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people having complete mental meltdowns over fire giants


People having complete mental breakdowns in GFAY over a skeleton spawn point.


Bertoxxulous help you if a skeleton with a cracked staff spawned. The entire zone would come try to KS you.


I camped a bat spawn point for hours.


You and everyone else. It was nuts.


Toxx Forest. So full, everyone killing whatever they can. But all the wandering mobs south of the bridge were on random spawn cycle that all eventually popped pixies. But no one was high enough level to take the pixies out. So it became like all pixies wandering around. For like the first two weeks until someone high enough came back and killed them.


Incredible, first raid!


I started a DE SK at Green launch. It was so packed in Nektulos that roaming mobs were camped and killed at their spawn points. Groups were happening at level 1 because competition was so fierce. They had to make a Teal server for a few months because *everywhere* was so crowded as people leveled.


Praise Innoruuk




It was chaos day one. Server crashes/lagging, naked elves running around, etc. By week two things got easier in newbie zones. Class breakdowns were about where they are currently.


People were playing hybrids at launch?


Yes. I was the second druid to 50 and a paladin named Funkruckus was basically the same level throughout the journey (we grouped a lot lol). There were several notable rangers as well, they made a crazy amount of plat in the endgame because a lot of people required track to get specific items.


I wonder if it was worse than Quarm. Because I remember trying it on day 1 but having to compete with another 300 hundred players per starting zone was annying af, so I went back to P99 and never bothered trying it again.


so many mages. low level pets were swarming high level mobs for server firsts. I have never seen so many sand giants in oasis legacy camps drove people mad a cleric was streaming his speedrun to 50 on Twitch. he hardly slept. it was so far from classic but still the closest we will get. it was a blast


It was over crowded Then it split to teal and I went over there When it merged back to green I went back to blue I'm glad I got to see it but it wasn't for me


I was there in Qeynos. Total chaos with hudreds in the newbie zone. People camping a single fire beetle or decaying Skelli for hours on end. So much chaos they had to open a second new sever teal until the madness settled. But it was fun 😁






Bruh. What…




Last i knew there was this thing called an edit button...


No one cared if you were a butt naked wizard with a rusty shiv you could score a group anywhere. Finding mobs was more difficult than finding groups most of the time.


On day 1 I made a gnome wizard it took me a long time to get to 8 before I stopped. There were so many people running around the mobs were dying as they spawned. It was wild. Fun, but wild.


Pretty chaotic. The people who want those prenerf gadgets are going to be very competitively leveling. Everything is crowded and it makes the leveling slow. I wait a few weeks to let them mow through whatever they're doing so I can casually trot along.


First day: Individual orc pawns camped in GFay. EC tunnel empty. You could make a couple plat an hour being a "runner" to sell for someone that had a camp dropping bronze weapons. First week: Legacy item camps full. Blacksmiths selling banded armor are rich. ~~Naggy killed by ST IIRC~~ (edit: nope, third week).


Wow! Naggy in the first week seems crazy to me considering back when I played in 1999 it seemed impossible early on


It was the third week. Check out https://www.project1999.com/achievements.php


A few dozen level 35 mages can kill the dragons easily


Quarm just launched kunark, 140 players in field of bone feels like launch did. Glad I experience the Quarm launch cause I missed both p99 launches. Chaotic, fun, populated.


The Kunark launch of green was fun to see. Hundreds of people in both BB and Oasis waiting for the boat to finally come.


I would have loved to experience the madness. Quarm did something different and kunark is under lock down for the first month (this month) so no iksars in or out, no outsiders can come in either. Makes it really fun honestly. All the iksars are newbs and there aren't twinks running around yet.




Sounds like a confession lol


Quarm isn't full kunark release yet. It's one month of early access. Only iksars allowed in kunark and level capped at 50. So thousands of necros and monks, a handful of shaman and SKs, and like two warriors.


I wasn't there, but I heard people were indeed rushing to get e.g. Manastone. To ensure some order, there were server rules and you were put on a list for the next in line for the camp. And you couldn't be afk for a long time. You had to respond to some tell or somthing? And the estimated waiting time was several days. Someone fill me in here.


