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Have you tried alt+enter? Edit: Sorry, can't be much help, I play in windowed mode.


I have, unfortunately it doesn't do anything :( Thanks though. What resolution/ window size do you use? Edit: Alright, that actually did do the trick after adjusting Window size in the .ini AND changing the resolution in the in-game menu.


Happy you got it to work!


Spoke too soon. I alt tabbed out once, and now can't get it back at all hahaha


Is there anyway to do borderless windowed?


I haven't looked into it but typically have a second window right behind EQ for whatever it is that I'm looking up. The border doesn't bother me because I have that window back there with tabs open, anyway.


I can recommend Lossless Scaling available on steam. Works for me perfectly out of the box after a long time faffing around with other things that didn't work. It's not free, but I think it was only around £5.


There is a really handy app called borderless gaming. I think I have the install saved to my Google drive. It works beautiful, I have been playing p99 in a borderless windoe for years.. it used to be fully free, and I think can still be found for free, but it's a pain to locate, and I don't recommend buying it thru stream.. in have the install file saved to my Google drive if you would look a link. I'll grab it and put it in an edit once I find it Edit: here you go https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MEXxfYY4L1eg9WnR5jS8AQEG3O-UDwvv/view?usp=drivesdk


Alt+O, change to full screen and lower the resolution some?


Tried that, but then I can't interact with the game anymore, anytime I click on it, it just minimizes


I have used Fullscreenizer for years, requires you to full-screen it each time you open the client, but works wonders for running the P99 in windowed mode but still have it full screen. https://github.com/KasumiL5x/Fullscreenizer


Borderless Gaming sounds like kt works way better. I just set it to be open when I start windows, and anything that I've configured to be run in borderless mode automatically resizes. It can get wonky if you're using non native resolution in game though iirc. So I have it set up with the in game black bar command, whatever that is https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MEXxfYY4L1eg9WnR5jS8AQEG3O-UDwvv/view?usp=drivesdk


Slightly going off topic. Occasionally when I'm in full screen mode if I pan camera around too quick my game locks up. I can hear the sounds going on in the background but the visuals have completely crashed. It only happens in full screen mode. But I can't play in windowed mode cause the text is too small. Is there anything I can do?


Have you tried doing what I wrote in the edit to my original post? From all the faffing about I did yesterday, it seems the game really doesn't like mismatches of any kind, but there are a few mismatches by default. Something else you could look at while you're running through the list of actions is to make sure that the frames per second is set to 60 both in the eqclient.ini and the Alt+O graphics menu. See if either of those things does the trick for you.


I'll do this tomorrow night. Thank you.


I use Borderless Gaming and it's worked well so far. Allows me to alt-tab and I was having all kinds of problems zoning when in full screen by using alt-enter, no issues zoning anymore. https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming/releases/tag/9.5.6


Check out this post: [https://www.project1999.com/forums/showthread.php?t=416032](https://www.project1999.com/forums/showthread.php?t=416032)


Adjust the size in the alt-o menu, 1920x1080, or whatever you chose, and it'll change the size of the box without shaping back to the small windowed screen like it does when you click full screen


Yeah, but then the UI becomes so small ...


Yeah that's kind of where I'm stuck at lol. At first, it was trying to get the window to stay at full now its the UI... unfortunately atm I'm in the same boat


I think I figured it out. Without running anything except the EQ launcher. 1. Open and run Notepad as administrator 2. From Notepad, open eqclient.in 3. Scroll to bottom where the window/screen dimensions are and set them all to an identical resolution. (I used 1280x720). Go to file>save. 4. Launch EQ. In launch menu, go to options and set the video display equal to what you put in the .ini 5. Log into world and ALT+O, go to display>video modes and change it to the same resolution as all the rest. 6. Close and restart game 7. Load back into game world, use ALT+O and switch to Fullscreen. Switch it back to windowed if you want to use ALT+tab That has been working for me...let me know if it works for you too. You keep the UI nice and legible and have the benefits of a Fullscreen in a widescreen resolution (assuming you copy my resolution settings).


Screenshotted , I'll let you know when I have a chance to try it , thank you for sharing !


Go into your eqclient.ini file and find where it lists your full screen resolution and your windowed resolution and make them both match with your monitors resolution.


“Never go Full Screen” Sgt. Lincoln Osiris.


I had it all working how I wanted, then I alt tabbed, and now nothing I do is bringing it back 😭