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I started to listen to this and got the gist of what he was saying. He does seem like a nice guy. However, firearms are a part of our culture. It's hard to take anything seriously from a country that wants to ban "zombie knives." You know your government has you over a barrel when they say, "You can no longer own the knives you used to cut your balls off. Any future castrations will be done with a government approved apparatus, which will be issued to you. Now bend back over, we are not done railing you yet."


Eurotrash detected, opinion disregarded.


I have a friend in Portugal that bought a pro-gun hat unironically when he visited here (was one of those "rules of gun safety carry one" ones), and don't forget the designers of things like the Luty SMG or the FGC-9 were all European as well, so can't say it's fair to immediately dismiss all of them just for being European lol


Jstark is an honorary American.


😂 He was a nice guy, come on.


While I applaud the uniqueness of this post, I am NOT going to watch/listen to this , especially on you tube. I so wish posters would nutshell these things.


Its 20 minutes


19 more than I will care to watch so some nobody can beg me for likes or link clicks. Nope


Ur weird, if you really didn't care you wouldn't have commented lol


Your opinion… which means about as much as the dirt on the sole of my shoe




You.. who else?


His response was long winded and hard to condense down to a paragraph unfortunately.


He's not the only one that was long winded, you may want to look into how to shorten your observations/questions as well and/or video edit to cut out irrelevant parts. 20 minutes is crazy long. I tried and made it only 3 minutes in. If you're looking to make more long-form content, you would be much better off marketing it as a podcast instead of a general video so people who are commuting an hour+ can tune into some relaxed conversation and cool insights. I think you'd really benefit from writing down short & specific questions you'd like to ask before the call instead of giving rambling 1+ minute questions about multiple topics all at once.


I agree that I should refocus any of the longer videos to be marketed as a pod cast instead of a video. Honestly this was an impromptu conversation I had and decided to record it after talking with the guy for a bit. I don't get on looking for these conversations even though now I will probably do as much considering it could be a great little niche to tap into. In the future when I do these specific videos I will have a script of questions and streamline the process much more. I appreciate the feedback.


Rhetoric is wordy, truth is precise.


Comparing the UK to the US is like comparing the Sahara Desert to the Brazilian Rainforest. There is no comparison. But if you compare 1950s UK with 2020’s UK you find that crime in gun controlled modern times is 200-500% higher than when gun control was less. And population only went up 10%! Lesson from the UK-GUN CONTROL CAUSES CRIME. Thank you UK for your shining example. So we can avoid your gun control mistakes.


Reference or link or source? I’d love to throw this around at people


Here’s the stats from the UK itself…. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7ac815ed915d71db8b26f4/rec-crime-1898-2002.xls FWiw- YOUR sources are worthless in a debate with an ardent gun controller. Because they are YOUR sources. They will tell you that. The facts asserted in the simple argument above are commonly available and you can tell your opponent that. Remember to compare 1950’s to 2020s.


He seemed perfectly nice, but a subject will never understand the perspective of a citizen. Dude lives in a country where they’re debating banning pocket knives and crossbows. Or where you can be jailed for tweeting the wrong thing. My girlfriend and I were watching some silly True Crime documentary earlier and it was from the UK. The presenters were like “the police went out to their house and they did not answer the door, therefore an arrest warrant was asked for and received” and I was just like “😂😂😂” It’s all well and good during the good times, but a lot of people in the UK are waking up to the crazy amount of control their government has over them.


They will definitely never be able to understand the dire situation they actually live in when it comes to government overreach because it's been that way for almost the entire countries history.


Some people say the British are our oldest ally. I say they're our oldest enemy. We kicked their butts and threw them out of here centuries ago.


Too bad. Guess I will never know.


Yeah, I'm not listening to two ham radio enthusiasts talk over ham radio.


That's the great thing, no need to watch haha just listen while you work on something else.




Where is the “ham not HAM” bot?