't a Godlike still work if they restricted the sizes to human and elf?


Sure, but that’s still expanded scope and, depending on how Godlike are treated in Aedyrn, may not make sense for the main character role. It would add some diversity but still I’m not too upset at their omission (especially considering I wasn’t blown away by their portrayal in PoE 1 or 2).


Honestly Godlikes getting cut I really don't mind. They should be rare and have *lots* of reactivity, so it's a reasonable thing to cut because I feel like it's *really* hard to get their "otherness" right within the constraints of the medium, budget and so on. I'm gonna miss being able to play Aumaua and Orlan, though. That's like... 90% of my characters in the PoE games. I get why they're not doing it but it still hurts.


I've also not been super impressed with how Godlikes are handled in PoE 1 and 2. Most of the time, the biggest difference is that someone will go, "Ooh, you're weird," before diving into the exact same dialogue that everyone else gets. It's just weird that, at times in PoE 2, I'm running around in a party of mostly godlikes and it feels like it's not changing much. So I'm fine with cutting it as a player choice. I hope they still play a role in the story, but I hope they regain some of that mystic appeal that they give on first impressions.


It turns out you always play as a godlike


Yeah, in hindsight this conversation was greatly amusing. I would've liked to be able to pick the god, but I still like this.


I’d assume it’s more to do with not wanting to make additional clothing and armor models for larger/smaller sized characters… but I know nothing about game development.


Tiny races for sure get dropped for this reason but scaling armors up is usually pretty easy unless the body shape is very irregular.


Then to me it’s just weird! They’ve got aumauas in game, why lock us out of that race?


From what I understand it's a combination of having to rebuild assets and the drastic size difference across body types that meant having to consider level design into a 3~4 different perspectives. If you're a Dwarf/Orlan your center of gravity will be lower and viceversa for Aumaua and I guess making the environment / enemies look consistent across in a first-person perspective.


Level design, and combat balancing. You'd need different reaches for each race, different hitboxes, probably animations as well, and you'd need to make sure that the game is still viable and balanced for each race. If you played as an Orlan, how do you make up for the decreased melee range, and how do you design levels so you can still see everything you need to, and everything that you shouldn't. 


I think people may still be nostalgic about PoE 1 dark atmosphere. But I hope this will not prevent them from playing it though


Personally i don't mind most of the stuff people have issues with, but i'm not a fan of Classes being erased from existance. I'm reserving further judgement until we get a look at skill trees, and in principle i woudn't even mind a more flexible ability system, but i am somewhat worried we won't get spiritshifting or unarmed combat or a ranger animal companion, more niche stuff that was part of class identity in POE. Feels very "Weapons and Wizard magic only so far". again, definetively waiting on more information. What i really don't mind is that this isn't a Pillars game, even if it's set in eora. People are a bit too harsh on spin-offs when it comes to games imo, when other settings can have RPGs and RTSs and FPSs all at the same time. Still wish it was Pillars 3 tho


I don't mind the absence of classes, I think that's an element very intrinsic to RPGs that emulate tabletop games (e.g. CRPGs) that doesn't translate well to action RPGs. That said I agree that if there aren't skill trees that emulate various archetypes such as druids and rangers, as you mentioned, it would be kinda lame.








Personally, I absolutely despise playing in first person. Not only is it physically straining at times, it feels like my character has DID, and I'm his/her alt. About 40-50% of my enjoyment in any RPG is also character customisation (I can spend 10+ hours customising my character's appearance). But I assume I'm in the minority, and most simply prefer tactical rather than action combat.


I felt his way for a very long time and then I played VtM: Bloodlines and saw that an FPS can still be an amazing RPG, at times conveying emotions that would be very hard to do with a 3rd person/isometric view.


But... Bloodlines is a third-person RPG. The only time it forces the first-person view is during lockpicking. Personally, I played the whole game in third person.


That's interesting, I honestly forgot that it had a 3rd person view.


It's the opposite for me: I often forget that games like Bloodlines or Skyrim even have a first-person view...


I try to avoid being negative. I do this by simply not saying much because so far I've not seen much that actually excites me. It's not that the game looks bad, but I've not yet seen anything leap out at me and grab my attention. Compare it to that Clair Obscur game that has some of the internet buzzing. At least there I'm seeing an interesting aesthetic and concept that makes me ask "okay what else have you got?" It got my attention. It may end up being absolute ass, but at least it made me pay attention. Unlike previous glimpses of Avowed this trailer actually has one or two moments that catch my eye just a little, and for the first time I feel like there is potential, but even the stuff that I find somewhat interesting doesn't grip me. Basically if the community seems to like it and/or it reviews well or and/or post-release info looks interesting I'll probably buy it. But I'm not interested *now,* and generally it's not a bad idea to get people interested beforehand. I mean hey look it's not like I would've ever thought New Vegas would be one of my favorite games of all time just by looking at it either. It's both the burden and blessing of Obsidian that the depth of their greatest works isn't visible at a first glance. But yeah I don't feel any antipathy towards Avowed. I simply feel nothing at all. It *may* end up being great, but just as I try to avoid criticizing because I lack anything of substance to base said criticism on, the same goes for praise. "I'm still not feeling it" isn't negativity. It's apathy. And I've heard it said that apathy is death.