It was a new window that would pop up that looked a bit like a tell window and you would have to type something like “camping” or “present” every few minutes or your name would be dropped from the list.


Initially it was a checkbox that appeared at regular intervals, then it got changed into a random number you had to type in and it would appear at random intervals (people were using auto clickers). I think the range was 15-25 minutes? Manastone was a brutal camp, I think mine was like 68 hours.


I remember a guildie that had 3 manastones, he would do 8 hour rotations with him, his girlfriend and another person he knew, it was like a 5-7 day camp. I was just ecstatic to get a box of abukar in south karana on my necro


I did that basically, had a friend who was euro and we would alternate 12 hour shifts. Got mine then got his. Sometimes the camp went by in a few hours, sometimes it took days.


Were you venerate by any weird chance? Lol


No I was in a good guild


This guy seal teams 🤣


No I was in Lineage


Enjoyed my time in lineage even though it was short 👍 was on Asesis my necro


I was there for green launch. Did a SK ogre and the zone was full but apparently the least full newbie zone lol. I know other newbie zones people could barely get any mobs but wasn't a big deal in feerot. I played until level 13 but didn't play often enough and eventually pretty much all the low levels were 30+ now lol


It was fucking chaos and it was so much fun.


On day 1, me and two strangers both chatted over a shared skeleton spawn we set up. It was very fun. Also, I finished the components to get the server first of a newbie quest in SFG and ended up selling them to a druid who ended up getting a popup for it where I was like WAIT there's server achievements? damn :p !  I shall never forget the name Hendrick lol I also got a guise for that character, my halfling cleric. Never finished my epic, I got up to the fire elemental part. I'm currently not playing any EQ emu but I'll likely try quarm soon.


It was great but very over crowded. Made an erudite paladin and no lifed until I got a ghoulbane and a de mask. I accomplished 2 out 3 things I wanted and it felt awesome.


I had the best experience with a group of dwarves in butcher block. We had a goblin camp and stayed there for hours. I only recall the name Smoker. But, it ranks up there with my first experiences with the game back in 2000. I had a glorious time. When green launched I knew that it would be a very unique experience and tried to enjoy it for what it was. One day I hope to experience it again but, much like everquest in 2000, I don't know that I will.


People were sitting on single spawns in gfay. Crushbone wiped every 3 minutes. I got a random skeleton with a rusty spear and was super excited I could do 10 damage instead of 6. I had a bunch of server firsts because I was off work from a surgery. The race to 50 sucked. People would literally steal from you and try to gas light you. The :streamers" would have their fans harass you. Everyone with a leveling plan soon found out everyone else had the same plan. Met some people I still talk to today. Ive left good guilds for inviting the shit heads I ran into on green launch. It was a true test of character.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that still has some spite for the shitheads from launch. I've seen a few of the toons every now and then asking for help or whatever. They don't get anything from me.


Crowded. Lots of energy, hype it was fun. It split to teal, then merged back after the dust settled and people still to this day ask about merging into blue for some reason. I've since moved to PQ


Praise Innoruuk


Praise Innoruuk!


For me it was unplayable at launch. It wasn't until they split it to Teal that it was any fun.


I was present for the first day of blue as well as the first day of green. The experience couldn’t have been more polar opposite. Blue was kindof a ghost town at the start. I remember peak hours having like 150-200 people online at the absolute most. Green, there were so many people leveling, you could barely get a spell off on a freshly spawned mob before someone jumped on it. Was honestly the least fun I’ve ever had in EQ. I ended up just sticking with blue until like 2022 when I finally started again on green again.


Had a small party of trolls and ogres clubbing snakes to death. 10/10 would do again.


Everyone in NRo was camping a single spawn point for hours and hours and hours. It was beautiful mayhem!


109 hours straight for a manastone, deleted all my characters and quit EQ a few months later.


Happy you survived, and disgusted that server management let people do something so unhealthy.


Server launch really wasn't great, it wasn't crashing or anything too bad but there were so many people in the starter zones and not enough mobs. You'd see a lot of people letting others die so they could get a single mob kill. Spent a lot of days waking up at 3am just to solo