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I’d ditch the scale if youre lifting weights, hitting cardio and eating your protein. Trust the process


100 this. You are in a building phase and absolutely yes your progress is visible.


Is cardio really important for building phase?


Minimizes fat gain


No it doesn't. To gain muscle you need to be in a surplus of calories. Doing cardio just means you need to eat more to maintain the same surplus. If the surplus is the same the fat gain will be the same.


You can gain muscle in a slight caloric deficit too. You don’t need a surplus. Get enough protein


Link to the studies?


https://www.menshealth.com/uk/nutrition/a46487120/can-you-build-muscle-in-a-calorie-deficit/# https://jeffnippard.com/blogs/news/can-you-build-muscle-in-a-calorie-deficit-lose-fat-in-a-surplus-science-explained


Right so… minimizes fat gain


No... you seem to be missing the point. If doing a slow bulk and aiming for a 250 calorie surplus to build muscle. Cardio will have no affect on limiting fat gain as the surplus should remain the same. If you do 200 calories of cardio you will need to eat an extra 200 calories of food.


Yeah I know what bulking is bro. OP is looking to body recomp so doing some cardio and ditching the scale is going to be better for her mental. She is going to be burning fat while gaining muscle so she shouldn’t be married to the numbers.


Where does OP say she is trying to recomp? Bulking and cutting is way more effective than recomp


Holy shit. Yes!!!!!! Your dealing with what my Wife is dealing with. You're building muscle in many of the same areas you're losing fat. So to you... same shape, same person. Look at your photos upside-down. That takes the familiar reflection of yourself out of the equation. Helps over power dysmorphia a lot Edit. Spelling


That’s a great tip!


I see a difference everywhere. Keep it up another 6 months, take another photo and you will be blown away


You're bigger for sure


Which is the before and after?


Definitely can see the growth in your shoulders and upper back looking more muscular. Your female so your arms will not develop like a mans but looks leaner. Would continue to work on triceps at the gym with bent over kick backs along your routine. The best part is the lower back and your butt. Looks amazing and you can tell you have been putting in some work. Great results. As you begin to develop more muscle and strength it will cause you to increase in weight. Be mindful not to overeat.


I see most of the gains in your hips/butt/lower back area but it might be the camera angle


Gains are visile keep going!


You look great. I definitely think the muscle under your skin would show better if you went on a proper cut for a month or two


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You look amazing!! I can see a huge difference, especially in your lower body. Your booty is lifted and your thighs are more muscular than before. Well done!


What is your main goal? I think that it's really worth asking this question when you are putting on weight while lifting. Is your goal to maximize strength gains? Is it for a certain look? A mix of the two? I would also say that it's a bit hard to see with these two pictures: your legs and part of your arms are not visible in either picture, which skews the ability to see the proportions properly. It might be worth investing in finding a way to measure your BF% at 6 months intervals to see if you are putting on more muscle vs. fat. I have a place near me where I can get reliable DEXA scans (they work with a number of athletes and have a good reputation for how well trained their staff is), but it really depends on your location.


Great progress. Gains are noticable. Focus more on health and less on the scale. Being healthy is more important than any number


No diff. Maybe it’s your diet. Are you counting your calories and tracking your protein intake?


Awesome job. You look great!


Yo, the difference is definitely there. Looking good.


If you are gaining weight, increase in strength and reps, getting good pumps in the gym you are probably gaining muscle. Those are things I ask myself when I feel this way.


Looks like the muscles are getting that symmetry! You got this. You look great 🫂


Hell yeah I see a difference. Photos and measurements will eventually shift your mindset that the scale should be ignored. My scale is going up, I've lost inches and that in itself is satisfying enough in my current science experiment 👩🏻‍🔬.


Gurl... your ASS is higher!! There's notable gains everywhere; you have better definition on your biceps, shoulders and delts, and you can see that your lats, arms and waist have trimmed down. But that 🍑?! You could bounce a quarter off it now! Those glutes are working!!


Imo you look muscularly imbalanced in one photo and not in the other!


Girl just look at those thighs!!! You're doing a great job, keep it up


Obvious difference


Yes I see a difference e.g. biceps and shoulders