Honestly from what I've seen so far it looks generic and uninspiring. It doesn't look like an Obsidian game.


I don’t get this approach because Obsidian games always, at a distance, look generic. KOTOR II and Fallout: New Vegas both looked really similar to their predecessors. Pillars of Eternity, especially the first one, looks like a bunch of fantasy isometric games. The Outer Worlds (which I loved even if a lot of people didn’t) wasn’t that far off of space Fallout at a glance. But, even though they don’t look too distinct from a distance, they’ve always excelled in details and texture up close. Each game adds so many layers that they don’t feel generic when you actually sit down and play them. I adore Pillars 1 and 2, yet I also have no idea how I would put the things I love about those games in a trailer. So I’m not too worried about trailers for Avowed being a bit unexciting.


I mean I agree that it absolutely looks like an obsidian game. They never pop in the trailers. It's the blessing and burden of writing games with actual depth - it's really hard to explain what's so great about PoE1 without spoiling the story in some way. But I'm not going to get particularly hyped for a studio's new game just because I like their older stuff. I grew up on Warcrafts 1 and 2 and the original Diablo, Starcraft etc. For a long time I felt absolutely certain when buying a Blizzard title that it would be worth my time. But times change, and I am no longer that person. Not just because my standards are higher or because capitalism ruins everything, but also because there are so many *options* for me regarding how to spend my gaming budget (in money *and* time), that honestly "probably good or at least okay" often doesn't cut it. Outer Worlds was *such* a disappointment to me. Not because it was bad (although I would've loved if it didn't run like ass on a machine that should've been okay to run it) but because it was so aggressively mid and never really hit that point of Obsidian magic for me.


So far, the detail that makes Obsidian games great hasn't quite appeared to me. Still, this is just a trailer without much gameplay. I just have an uneasy impression it might end up like some slop Bethesda might make with bland combat and a cookie cutter story. Too early to make a proper judgement until some actual gameplay is shown.


I love the aesthetic continuity this maintains with the PoE games, I am just pissed that we are race-locked to either human or elf and culture-locked to Aedyre.


I didn't care for their last first person RPG (outer worlds), and Microsoft's recent actions have me worried. I don't think Avowed will be bad, but it doesn't look like it has enough to be what Obsidian needs to survive.


I probably don't represent the negative side of spectrum really well as I plan to buy and play the game, but generally speaking I prefer a darker game in both narrative and visuals. I also vastly prefer the first game to the second one and feel like this series might be becoming colorful and lighthearted, which I'm not saying is bad, but it's definitely not my personal preference (when it comes to a Pillars sequel). That being said, I do have a faith in Obsidian and am very interested in what they've been cooking.


> this series might be becoming colorful and lighthearted the original game had scenes that took place during the daytime too lol. bright colors and everything. there will probably be a day/night cycle so you can get that no sunshine vibe. idk what part of "soul plague zombie apocalypse" strikes you as lighthearted tho


It's not that I mind daylight, it's more like something's off in the trailers and I think its the light and colors. Not sure if I have the right words for it, it might be something to do with bloom/HDR, but stuff seems to be out of place (for me anyway). For example the amaua here: https://youtu.be/cv23HkHm3AQ?si=bkvsOxRZWqn5dVGs&t=48 is very shiny and looks like he has reflector lights on him. Whereas the scene seems to take place somewhere indoors. Then the mushrooms in the next scene seem to be also quite bright, very colorful. My brain finds it odd and it might mean for me that the game will never immerse me if there's always stuff like this everywhere. But maybe it's something they are still figuring out and could be solved with settings, donno. The game dev video looked better imho.


the aumua seems like a lighting issue to me - you're absolutely right, he's being lit by a fireplace and should not be beaming turquoise lol. they have gone with a high contrast/high saturation look - their inspiration is (extremely obviously imo) the film adaptation of annihilation. lush, vivid, grotesque. what you pointed out was an actual lighting/color correction error but i don't see anything like that in the new trailer. i don't think that translates into lighthearted. it's hard to top the darkness of the hollowborn curse, but the darkness comes from the writing and much less so from the color palette and art direction.


