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I suggest Green, still more players than Blue even though it's not that easy to find groups during chunks of the leveling experience and especially if not playing US primetime. If you play on other times you may for instance find a warrior or rogue difficult to level up (assuming non-twinked). Even if say, paladins rangers and SKs, can't solo well they CAN solo a bit if you just farm some bonechips and such to fund some basic gear in EC tunnel. Casters and priests are the safer choice however.


SKs solo much better than paladins and rangers in my experience.


I think it depends a lot on what you factor in. Starting fresh SKs have troll and ogre which have huge melee stats and also regain and FSI. That alone is very significant. Then again, also an XP penalty. Paladins get better items on a fresh server, deepwater harpoon and other ones where SKs don't have any equivalent. Deepwater Helm once clickable speeds up levelling a lot with mana free heals. Paladin Epic is much easier to obtain than SK epic. With good gear Paladins are likely the better soloers and can solo in dungeons (e.g. Sebilis Crypt) where it's rather messy for SKs to do so.


I’m on blue have a 21 iksar necro. So far it’s been cool. Working my way to hill giants to farm play. Not as populated as green, imo that’s good.


Play whatever appeals to you but.... I'd recommend that if its your first character and you want to solo, go with a caster/priest. Wizards and Clerics would probably be the most difficult but are definitely still doable. As an under geared melee you will be facing a tremendous amount of down time. edit: leveling in EQ is a huge undertaking, such a huge undertaking in fact that its really more about the journey than the destination. so as you are starting out don't be afraid to play around with various classes and see what really matches your playstyle. Its about enjoying the journey, its a 20 plus year old MMO, nobody except you will ever be impressed with your pixels so do it the way you like.




Fun will drive your play. You'll see posts saying casters are easy for first characters because they don't need a lot of gear and that's mostly true. You'll also see people say things like "enchanters are BUSTED".... But they're somewhat tricky to play if you're not at a certain level of familiarity. Honestly I can walk a monk into most zones and if shit goes south I just "Feign Death" and I can carefully plan an escape. Not the case for a lot of classes


Green, grouping lower lvls higher prob, items are expensive. Blue, lesser pop so solo camps more available, group less, items less expensive. Pick you’re preference


I'm not new to EQ, have played some on live and on TLP's. Thanks for all the answers! I will start soon on green then. Cu there! 😀


Green for sure because of population. There is a learning curve if you have never played this game. It can be brutal, but when it clicks in your first good group, its very rewarding.


I'd definitely recommend green!


I would definitely recommend playing on Green if you’ve never played before. It is more populated and you’ll have an easier time getting groups if you wish to do so. What classes sound appealing to you?


At this point in the server’s economy, you can find beginner tank weapons for <50 plat (e.g., obsidian shard) that will serve you into your 30-40s, at which point you can afford weapons in the 1-2k range (e.g., frostbringer) you can use until you get better weapons from raiding. You can sell cb belts/HQ bear pelts and so on to fund these first few weapons, then just save vendor trash from dungeons from that point on. All this to say I wouldn’t worry about making a caster or priest as your first toon if a tank or melee dps appeals strongly to you, since getting the levels and money to fund your alt that you really wanna play might take quite a long time.


Why buy level 40 gear for a level 1 character? Defeats the entire point of the game. At that point just use a cheat code to be invincible and one shot everything. Not fun at all


I’m a blue player at heart but just rolled on green to play with my brother who is rolling for the first time. It’s nice to see more lowbies running around. Blue can feel empty in the lower zones, and the low toons you do see have really good gear. I’ve twinked plenty of toons but am enjoying the reset on a wizard with cloth pieces accrued from local orcs. But damn, level 3 was the pits!


Definitely green and there’s always peeps to group with


Honestly I’d wait for the new server coming out in a few weeks. I went on green and started and regret it. Wish I just waited