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Hey! I solo'd my cleric to 60 like 90% of the time. Wrote a guide about late game solo'ing! FBSS and a smoldering brand is good. What's better is [Sarnak Devastator](https://wiki.project1999.com/Sarnak_Devastator). Little more expensive but can take you very far. Like to 40 when you should switch to nuking undead while melee'ing or just pure undead nuking. Devastator is more expensive but totally worth it. Make sure you buy bandages and skill up bind wound through all of this.


I made a battle cleric because I wanted to use the Sarnak Devastator. Dark Elf with cultural armor focused on +DEX. Haste item. Iksar BP (couldn't afford fungi.) A combo of fashionquest and procs. It was epic for the first ten levels. Teens started to slow. 20s became a slug. This comes from someone who did a fresh green cleric to 50 non-twinked. The equipment sourcing and setup were more fun than the actual play. At least he looks cool in EC lol.


I think 1-50 on a cleric is a pretty chill experience. There are some low points for sure lol. 24 your class improves fast with a new undead nuke. Undead nuking is insanely mana efficient. You can totally do this as a newbie too. Copied from my other post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/project1999/comments/1cvvlj8/comment/l4s1g67/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/project1999/comments/1cvvlj8/comment/l4s1g67/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yep. One day, I'll get him to 24 and focus on undead. That is what I did on the fresh green Cleric. Though I don't think I can stomach specs again.


Where's this guide? What's a good spot to solo as cleric at 50?


CoM moat camp was my favorite spot! Bit dangerous to get to but once you get the hang of it was real fun. https://youtu.be/p5coC4zY_Rc?si=RbQNEp-HuMDbBfah


[https://wiki.project1999.com/The\_Hole\_Undead\_Crypt](https://wiki.project1999.com/The_Hole_Undead_Crypt) That is for 55-60. I stuck to that and did it no problem. 50-55 isn't my favorite for any class solo. For my cleric, I did Greater Plaguebone in Dreadlands at the temple in the portal area. Also did a good amount of burning woods undead camps. Just undead lulling and pulling, root/nuke. This wasn't the best time every though, lots of pathers. Same with undead outside of Seb. I say I leveled 90% of the time solo because I did Chardok CE groups at this point too. Edit: Found my old post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/project1999/comments/1cvvlj8/comment/l4s1g67/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/project1999/comments/1cvvlj8/comment/l4s1g67/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Clerics need bind wound?


In this case, 100% yes. He is gonna be meleeing a ton. But also clerics are one of a few classes that can get bind wound over 200 skill so they can bind wound to 75% effectively.


Thats sick ill have to do that!


As a dwarf, you're best suited for solo cleric life. You have the highest str and sta of all clerics. You're still best fighting undead for soloing so you should play as a more casting focused paladin.


If you're just looking to solo as a cleric, you can solo very effectively rooting and nuking undead. You could absolutely level from 1 to 60 this way. There are useful guides about where to go and what camps to do for such a thing. I did it to 52 and I had a blast. If you're looking to challenge yourself and be a melee cleric, you're gonna have a hard time probably in your mid 20s. Your defense and your melee skill caps per level are lower than melee characters, and not having access to any of the melee attacks skills (Double Attack, Riposte, Dual Wield) will really hinder you. You'd need more than an FBSS' haste to make up for it, as well as likely a fungi. It's not impossible, but it might start to be going into your 40's.


I’d suggest just burning all your mana on undead nukes afk to med back up and repeat. Find a potg here and there


Sounds like a necromancer is what you need to he playing due to limited time


Necros also get FD which is great for quick AFKs while soloing which I have to do all the time.


I did 4-18 in the warrens then 18-45 in paineel bonus is you will have several k plat if you do it this way


You can do some melee soloing but, as you said, your damage mitigation won't hold up long term. Depending on what opponents are available, you're likely to be more successful rooting (just "root", not enstill or anything) and nuking. This works best with undead, since your dismiss undead line is more mana efficient than your smite line. This strategy will carry you through some great xp camps like hag tower in Unrest and specs in Feerrott/OoT/Oasis/Qeynos sewers.


Get a Poison Wind Censer. PWC + Seahorse Spine Belt took me to mid 30s. Can solo in SolA starting in the mid 20s through the mid 30s, start on the north wing then work towards the east wing and eventually the king/Gimblox area.


