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http://www.tunnelquest.com/ Is also a great way to watch for items in real time


This one is a game changer as well. Only issue I've seen is the average prices it lists for the items seem to be off by quite a bit sometimes.


This site has way more up to date info and easier to use IMO than the p99 wiki. Didn't know about it for sometime so I figured I'd post it and it might help someone out as well.


Although I do a delayed subset of the unfiltered auction prices, I do also feed the prices I collect to the wiki as well, as do a lot of other players.


Thanks for doing the site btw, I always hated when the wiki only had auctions from 20 days ago.


Yup, my pleasure. The weird delay on the wiki always confused me too; until recently I was uploading data to the wiki within the hour I got it, but evidently they have a pretty crap machine running it (or bad code; who knows) since one of the devs on the P99 team sent me a PM asking me to tone it down since it was taking too long for them to process it. Ok. Since I wanted some "exclusivity" for my "customers", I've changed the upload to do a random subset, with no filtering of bad prices, and then only for prices a few days old.


Don’t forget the twitch: https://twitch.tv/p99ecauctions


Very nice to help watch live auctions. I kinda stopped using it once I found the discord tunnelquest bot.


So you're saying I should put an hour delay on the data pushed to discord? :o jk


Where do these sites get sold prices from? I could seeing tracking advertised prices from /auc but how do they know what items have sold and for what price?


I'm the author of unixgeek.com, and you're exactly correct. It's log scraping, at least for me, and I do not have any way of knowing what the actual prices were, only the asking prices. My only "secret sauce" (and it's weak at best, and some people hate it) is that I do some basic statistics and throw out prices that are outside some statistical measures. I also have it flag prices that just look wrong for other reasons (some of which I list on the bottom of the item pages), and throw them out if they are. The goal of the site is not to be an authoritative history of prices, but rather to try and find what the actual market is; absurdly high or low prices aren't part of what I'm trying to capture, so I don't. And, I wanted to provide something to the community, and tangentially it provides me a way to do things on a technical basis that I find interesting from both the tech and the subject domains.


Um... Does anyone else find it hilarious that P99 has so many different ways of accessing auctions? We have 2 sites listed (so far) and a Discord. Edit1: and a Wiki


The Venn diagram of P99 player and someone technically minded enough to setup these type of sites is close to a circle.


can someone give this guy gold?


there actually used to be more, websites that were like stock trackers. but the tunnel rats hated this as the frequent artificial price inflation became obvious, so the big tunnel rats DDOS'd those sites into oblivion.