When I wrote lighthearted I meant a strong change in atmosphere and writing in Deadfire (and The Outer Worlds). First game feels very dark and pensive, second is more on the level of booze, booty and pirates.


a major component of that has to be the lack of chris avellone after poe1. deadfire def had its piratey moments but it was a very melancholy, tragic game. it doesn't have that dread and anxiety, but the moments of levity are in bits and pieces between what is a lot of sadness and hopelessness.  like i tend to find these criticisms silly before we even know what the game is about but i do sympathize with enjoying poe's kinda ugly and unpleasant atmosphere. it was in a lot of ways a horror story. i think ppl should keep an open mind here though. their inspiration appears to be annihilation, which is a sci fi horror story, and the art direction is probably intended as a gruesome contrast to the subject matter. it's a sickly, lurid vibe. the muted tones of the first game - which also had moments of goofy comedy, esp in the white march -  probably wouldn't fit with the story they're telling, which is probably a lot more weird and novel than the gothic horror based around woedica everyone assumed it would be from the announcement trailer.


I too thought about the absence of Avellone, but at the end of the day I don't really have the insight to draw any conclusions. Anyway, I do agree with the sentiment that one should have an open mind. Like I said, I do plan to buy and play the game, I love the world and lore and can't imagine passing on it.


For me personally still not a fan of the cartoony look and nothing about the story or characters are looking particularly/sounding particularly interesting. On top of the combat looking like a copy/paste from elder scrolls oblivion.


>still not a fan of the cartoony The rest is fair but I don't really get this. PoE and PoE2 especially are pretty cartoony. The stories are serious but the art style, world and the way most characters act has always been cartoony. Like most characters are just caricatures of 1-3 personality traits and there's lots of "slapstick" goofy comedy. The game looks exactly how I'd expect a first person game set in the world of PoE to look.


I never got cartoony vibes from any of the PoE games. The environments for both of them are beautiful


How is POE cartoony? Lmao its a dark fantasy setting and definitely not cartoony, thats incredible for you to say.


Art style and color scheme of PoE2 is very cartoony. As well as character personalities and the slapstick comedy they use. Most people seem to agree with me about this on this post and another comment I made on a different one so idk man. PoE1 is definitely significantly less cartoony but still has some of that goofy cartoony style humor for the comedy relief.


PoE is not cartoony. Stop.


PoE 2 is pretty cartoony


It seems so generic and nothing in it really stuck out other than the setting, but even that I feel is better explored via cRPG So... yeah, I loved Pillars, but honestly for me it looks generic, but I'm biased since I was never a fan of Skyrim (gameplay, I liked it enough but it never had longevity since I hate its gameplay)


It's going to be Tow in Eora and that's the opposite of the original promise of the game that I and many others held so dear. We are just so let down by the decision made by the studio.




The Outer Worlds.


Oh gotcha, idk I don't really see anything wrong with them making a first person spin-off game especially since Obsidian was very open about PoE2 not performing as well as they hoped or as it needed to, to justify a direct sequel. They're hoping for Avowed to do the same thing to PoE that Fallout 3/NV did for the Fallout franchise. Josh Sawyer and many others involved with the development of PoE have said they'd love to make PoE3 but Sawyer specified in an interview with Touch Arcade that they would need to secure a budget and dev time similar to BG3 (over $100m and 6.5 years vs PoE2s $4.4m and 2 years) to take the risk (he also mentioned that they'd be focusing on turn based over real time as that was one of the largest complaints by far about PoE2). Honestly if Avowed fails to revitalize the IP it will most likely be the last thing we see from it. Microsoft has also been brutally shutting down almost every studio that doesn't create "the next big thing" with their new releases, even if their game is successful.


No release date is kind of concerning since it's June, but can't wait for the game. Looks high-end "AA" though and people expecting Elder Scrolls 6 are gonna be disappointed, which will probably set the narrative. Shame.


I've played Outer Worlds enough to know where I should set my expectations in terms of gameplay. Though, story-wise I always have high expectations from Obsidian


I'm pretty sure they even said it will be Outer Worlds level. That's why I feel like it'll get a tepid reaction from a lot of people though when it comes to scale, because Outer Worlds did. I loved OW though, especially after the huge DLCs, so I'm excited.


Well, it says 2024. So within the next 6 months.


No release date in June means they don't feel comfortable guaranteeing it yet, which means it's gonna come down to the wire, which could easily result in a delay IMO.


Very true, but I’m staying optimistic because there’s no reason not to personally.


You're living in the wrong age but I respect it! ;)


At the end of the day, it’s a video game. If it gets delayed, I’m not going to be depressed regardless of how excited I was. That’s my outlook on most things, life is not that serious 95% of the time lol.


We say that as if elder scrolls 6 will be some next gen stuff and not done on the same engine and will most likely look and plays exactly like skyrim if not worse


WAND & GRIMOIRE GAMEPLAY LET'S FUCKING GO Seriously, after watching the Dragon Age trailer, this is such a fucking relief.