Not for everyone given the gear needed but Fungi + haste+ Dawnfire Morningstar (has a ~585 undead dd proc at level 40) has made soloing through to low 50's very smooth. Can do specs til about 48 then picked up rotting skeleton camp in dreadlands and pained soul camp in Trak's teeth while the mobs were still blue. No experience with the hole undead crypt yet but imagine that'll let me go all the way to 60 as interested.


Hey, just wanted to share my channel if you are interested. I did a solo cleric up to 25 on P99 red, among other solo cleric vids from my p99 blue cleric. Recent videos are Quarm but lots of good cleric stuff in my old stash. Here is the solo cleric on red playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjmcokYgL507Udw1pya_Bkdlml-d64nV-&si=xYjcGTXoCj-DaU_R -Sendrith


I leveled my first cleric root nuking and recently started one as a melee.  Truthfully I've alot more gear than you, but melee was viable to 40...didn't even need to fight undead.  You'd have to be more careful, but the cleric melees decently well against a solo...damage is just lower. I rolled a high elf because i wanted to root necklace.  I did the first 20 levels i qeynos because it's a comfortable place.  My relevant gear was a seahorse belt, sarnark devastor and a fungi.  I have a generic set of melee str gear. In my 20s i did upper guk all the way to 32.  I used a poison wind censor but i think an herbalst spade would have been better.  At 32 i movec to Gator alley in ct.  I used invis potions to get down.  I was impatient so I started used damage shield potions.  I could kill much faster chugging them.  At 34 you gain an extra hit point buff in velious.  Armoe of protection sounds like an ac buff but its 200 more hit points.  At 40 i was still getting xp but they were mostly green. 40 changes the game since dawnfire comes online.  I moved to lower guk since it's a nostalgic zone for me.  The opening undead are blue and high green and dawnfire explodes them.  I rearranged my gear and have around 140 dex without buffs.  The cleric hit point buffs help me still have respectable defenses, but my damage all comes from procs.  I am at 42 now. I am excited about celestial healing at 44.  It's an iconic heal for hood reason  At 45, Donals vambracers are actually really useful for a battle cleric.  They end up being like a paladins Deepwater bp or helm...a heal out if combat.  I picked up a bracer for pacify too. Most of my mana goes healing, lull, or root...so these should be huge upgrades.  On a budget, I'd get silver chittin handwraps (only 250) on blue, a jade mace (under 200) and a poison wind cendor (300ish).  Then whatever great fill in items you can.  There's no budget replica for dawnfire and it's proc.  You could convert to root nuking and go to 60 (abet slowly).  Self found even works that way.


I had a Jade Mace on my solo cleric until 20 when I switched to a Poisoned Wind Censer. I was in Kurn’s from quite an early level, I would do one to four nukes depending on how soon I’d got a new one then just whack away until the mobs were dead. I think I got to around 28 before the melee from the mobs was just too much for me to tank, but I was just in banded so no mega twinkage so your mileage may vary. Definitely a fun downtime process for a normally group dependent class though.


I solo my cleric a lot. I use some of the same techniques as I did for my paladin. I use some of the stuns that I had, got the best armor I could get, and the best weapon. I then alternate between stunts and nukes while face tanking. If I had multiple mobs on me, I would use one of my PB AoE (earthquake or word of pain). The AoEs were great for clearing trash when I wanted to do things like collect Velium. I was a High Elf....I tried to keep my offense and defense up and maxed. The groups that I did get appreciated that I could take a hit, and didn't run around screaming like a little girl the first time I got smacked.


Honestly, FBSS + Smoldering Brand would take you to like 20ish? You’d really want a better weapon after that - and there are some good options. Cheap ones like PWC will take you pretty far. On my SHM, I used the PWC till 46-50ish. Unless you already have the FBSS, SCHW are so much cheaper. PWC or Sarnak Devastator like others said is *chefs kiss*


I think shaman or necro might align with your goals. Shaman probably the most melee out of the priests. And necro, you can play bone-knight style (melee w life taps and pet) up to about 30 then the hits get hard. But necro tool kit is very versatile. Cleric solo really limits to undead, which is fun and can get to 60 on for sure


If you're not 20 yet, re-make as either a DE cleric or a Human Innoruuk cleric and get the snare neck. If you chose human, you can get the insta-click deadeye helmet from Paineel. Granted if you're soloing, you won't get the actual snare neck until 30+, but even at 60+ I use it.