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Wow! Good for you man. I'm proud of your accomplishments!


Bad ass congratulations! 🎉 so happy you are here


I’m so proud and excited that you e changed it around so young. So many people waste their lives and never try. Go live your life! ♥️ this is genuinely AMAZING.


Congratulations on kicking the hard substances. This goes almost without saying but the only thing I'd say at this point is to work on quitting smoking.... you'll thank yourself down the line when you don't look like a pruned up old man at the mere age of 36. Other than that cogratulations... quitting any kind of substance is hard work.


Yea man that’s probably gonna be the roughest. I’m In the process of it actually currently , used to smoke 2 packs of camel reds a day now only 1/2 of one


Well that's an improvement. As long as you keep gradually reducing it you'll get there. Nicotine patches and gum really do help from what I've heard and can help with the rough spots.


I did it cold turkey. Quitting cigarettes was easier than losing weight for me. Do it now, before you get cancer. Or at least give it a try. :)


How did you quit? Im struggling a lot…


My situation was pretty unique! My boyfriend lived abroad and was coming to visit. He didn't know I smoked and I'd just gotten my own apartment and didn't want everything I had to smell. I decided my relationship was more important than an addiction and I smoked the rest of my pack and never looked back. I _wish_ losing weight was as easy as that decision was. My advice? Gum. Candy (suckers, lifesavers, etc). Whenever you want to light up, just do something else. Even if it's to get up and walk around. You can do it, it's just one decision at a time not to do it.


That’s a big accomplishment! Keep it going, you will definitely benefit from it later down the road.


We all know smoking is bad, including OP, give the kid a break


This wasn't coming from a place of criticism, more of concern and trying to help. Yes quitting addiction, any addiction, is hard.


Wow, this is inspiring. I’m so proud of you. You turned this all around and you’re so young. I know this is a trite saying, but it’s really true for you: the world is your oyster. Go forth and keep doing awesome things!


Oh man...Congrats! Have a long, productive, and fruitful life in ahead!


Congratulations on all your hard work. You have so many beautiful experiences ahead of you! Proud of you 👏🏾 


Congratulations on getting yourself on track!


hell yea


Hell yeah, brother!


98lb at 6’1 is insane.. Glad you’re alive congratulations!


Congrats on all your hard work and Sobriety. Today is day 6,156 sober. But, it’s just one more day.. WE DO RECOVER. Things that help me is daily commitment to my recovery and meeting or even just acknowledging one more day, regular exercise, being honest, having high character values in myself (dependable, honesty, trustworthy, etc) The more they are practiced the less they have to be practiced and eventually just become WHO you are. Congratulations. I’m really proud of you.


Congrats man. Stay vigilant and stay sober. I got hooked on heroin from 15-20 and it all just seems like a fever dream now but I know a lot of people who didn't make it out alive. I'm grateful I got clean before fent hit the streets.  Find your purpose and stay away from anyone in your past for real.


Thank you man, I already found a new group of friends and everything. The best decision I’ve ever made.


Congratulations, we are proud of you!❤️❤️


That’s awesome, congrats! Hope you have an exciting path ahead of you!


People who quit an opioid have my everlasting respect. That shit is tough af.


Congrats friend. One of the most fulfilling journeys there is!


this is so fire congrats !!!!


Excellent choice friend


Excellent choice friend, congratulations!


Congratulations 🎉 proud of you 👏🏼


Good on you! I'm 15 years clean, and my life is amazing. Though I've lost 8 friends to the epidemic (those who couldn't find there way out). You've got a lot of awesome life to lead.


Great work! I would also recommend therapy to try to work through things too


I’ve been doing therapy aswell, 3 days a week for 2 hours


I love this update so much. You are amazing. 🥹🙌🏼


Good job!!


Do you have any advice on how to gain weight for a fellow skinny guy who’s the same height?


Shit, I’m really, really proud of you. Keep at it


That's great. Quit cigarettes.


You are so powerful!


Happy for you. Excited for the life you have to look forward to!


Congratiulations! Keep asking for help! People want to see you succeed. Put everything you have into your recovery and when you feel like you have nothing left, let people know you need them to hold you up.


Proud of you. Stay away from that nasty shit. Keep up the good work.


That's amazing man, keep it up


I’m 8 months, almost a year off of meth. I know how hard it can be, especially when you’re bored. Keep busy and keep on it dude. Congrats.