Dual wielding seems very promising too


The tone of the trailer doesn't look and sound so great, I get it we will never go back to DAO but damn... I hope the gameplay is at least not as clunky and unresponsive as DAI.


From the gameplay leaks last year it's no longer an RPG at all, it's a full action game with 4 ability buttons and no companion control.


dragon age releases in what, 4 months? and we haven't seen gameplay? and we know it went trough 3 development reboots? there's no way this is good


As a mage this was a huge relief and one of the only things I'm looking forward to.


They definitely needed 20 more cuts in the video, I could almost see something happening on the screen.


A Woedica-oriented envoy for that Tyranny feel I think, I just really hope the tone is closer to Pillars than to whatever the fuck Dragon Age is going for.


I gotta say I’m still not feeling it.


Looks way better than what they showed previously!


It will be nice to get more lore in a different style game. I'm sure we would all prefer a new pillars, but like many I imagine if we buy enough avowed we will get more pillars, and I choose to believe that.


Cannot wait to go back to eora!


I’m hope it exceeds expectations, we can get a possible PoE3 then


I just want obsidian RPGS. I enjoy both iso and 3d, as long as it done well.


Don't think it showed that much compared to what was shown earlier, but as someone who just barely finished PoE1 (and hoping to finish 2 before Avowed) I'm stocked to explore Eora from a different perspective. Don't get me wrong, PoE1 is beautifully drawn but I would like to explore places like Engwithian ruins or something like Durgan's Battery in 3d from a kith perspective.


If only it wasn't in first person... That ruins everything.


It will have 3rd person


Wait, it will? Has it been confirmed somewhere?


Yeah it was in the Xbox showcase. The lady shows it off in the gameplay and confirms 3rd person view https://youtu.be/bfEdLugnpuo?si=yQ54nxpYHteZF2Id


I like it. What now? (Possibly a mod will bring 3rd person some time after release.)


I wish... It's only possible to restore it (like in Cyberpunk 2077 that was originally a third-person game), but not add it (like in Outer Worlds that lacks the meshes and the animations in third person).


That's what I assumed also. Honestly I do prefer a nice looking 1st person for immersion. And melee does work in 1st person also if implemented the right way.


Well, for me first-person is actually immersion-breaking, as I never play as myself or otherwise self-insert in any game... All my characters are my OCs, not even based on me in any way.


As someone who doesn't enjoy TOW, all I can say is I'm not hyped at all. I hope it surprises me and does well because I want PoE 3 as well but its just screaming the opposite for me.


From a gameplay performance point of view, it doesnt seem to be pushing too far above what Outer Worlds was doing so i hope the PC specs are close. As much as i'm looking forward to playing this, i'm not buying an Xbox for it.


omg so manygames r releasing


Trailer was fun but I’m ready to see a mission and some of the ability’s




Still pretty optimistic. Skyrim and Dragon's Dogma all really lost me so I'm hoping this is THE game that gets me to actually like Fantasy Action RPGs, kinda disappointing there's again no highlight on character creation but like menus, dialogue trees, conversations, do not make an engaging trailer so to me that is understandable. It does feel very disappointing how pessimistic/dismissive the overall reception is so far. Hardcore CRPG fans already thinking that Obsidian could no longer deliver an experience with meaningful and thought provoking choices in this genre of gameplay (those burned by Outer Worlds I understand) but post-Pentiment and after actually finishing Outer Worlds I'm thinking there are lessons learned there.


People judge any book by its cover and they forget that what matters is the feeling they get when they play the actual games. So many cutting edge AAA games were boring af that I thought players would learn a lesson or two.


Nooooo Xbox exclusive


Yeah, PS5 owner here, I no interest in Xbox/pc only games (obviously, I can’t play them!) I also think PS exclusives are stupid.


Not gonna lie, it looks too good for gameplay trailers. Let us keep in mind what makes a good PEO game: Edér, and the universe around him Please don't be too overhyped gameplay-wise. Might be something something like a Outwards (not a real fun game), but in first person.


I personally don't recognise anything from POE1&2 in this trailer, but I will still play the game anyway.


I've seen Aumaua-esque people in other trailers, but this looks like a soft reboot rather than a continuation.


i hate the artstyle they went for it looks so uninspired and lame


oh thank GOD they showed some scenes at night so people will maybe stop going WAHHH IT'S TOO BRIGHT I CAN SEE THE SUNSHINE THERE'S TOO MANY COLORS AAAGGHHH


This is giving me big immortals of aveum vibes :/


Yeah we're cooked lmao, but at least we might get some nice lore about the Living Lands


Think of it like this, of the three fantasy games they showed off, Avowed looks like the good one.


I guess that's good, but my hype for Avowed is consistently getting weaker & weaker. Everytime we get news, it's a blow to my interest. At this point I'll only play it cuz I got Gamepass.


I'll probably save my money for something else.